SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

I love riding! here's some of my fav pictures.
square tunnel.jpg
round tunnel.jpg
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Usually turn street laps on quickie neighborhood rides but occasionally cut through the greenbelt.

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Lately I've observed an alarming turtle and duck build-up on the ponds.

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I have reason to believe that the turtles are preparing an amphibious assault with the ducks flying recon and close air support.

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Scouts headed toward my street.

Children have been feeding the ducks and turtles despite the signage. And now that they've tasted stale bread, they'll stop at nothing to get more. Exactly as the HOA feared.

The ducks already have enough intel to know where the bread comes from. They promised the turtles a cut for handling the ground operation.

OK, OK, you're thinking this guy's delusional. But every word squares with the intel they've been collecting on the mothership that abducted me last May. (We stay in touch.)
UPDATE: Turtles and ducks continue to amass for an attack in and around the ponds in our neighborhood greenbelt.


The turtle ground troops are showing more confidence by the day. This one never budged.


Roxie lost the staring contest.

Since the last post on this greenbelt, I've learned that bikes aren't allowed on greenbelt walkways. No signage to that effect, but it makes sense, and I plan to comply, as the walkways are just too narrow to function as MUPs.

Carlsbad's late-2022 bike restrictions state that cyclists must dismount within 50 ft of any pedestrian on any MUP less than 5 ft wide. Plan to comply with that, too, although our greenbelt is probably outside the city's jurisdiction.
forgot my camera yesterday. always see the craziest stuff when I forget it. Let see a shopping cart on fire at a homeless camp. someone with a small fire inside their tent. I guess they dont understand Carbon monoxide. one homeless camp had thee of those Christmas inflatable decorations going. I did not hear a generator going so no clue how they were powered. thought there was something else but cant remember.
Homelessness is a tough nut to crack. The problem is in itself a symptom of other various problems. I am very glad to not be living under an overpass. There is a guy living up there under the sign that says "Privacy is a right" He has been there for years but lately he has started making very large social comment banners. If he wants his privacy to remain intact he might consider keeping a lower profile and cooling it with the signs.
WOW! "

New active transportation funding will allow the BC Government to fill important gaps in the cycling network, including cycle highways​

People ride their bikes along a cycle highway in Victoria, B.C.

March 30, 2023
The British Columbia government announced its Budget 2023 on February 28, and there is exciting news for people who use active transportation. The government has committed to significantly increasing funding for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) active transportation capital projects, totaling $100 million in new funding over the next three years. This investment is in addition to the $24 million per year that the province distributes among the municipalities across the province as part of the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program (BCATIG).
This new $100 million investment is the Province’s largest single funding commitment to active transportation. It will go towards building new regionally and provincially significant bike lanes, improving pedestrian crossings, and creating safer spaces for people who use active transportation in British Columbia. It is a crucial step towards creating an equitable, sustainable and accessible transportation system that benefits everyone in the province.
"We are thrilled to see the government's commitment to active transportation in this year's budget," said Erin O'Melinn, the Executive Director of HUB Cycling. "This investment will create healthier and happier communities and paves the way for game-changing infrastructure like cycle highways that creates needed connections and complements the growth of e-bikes and electric assist micromobility."
Most communities lack safe, connected, and accessible walking and cycling routes, discouraging people from choosing active transportation options, so the new funding is welcome.
As we begin the consultation process for the 2024 provincial budget, we will work closely with the government and highlight the need to continually increase its critical investments in active transportation infrastructure across British Columbia. If funding could be increased to at least $100 million/year, it would enable our municipalities to make the necessary improvements to truly transform our province.
Increased funding will result in more vibrant, healthy, and sustainable communities, reduce vehicle kilometers traveled and will help reach the CleanBC goal to double the percentage of trips taken by active transportation by 2030.

“On behalf of the cycling and vulnerable road user communities across the province, I would like to express our gratitude for the recent announcement of $100 million going towards active transportation in the province of British Columbia,” said Mike Koski, Executive Director of the B.C. Cycling Coalition. “By prioritizing active transportation infrastructure, the government is taking a significant step towards building a more livable, sustainable, and equitable province for all residents."