Sad about last two rides.....

It bears repeating:
"If You've Never been Bitten by an aggressive Dog" .................. then you don't have the experience to see it from Both sides.

I Loved the dog I grew up with, and others over the years.

I despise the Dog Owners who let their Dog out without a leash.

- Several times I was bitten while on a Paper Route as a Kid.

- Once I was bitten by a dog that didn't look "aggressive", in a Friends yard.

- Once, my Wife & I were riding on a trail when four Dogs came at us Aggressively, and I had to use my Bike as a "Weapon" / "Shield".
It scared the HELL out of my Wife.

- And most recently, two HUGE dogs came bounding down the street snarling and growling, as I was out on a Morning walk. My Heart Pounded out of my chest, and at 62 years old, that doesn't feel so good.

So, anyone who trivializes this issue, that may confront the Biking community, is just down right ignorant, and insensitive.

I now relinquish The Soap Box.............

Then there's the person who thinks they have control of their big dog on a leash and they don't. That is what I encountered. With her screaming at me, "I'm in my right there's a leash law!!!" Meanwhile the dog is dragging her on the ground. Ugh...… I'm still sick just thinking about it.
Then there's the person who thinks they have control of their big dog on a leash and they don't. That is what I encountered. With her screaming at me, "I'm in my right there's a leash law!!!" Meanwhile the dog is dragging her on the ground. Ugh...… I'm still sick just thinking about it.

As I said before........ "It Sticks with you"
Last week my wife and I were riding our ebikes on our local multi use trail in single file, maintaining a leisurely 10 to 12 mph pace, when a guy came whizzing by us without announcing on one of those single wheel electric surfboards (or skateboard, hoverboard or whatever they are called). He had to be going at least 20 mph and was weaving back and forth using up both lanes of the trail. Fortunately, there were not a lot of other users on the trail at the time, but he was definitely not using the trail in a responsible manner. I don't know if these electric surfboards are legal on multi use trails in our area, but if his behavior was any indication, they shouldn't be. As is the case in most places there is little or no enforcement of the rules on the multi use trails.