Ride Control Firmware

Some have had success connecting with another device, like an android tablet or similar, updating firmware, then able to connect with iPhone.
Dumb question...BT is turned on, right?
Some have had success connecting with another device, like an android tablet or similar, updating firmware, then able to connect with iPhone.
Dumb question...BT is turned on, right?
yeah, it sees the bike.
Have you tried a another device with a different OS, I have read postings on a number of forums people who are having connection issues especially with iOS using an Android device to connect, once the recent update is done all issues are resolved. There appears to be some sour grapes with owners of previous models who will not see the benefit of the new technologies.
Have you tried a another device with a different OS, I have read postings on a number of forums people who are having connection issues especially with iOS using an Android device to connect, once the recent update is done all issues are resolved. There appears to be some sour grapes with owners of previous models who will not see the benefit of the new technologies.
I have not tried another OS. I'm using IOS and don't have an android device and I'm pretty sure there isn't a mac or pc app outside of what a dealer might have.
I have not tried another OS. I'm using IOS and don't have an android device and I'm pretty sure there isn't a mac or pc app outside of what a dealer might have.

Sorry, you have lost me completely. You are correct there is no Mac or PC App for Giant available to the general public. Other than the Giant dealer service tool which is only available to Giant dealers there are two public available apps both are called the Giant RideControl e-bike App, one is for android based devices (available from the Google Play Store) and the other for iOS devices (available from the Apple Apps Store). Both are currently at version 1.4.3.

You say that you are using the iOS version. What both Browneye and I are trying to explain is that others who have experienced connections issues such as you have described with the iOS version (on an iPone or iPad) have found that connecting with another android based device with the Giant RideControl e-bike App installed and carrying out an update has solved the problem and then allows you to connect your iOS based device. If you don't have an android based device you may need to borrow one.
I've been following the comments on the AUTO mode and how it's changed with firmware updates. I haven't updated my firmware since buying my Revolt in early February, so I'm riding with the "original" AUTO, namely it doesn't boot up as the default and it functions through all the power levels. BUT I DON'T LIKE IT! Here's why. Shortly after getting my bike, I went out with a couple of guys who I can't normally ride with - they're too fast. We did 26 hilly miles at 17.4 mph, and I set the bike on AUTO. When tackling a hill, as more power was called for, the bike gave a momentary surge that just didn't feel right. My pedal effort would be steadily increasing but the bike would momentarily get ahead of me as it shifted to the next level. I got an eBike to compensate for slowing down in my old age. I didn't get it to reduce my workout, and I don't want the riding experience to feel a lot different than my road bike has felt for the last 50 years. I just need to be able to keep up with my fellow riders. I keep my power level down so that I'm still getting a workout and still standing up on some hills. Setting my power level manually let's me do that - the faster the ride, the higher the power level I need. And the bike feels like a normal bike that way. But it DOESN'T feel like a normal bike in AUTO mode. Just my 2¢. YMMV.
You can use the mobile app to dial down the amount of boost provided for each of the 5 levels. This might allow you to tune the level of assist to match your desired level of effort.
Stance e+2 2019, i have deleted and reinstalled app 3 times. Cannot complete the firmware update due to this message, any suggestions

Stance e+2 2019, i have deleted and reinstalled app 3 times. Cannot complete the firmware update due to this message, any suggestions

You haven't said what device you trying to connect with but others who have experienced connections issues such as you have described with the iOS version (on an iPone or iPad) have found that connecting with an android based device with the Giant RideControl e-bike App installed and carrying out an update has solved the problem and then allows you to connect your iOS based device. If you don't have an android based device you may need to borrow one.
You haven't said what device you trying to connect with but others who have experienced connections issues such as you have described with the iOS version (on an iPone or iPad) have found that connecting with an android based device with the Giant RideControl e-bike App installed and carrying out an update has solved the problem and then allows you to connect your iOS based device. If you don't have an android based device you may need to borrow one.
Currently using Android version 8.1 and have the lastest version of RideControl.
I thought that from your screenshot (I'm a iOS user and it didn't look like my interface), my only other suggestion is to try the reverse, borrow an iOS device and attempt the connect with that. You could also try removing the battery, sometimes a depower/repower helps. This is very buggy and poorly documented software, the dealers don't seem to know much about it and the only other option is to take it to a authorised Giant dealer who has a Giant Service tool and see if they can connect.
This week I did a firmware update that was listed via the Giant App on my 2020 Fathom E+ 3 29er (32km/h). All went well and now my software version is 20190802000 & hardware version is 20190100000, I'm not sure what the were before as I didn't make note before starting the update. The only change I've noticed is "walk mode". Before you just pushed the walk button to engage, now you push the walk button and the power level indicator LED's cycle thru and you need to push the power level increase button to engage walk mode while this is occurring. It took me a bit of playing to work this out.

It's a shame Giant doesn't have a method of communicating this to owners somewhere as I only realised the change when I needed it on a ride and on a very steep slope.

Hi, I did a firmware update yesterday on my 2020 Trance E+ 3 and have just had my first ride.

I now have a functioning walk mode - it didn't work previously, thats good.

Now when I power on, it defaults to Auto mode, and it's a different, no so good, Auto.
It now feels slow and like it's dragging. So now the power up or down buttons takes it out of Auto and onto manual mode - quite different
Prior to this Auto felt punchy and needed to be selected by the down button (below "Off")

So I'm left thinking that Auto is of little use now and I'm back to using manual mode.
Does this align with the way yours is working ?
Hi, I did a firmware update yesterday on my 2020 Trance E+ 3 and have just had my first ride.

I now have a functioning walk mode - it didn't work previously, thats good.

Now when I power on, it defaults to Auto mode, and it's a different, no so good, Auto.
It now feels slow and like it's dragging. So now the power up or down buttons takes it out of Auto and onto manual mode - quite different
Prior to this Auto felt punchy and needed to be selected by the down button (below "Off")

So I'm left thinking that Auto is of little use now and I'm back to using manual mode.
Does this align with the way yours is working ?

It's a common complaint since the "update". I'm sure there has been feedback... The implementation mode is much better, pity the resultant programming is so bad...
Yes, sorry for going over well worn territory, I’m new here.

Also stating the obvious, what a piss poor effort by Giant for releasing such a poorly developed app and software - for goodness sake, one of the worlds biggest bike businesses and such a crap tech experience that lets us owners and our bikes down.

I also noticed on todays ride that I used more battery juice than previously in the old Auto, probably because I was in a higher manual setting.
Another update this week, I did a firmware update that was listed via the Giant App on my 2020 Fathom E+ 3 29er (32km/h). Again it all went OK and now my firmware versions are:

Software Version 20191231000 (was 20190802000)
Hardware Version is 20190100000 (no change was 20190100000)

The only change this time around appears to be that Auto (which Giant call Smart Assist Mode) is activated by default when you switch on, so as Softsand says "Assistance level always defaults to Auto mode when you start". Also you can now select Auto at any Assistance Level by holding down either the Up or Down Assistance Level buttons for 3 seconds, where in the past Auto was selected by pressing Down button once after going to zero assistance.

I'm really hoping that there are no more hidden issues this time around, Giant appear to be very poor at documenting what changes are occurring in each update and I don't want to have the issues that another person (a UK owner on another forum) has after updating to 20191231000 on his Giant Trance E3 Pro, basically after the update he says that his auto power output is different depending on what power output level he activates it at. If he activates Auto at Assistance Level 1 (1 light) he gets no more power than he did in Level 1. Likewise if he activates Auto at Assistance Level 3 (3 lights) he appears to get he seems to get no more power than he did in level 3 mode.

Interestingly he says if he activates Auto mode with no assistance level lights on he gets no assistance at all. It all sounds like Auto isn’t really auto anymore and that the update has broken Auto.

I'm yet to go out for a ride due to the weather here (Wellington, NZ), it's forecast to clear this afternoon so hopefully I can get out. I'm hoping that I don't now have the same issues or I will be very pissed.
That actually sounds hopeful. I thought I had lost auto as the old way of getting there prior to firmware updates was down from zero. Sounds like I now need to enguage it from 4 or 5. Hope this works. will test tomorrow. Such a lovely bike otherwise (giant Fastroad pro2). Would never have worked it out without this forum
I switched to Auto from Normal while riding up a reasonably steep hill last night. It kicked in with a surge of Sport+ levels of assistance after a second or so, so seems to be behaving correctly yeah? That's with the latest firmware.
I switched to Auto from Normal while riding up a reasonably steep hill last night. It kicked in with a surge of Sport+ levels of assistance after a second or so, so seems to be behaving correctly yeah? That's with the latest firmware.
That’s the same for me. It’s now seems to be allowing you to set a limit on the assistance you want from auto. Makes sense but so amazed owners are left to discover what a firmware release has changed. Especially when it’s a fundamental change to what critical buttons do. My walk assist has never worked but if you hold it for a few seconds the lights strobe from 0 to 5. I assume that’s is the light display for walk assist? Or is it a factory reset ? Either way nothing happens. But no drama. I don’t feel the need for walk assist
That’s the same for me. It’s now seems to be allowing you to set a limit on the assistance you want from auto. Makes sense but so amazed owners are left to discover what a firmware release has changed. Especially when it’s a fundamental change to what critical buttons do. My walk assist has never worked but if you hold it for a few seconds the lights strobe from 0 to 5. I assume that’s is the light display for walk assist? Or is it a factory reset ? Either way nothing happens. But no drama. I don’t feel the need for walk assist

This is the new way to activate "Walk Assist". When you push the Walk Assist button the Assistance Level LED's strobe from 0 to 5. At this point within 3 seconds press the Assistance Level UP button to activate walk assistance.

I'm not sure why you would want to limit assistance in auto? In the previous Giant RideControl e-bike App version 1.4.2 (Software Version 20190802000) Auto was selected by pressing the Down button once after going to zero and assistance worked as it should by varying assistance levels automatically to cater for terrain and cadence.

If as you say auto now sets a limit on the assistance you want, that sounds overly complex and the reverse of logic. The previous Auto mode appeared to be slightly heavier on battery but for those who used it, it provided a pretty seamless experience. One user lorded its feature for his wife who as an inexperienced rider was now able to ride up their steep driveway.

I agree with you that the Giant Ride App and update experience is really disappointing, every recent update has left owners floundering to work out how a basic feature has changed or a new feature activated. There is no information on Giant's website and without these forums most owners are left to work out the basics for themselves.