Should it be legal for kids to ride ebikes?

I am not in favor of compulsory helmet laws for bicycles or eBikes, but I'm surprised so many parents provide their kids with high-risk (and in some cases illegal to use on roads) forms of transportation without purchasing and making the kids use helmets.

Just checked, yes my 12 yo was wearing his $200 mips helmet , gloves and $100 knee pads in the pic of him jumping. I'll have to talk with him about his elbow guards, though
Are you seriously arguing that we should force protection on the operators at the cost of them putting innocent bystanders at risk ?
Yeah why not? Rational people will put a helmet on and keep riding. Irrational people will walk away angry. Nothing wrong with that result!
Yeah why not? Rational people will put a helmet on and keep riding. Irrational people will walk away angry. Nothing wrong with that result!
I knew a guy a few years ago that never wore a helmet when riding his Harley. One day he got sun in his eyes and rode into the back of a car that was stopped to make a left turn. He spent the next week in a coma. After getting out of the hospital he bought a brand new Harley but guess what he didn't buy. Talk about irrational.
We were doing the same riding mini bikes and motorcycles when we were preteens and unfortunately, much of the time without helmets. I don't think I mentioned that part to my kids!
I always wore all the gear on motorcycles but bicycles were a completely different thing.
Some of the stuff we did then I just shake my head now.
We were into everything. We could have offed ourselves with any number of other devices we experimented with. CN
I am not in favor of compulsory helmet laws for bicycles or eBikes, but I'm surprised so many parents provide their kids with high-risk (and in some cases illegal to use on roads) forms of transportation without purchasing and making the kids use helmets.
Helmets are mandatory here but about 50% wear them. Obviously not much enforcement.
Regarding helmet laws killing ridership...I think bike theft is the real killer of cycling. You can’t leave anything, anywhere without it getting pinched.
Sad. CN
Looking at these pictures, these kids look like they're not overweight. In North America, the UK and more and more the EU where there is a virtual epidemic of childhood obesity why should anyone encourage kids to exercise less? Yeah you can get some exercise from an ebike but it's nowhere the same as riding a real bike and unlike older people except in rare cases kids don't have health or mobility issues that require an ebike. Pretty soon everyone is going to look like a beached whale, "body shaming" or not being overweight is not healthy - physically or mentally.
Looking at these pictures, these kids look like they're not overweight. In North America, the UK and more and more the EU where there is a virtual epidemic of childhood obesity why should anyone encourage kids to exercise less? Yeah you can get some exercise from an ebike but it's nowhere the same as riding a real bike and unlike older people except in rare cases kids don't have health or mobility issues that require an ebike. Pretty soon everyone is going to look like a beached whale, "body shaming" or not being overweight is not healthy - physically or mentally.
The biggest hurdle is breaking screen addiction. You'd be surprised how many calories an emtb rider can burn. Motocross is also very physical. A road riding motorcyclist burns 40% more calories than a car driver and because it's an activity, riders tend to spend more time doing it. We have to get the kids outside and riding something. All options need to be utilized where possible.
At the risk of sounding like an old geezer, we had no computers, 13 OTA channels on TV and the stations went off at night. No fast food to speak of, McDonald's was just becoming a thing at the time. We played football in the street and pedaled our stingray bikes everywhere we wanted to go. No car rides anywhere. For real, I had to walk 2 miles each way to school, (no it wasn't uphill in the snow), but there were no fat kids. Home cooking and physical activity, so simple.
At the risk of sounding like an old geezer, we had no computers, 13 OTA channels on TV and the stations went off at night. No fast food to speak of, McDonald's was just becoming a thing at the time. We played football in the street and pedaled our stingray bikes everywhere we wanted to go. No car rides anywhere. For real, I had to walk 2 miles each way to school, (no it wasn't uphill in the snow), but there were no fat kids. Home cooking and physical activity, so simple.
Well parents are primarily if not exclusively to blame for this. When parents began wanting their kids to like them as a friend is when it all went off the rails. lol. Divorced parents one-upping the other is also a big contributor to this situation. lol.
. But i hate kids so my feelings may not be aligned with the majority. 🤣
Well parents are primarily if not exclusively to blame for this. When parents began wanting their kids to like them as a friend is when it all went off the rails. lol. Divorced parents one-upping the other is also a big contributor to this situation. lol.

Sorry, but it IS possible to develop a young human who is active, capable of making their own risk decisions, and almost freindly.

I have the average 2.5 ...and really should have read the fine print on that figure....
Sorry, but it IS possible to develop a young human who is active, capable of making their own risk decisions, and almost freindly.

I have the average 2.5 ...and really should have read the fine print on that figure....
Yep, I've got one too! He is a wonderful human being!
Well parents are primarily if not exclusively to blame for this. When parents began wanting their kids to like them as a friend is when it all went off the rails. lol. Divorced parents one-upping the other is also a big contributor to this situation. lol.
a parent cannot teach what they were never taught by their parents.

the last two generations of kids have been on their own for the most part because their parents never taught them anything, they let TV and social media do it.
a parent cannot teach what they were never taught by their parents.

the last two generations of kids have been on their own for the most part because their parents never taught them anything, they let TV and social media do it.
Simply not true. Assumes we only learn from our parents which is hogwash.
Simply not true. Assumes we only learn from our parents which is hogwash.
not what I said, you are reading too much into it. or perhaps not enough into it.

a parent can't give life or emotional skills to a child they never learned themselves. Children learn from many sources, but their base "programming" comes from their parents and family members.

some examples:

parents that don't cook then don't teach their kids to cook so the kid grows up with no ability to cook for themselves.
parents that don't have mechanical skills then don't teach those skills, have kids that grow up with no ability to repair something themselves.
parents that don't have basic sense and don't think before they act, but have a "knee-jerk" reaction to situations, don't teach this to their kids and the kids grow up making irrational decisions and not thinking through before acting.

it extends to being honest/dishonest, healthy relationships, handling difficult emotions, learning to say no, facing failure/rejection/criticism, taking chances and risk, taking care of oneself emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, being practical or creative.

Parents that don't know how to do these things, can't teach it to their children, teachers and schools don't. This is very will known fact and addressed in child psychology all the time.

There are always exceptions, some kids figure things out for themselves along the way, but the hard fact is that if a parent doesn't instill basic life and emotional skills into their children, those children grow up without those skills and have a hard time navigating adulthood.