Simply not true. Assumes we only learn from our parents which is hogwash.
not what I said, you are reading too much into it. or perhaps not enough into it.
a parent can't give life or emotional skills to a child they never learned themselves. Children learn from many sources, but their base "programming" comes from their parents and family members.
some examples:
parents that don't cook then don't teach their kids to cook so the kid grows up with no ability to cook for themselves.
parents that don't have mechanical skills then don't teach those skills, have kids that grow up with no ability to repair something themselves.
parents that don't have basic sense and don't think before they act, but have a "knee-jerk" reaction to situations, don't teach this to their kids and the kids grow up making irrational decisions and not thinking through before acting.
it extends to being honest/dishonest, healthy relationships, handling difficult emotions, learning to say no, facing failure/rejection/criticism, taking chances and risk, taking care of oneself emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, being practical or creative.
Parents that don't know how to do these things, can't teach it to their children, teachers and schools don't. This is very will known fact and addressed in child psychology all the time.
There are always exceptions, some kids figure things out for themselves along the way, but the hard fact is that if a parent doesn't instill basic life and emotional skills into their children, those children grow up without those skills and have a hard time navigating adulthood.