SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

The Big Motorcycle, Mooball, New South Wales …

The Old Pacific Highway is a favourite route for motorcyclists and the Moo Moo Café in Mooball is where they pull off the road for a flat white and meat pie.

Even though it was a Monday afternoon, I encountered several dozen enthusiasts and all acknowledged my wave with a reciprocal nod of the helmet.
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My new to E-biking Sister-in-law ( right ) started out with 4 dots (80%) on her Giant Liv Amiti E+ 1( left) battery. She was able to complete the 80 k+ ride including a serious hill at the very end with one dot remaining.View attachment 40692
The Giant/Yamaha bikes seem to deliver a lot of kms from their batteries. Or maybe your sister-in-law is a strong cyclist:)
Here is my first (and possibly only) attempt at an art shot of the day. The thistles remind me of birds.
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