Ride Control Firmware

I haven't had any problems getting power to work up to the stated 15.5mph, but what happens is that power comes in for a number of crank rotations at full power (as you can now see on the display) and then drops to three bars of power for several rotations, then comes back in for a bit and so on. The diagnostics in the app say that all is well. In addition, the demo-mode fix doesn't seem to have any effect with this version.
Yes, I'm getting a similar experience. I'll try the 'demo mode' fix later today when I go out on the bike, but I'm somehow not optimistic. I am surprised that someone at Giant doesn't take a look at this forum - and all the others. This sort of thing seems to be a close to universal problem. Maybe Giant do look but just don't care. Strange. And sad.
Yes, I'm getting a similar experience. I'll try the 'demo mode' fix later today when I go out on the bike, but I'm somehow not optimistic. I am surprised that someone at Giant doesn't take a look at this forum - and all the others. This sort of thing seems to be a close to universal problem. Maybe Giant do look but just don't care. Strange. And sad.
I have tried the demo mode fix just now before getting 10 minutes' exercise: it just dims the display with no change to the performance.
I have tried the demo mode fix just now before getting 10 minutes' exercise: it just dims the display with no change to the performance.
It didn't work for me, either. This is a real pain. Surely there must be a way of doing a soft reset on the evo control so that you get a fresh start without losing data?
After my ride yesterday, I decided I needed to tweak my power level in the ECO mode. So when I got home, I turned on my iPhone app and it said I would need to update my Revolt E+ firmware before I could use Ride Control. Having no wifi reception in my basement, I hauled the bike upstairs (whew!) and it updated with no problem. But guess what! AUTO has gone away. AUTO used to be below OFF on the menu. Now it's not there at all. No problem for me - I didn't like it (see earlier post). Maybe Giant has been reading complaints.
After my ride yesterday, I decided I needed to tweak my power level in the ECO mode. So when I got home, I turned on my iPhone app and it said I would need to update my Revolt E+ firmware before I could use Ride Control. Having no wifi reception in my basement, I hauled the bike upstairs (whew!) and it updated with no problem. But guess what! AUTO has gone away. AUTO used to be below OFF on the menu. Now it's not there at all. No problem for me - I didn't like it (see earlier post). Maybe Giant has been reading complaints.

Try holding one of the power buttons for a few seconds - that engages auto for me with the latest firmware. Press the power button again to return to a preset mode.
Just wanted to tell about my experience in updating the firmware on my 2019 Explore E+1 GTS...

Before I updated the RideControl app on my iPhone, I had no problem connecting to my bike although with having an EVO display I didn't do it often. A few months ago the RideControl app got updated, and when I tried to connect to the bike I got a message about not being able to connect and to contact the dealer. Luckily I also had an Android phone available and I installed the app on that. And then I was able to connect to the bike and got a message about updates being available. There were four updates listed... two for Bluetooth firmware updating and one each for SyncDrive and RideControl firmware.

I started the updates and only the first one succeeded and I got the checkmark next to it. I tried again, several times, and the next update always failed (after a long time trying). I removed the bike battery, waited a couple of minutes and reinstalled it. I rebooted the phone and tried again. Still the update failed with a message to contact the dealer.

Finally I gave up and put the rack on the car and took my bike to the Giant dealer. He connected his app to the bike and started the update. And it failed. He tried again several times and he told me he had never seen it fail before. He said he'd have to open a support case with Giant. But he kept trying. And then the update started working! It ran through quite a process and then failed again. He tried again and it zipped through the first parts of the update process (which must have already succeeded) and eventually he got everything updated successfully. But it was touch and go there for awhile.

When I got home I tried connecting to the bike with the RideControl app on my iPhone. Success! And was immediately told I needed to update the firmware before I could use the app. (I thought the dealer had just done that.) I had to update the firmware on both the SyncDrive and RideControl. And both those updates went smoothly.

The only difference I've noticed so far is that the light control doesn't work the same way as before the updates. It used to be simply on or off (I'm pretty sure). But now there seem to be more options... head and taillight completely off, display bright, display dim and display off.

Now the software version says 20191231000 and the hardware version says 20160300000.

Bottom line is that now everything is updated and seems to be working fine.
I was interested in these discussions on firmware updates and changes to the Ride Control. Just bought a Liv Embolden E +1 which shows the middle light On the RideControl One when switched on. This should be Auto Mode. Was surprised that it seems to give constant power whatever the demand, and is not at all “auto”. Clearly auto does not function, and is somewhere between Eco and Eco+ . Helps on the flat, but no good up steep hills. Have to shift it to the 5 manual options. and these work fine. Don’t know if this is a foul up on a recent firmware update. My son has a Cube ebike, and the auto there seems to respond to demand, quite differently from the RideControl Auto. Can’t get back from manual to auto without turning the power off and on. Seems a strange arrangement, but I guess if auto is no use, no need to switch to it. Some people seemed to say that Auto did work previously until a firmware update. I would welcome any suggestions on how to fix Auto and get it to function as claimed.
Hi, I did a firmware update yesterday on my 2020 Trance E+ 3 and have just had my first ride.

I now have a functioning walk mode - it didn't work previously, thats good.

Now when I power on, it defaults to Auto mode, and it's a different, no so good, Auto.
It now feels slow and like it's dragging. So now the power up or down buttons takes it out of Auto and onto manual mode - quite different
Prior to this Auto felt punchy and needed to be selected by the down button (below "Off")

So I'm left thinking that Auto is of little use now and I'm back to using manual mode.
Does this align with the way yours is working ?
Just bought a Liv Embolden e +1 and seen the same issue with Auto. Comes on when powered up, and middle light illuminated. I assumed from Giant advertising that Auto responded to demand, giving more assistance when needed on steep hills. I was surprised that auto didn’t seem to help much up steep hills, and I have to press up or down buttons (Assist One) to jump to Normal (3 lights on). The 5 manual setting work as they should. Is this lack of Auto function a firmware problem, of did it never work?
Just bought a Liv Embolden e +1 and seen the same issue with Auto. Comes on when powered up, and middle light illuminated. I assumed from Giant advertising that Auto responded to demand, giving more assistance when needed on steep hills. I was surprised that auto didn’t seem to help much up steep hills, and I have to press up or down buttons (Assist One) to jump to Normal (3 lights on). The 5 manual setting work as they should. Is this lack of Auto function a firmware problem, of did it never work?

Welcome to the forum!

There are some reports of users with issues following the latest firmware update but given it's a new bike I'd give it a few more tries to get familiar with what's normal and what's not.

Confirm you're in Auto mode by jumping in and out of it a few times. On the latest firmware you do this by pressing and holding either up or down for about 3 seconds. A short press of either will return it to a fixed power mode. On earlier firmware you'd enter Auto by cycling down beyond Off.

One user also reported their Auto took a few dozen miles to kick in properly. That could indicate some machine learning taking place, although I'm at a loss to know why.

When operating correctly it should work like your son's Cube. In my opinion I don't get much benefit from Auto. Battery consumption is similar to riding the levels as needed - actually slightly higher from my use. I also find it lags a little more before kicking in higher power levels compared to a preset. I can see it working well if you ride on rolling hills a lot.

Let us know how you get on.
Thanks for that - very helpful! Didn’t know how to get back to auto from fixed power. Will persist with it and see how I get on.
Further to my successful firmware upgrade on my 2019 Explore E+1 GTS, I've found a new "feature" that I DO NOT like at all!

When I turn on the power the headlight (and taillight of course) stays OFF. It used to come on with the power and if I wanted it off, I'd have to then do that manually.

Then if I tap the light button the (EVO) display cycles from bright to dim to off. I need to hold the light button for several seconds before the lights come on.

This is (IMHO) a bad change! I want to ALWAYS ride with the lights on to make myself more visible on the road. I don't want to have to turn on the power (I'm usually already on the bike by then) and then have to hold the light switch button for several seconds to turn on the lights. And on a bright sunny day I'd actually have to reach forward and put my hand in front of the headlight to assure myself that it's turned on.

I find this change really annoying.
Further to my successful firmware upgrade on my 2019 Explore E+1 GTS, I've found a new "feature" that I DO NOT like at all!

When I turn on the power the headlight (and taillight of course) stays OFF. It used to come on with the power and if I wanted it off, I'd have to then do that manually.

Then if I tap the light button the (EVO) display cycles from bright to dim to off. I need to hold the light button for several seconds before the lights come on.

This is (IMHO) a bad change! I want to ALWAYS ride with the lights on to make myself more visible on the road. I don't want to have to turn on the power (I'm usually already on the bike by then) and then have to hold the light switch button for several seconds to turn on the lights. And on a bright sunny day I'd actually have to reach forward and put my hand in front of the headlight to assure myself that it's turned on.

I find this change really annoying.
I complained to GIANT UK 23rd March along with other issues, still no feedback with a fix.
Welcome to the forum!

There are some reports of users with issues following the latest firmware update but given it's a new bike I'd give it a few more tries to get familiar with what's normal and what's not.

Confirm you're in Auto mode by jumping in and out of it a few times. On the latest firmware you do this by pressing and holding either up or down for about 3 seconds. A short press of either will return it to a fixed power mode. On earlier firmware you'd enter Auto by cycling down beyond Off.

One user also reported their Auto took a few dozen miles to kick in properly. That could indicate some machine learning taking place, although I'm at a loss to know why.

When operating correctly it should work like your son's Cube. In my opinion I don't get much benefit from Auto. Battery consumption is similar to riding the levels as needed - actually slightly higher from my use. I also find it lags a little more before kicking in higher power levels compared to a preset. I can see it working well if you ride on rolling hills a lot.

Let us know how you get on.
Auto works fine on moderate hills, and seems to deliver extra power. It just doesn’t give enough help on steep hills, and I need “Normal” fixed power. Auto never attains an equivalent assist level to “Normal”, but I can live with that. Thanks for the advice.
Auto works fine on moderate hills, and seems to deliver extra power. It just doesn’t give enough help on steep hills, and I need “Normal” fixed power. Auto never attains an equivalent assist level to “Normal”, but I can live with that. Thanks for the advice.

Interesting. You're far from alone in that observation. There's a widespread belief Giant did something to the firmware a few versions back that broke Auto.

I had to run an errand on the bike this afternoon that took me up a few very steep hills (20% near the top of a couple). I left it on Auto for the first and then jumped to Sport+ for the next. I felt the power was there in Auto, but the responsiveness wasn't quite as immediate as Sport+, at least on my bike. It made for a less obvious assist experience. So yes, for the really steep hills I'll be using a fixed preset as well.
Further to my successful firmware upgrade on my 2019 Explore E+1 GTS, I've found a new "feature" that I DO NOT like at all!

When I turn on the power the headlight (and taillight of course) stays OFF. It used to come on with the power and if I wanted it off, I'd have to then do that manually.

Then if I tap the light button the (EVO) display cycles from bright to dim to off. I need to hold the light button for several seconds before the lights come on.

This is (IMHO) a bad change! I want to ALWAYS ride with the lights on to make myself more visible on the road. I don't want to have to turn on the power (I'm usually already on the bike by then) and then have to hold the light switch button for several seconds to turn on the lights. And on a bright sunny day I'd actually have to reach forward and put my hand in front of the headlight to assure myself that it's turned on.

I find this change really annoying.

Same problem for me. I really like having the light on by default. I wish it was configurable or that they would put it back the way it was.
Just bought a Liv Embolden e +1 and seen the same issue with Auto. Comes on when powered up, and middle light illuminated. I assumed from Giant advertising that Auto responded to demand, giving more assistance when needed on steep hills. I was surprised that auto didn’t seem to help much up steep hills, and I have to press up or down buttons (Assist One) to jump to Normal (3 lights on). The 5 manual setting work as they should. Is this lack of Auto function a firmware problem, of did it never work?
My personal observation is the Smart Assist (Auto) is a crap. Perhaps that's because of my weak legs but I'm not getting the level of assistance I need in the Auto mode of the Trance E+ 2 Pro. That would have been different if the Smart Assist operation parameters could be controlled from the RideControl App.
My personal observation is the Smart Assist (Auto) is a crap. Perhaps that's because of my weak legs but I'm not getting the level of assistance I need in the Auto mode of the Trance E+ 2 Pro. That would have been different if the Smart Assist operation parameters could be controlled from the RideControl App.

Auto used to be great until the app based firmware update messed things up. At present the app can’t load it but there has been another firmware released in the last couple of weeks that only the dealer can upload which fixes things apparently. I’ll find out next week when mine gets done.
Auto used to be great until the app based firmware update messed things up. At present the app can’t load it but there has been another firmware released in the last couple of weeks that only the dealer can upload which fixes things apparently. I’ll find out next week when mine gets done.

I have not heard this from the Giant New Zealand, I was communicating with them after the last app based update. I would be very interested to hear if you feel it has resolved the Auto issue.
My Revolt is on an older firmware. I tried the ridecontrol app when I got it at the end of 2019 and it worked alright, but haven't looked since. Got my range extender, which requires an update, and naturally the app refuses to connect to the bike. Tried 5 devices, but all ios and none of them worked. Dealer is new to ebikes and didn't have the service tool, but I let them know what was going on and they immediately ordered one. Hopefully should be in this week and they can run the update.

Giant is definitely behind the ball on the software end. From what I've seen, Specialized and Trek have fairly sophisticated apps for their electric bikes. Given how huge they are and how fast the ebike market is growing, thats definitely something Giant should throw some money at.