if you're used to a heavy e-bike, a really light analog road bike (with light wheels and tires and all that) feels like an e-bike with the motor on just a tiny bit starting out and climbing. it's just so easy and responsive. at steady speeds in a straight line, the difference isn't as noticeable because weight doesn't mean much. but going around a corner, uphill, starting, stopping, it feels like flying by comparison. i still love my ebikes but that flying feeling on a lightweight bike is something else.
i have set up my road bike and e-road bike almost exactly the same; the creo (e-bike) is slightly longer and a tiny bit higher in front... but they have very similar tires (30 vs 32mm GP5000), very similar wheels (a bit wider on the creo), the same cockpit and saddle, the same pedals, and nearly identical gearing at the low end for climbing. the acoustic bike weighs about 14lb, the e-bike around 28 or maybe 29lb. both incredible bikes, but i really don't ride the creo much any more on paved roads. for crazy steep gravel stuff it's still my tool of choice - my heart can't deal with 20%+ grades off road, especially if it's warm out.
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