Sometimes it has taken a week or so to hear back. It is just the two of them (actually I think only Grace handles the communication so it's just one person). I'm not sure if they have other day jobs but that's entirely possible, as OM isn't producing enough to support two people AFAIK, yet. That's not to make excuses, I do think your expectations are reasonable. I think they spend a lot of time and effort chasing funding to keep OM alive. I hope you hear back soon. I've had to send emails more than once a few times (of course, partly my fault for using their old shareroller email not the new OM one, duh). But my dealings with them have left me with a certainty that I will always get support, even if it is not quite as quickly as I might like. And I've also had to deal with some off-shore companies for a previous e-assist purchase which was TRULY a nightmare, so I know what really bad service is, lol. I hope they get back to you soon and clear up any misgivings you have.
I appreciate your help again LIn.
Good points to consider as I forget that sometimes extra patience is required. Esp with a young tiny company.
My concerns remain but at least I have a better understanding.
My interest also remains though as it seems a great fit on paper for my situation. But, I will also consider other options like a front hub. Weight remains an issue and not exactly stealthy. Anyways, thank you again and most importantly, happy Friday!
As an update, Grace did reply. My oh so clever email address resulted in my messages being sent to their Spam folder by accident. So she did not see them until yesterday. They are out of stock of batteries and expect sometime in March.
MIRO, who owns an OM, is unable to post here right now for some technical reason. He emailed me the following and asked that I post it for him.

My response was to point out you can charge the PAS from the mains battery by USB or also take along those cell phone power packs as another option. Would be cool if one could figure out a way to run a short cable from the mains battery to the PAS which wouldn't interfere with the crank turning as that would totally solve the problem. Yes, the PAS battery is very tiny as it has to be to fit in the unit.
Hey Lin,

Hadn't thought about the battery capacity/range of the PAS or controller.
I suppose the cell phone bank should work.


About how long does the PAS and controller last before needing charging?
i realize this largely depends on usage but say if i'm using max power assist.

This leasds to next question:
Do you think the OM would burn out if going up 2000ft elevation over 12 miles at 10 to 15 degree slope over a very slow pace using max assist level at probably 3-4mph max speed probably 1.5 to 2hrs,

Based on your usage in SF, would be interested to learn your thoughts on such a climb.

And, i know it is a friction drive and not really meant for such climbs but you are in a hilly area where a long ride could easily eclipse 2000ft elevation gain i would guess but that is up and down while i would be going up the entire time with some flatter areas.

Of course this quesiton requires multiple batteries....wish they had bigger batteries.

Thank you
Hey Lin,

Hadn't thought about the battery capacity/range of the PAS or controller.
I suppose the cell phone bank should work.


About how long does the PAS and controller last before needing charging?
i realize this largely depends on usage but say if i'm using max power assist.

This leasds to next question:
Do you think the OM would burn out if going up 2000ft elevation over 12 miles at 10 to 15 degree slope over a very slow pace using max assist level at probably 3-4mph max speed probably 1.5 to 2hrs,

Based on your usage in SF, would be interested to learn your thoughts on such a climb.

And, i know it is a friction drive and not really meant for such climbs but you are in a hilly area where a long ride could easily eclipse 2000ft elevation gain i would guess but that is up and down while i would be going up the entire time with some flatter areas.

Of course this quesiton requires multiple batteries....wish they had bigger batteries.

Thank you
Hey just saw this... PAS runs out faster than the controller as the battery is smaller. A 15 mile ride today dropped my controller 6% and my PAS 4%. Full ride on level 1 assist. As the batteries get down below 50% the drop off rate increases so extrapolate accordingly. As to the burn out question, that is definitely one for Jeff. I really have no idea, lol. The climibing I have done has been limited to some very big hills but they are short distances. I find it's best to get some speed up before the hills, pop the bike into slightly easier gearing, and max it out. While it has slowed down some doing this, it has never crapped out and seemed like it had more to give. Ymmv. Probably the closest ride near me to be similar to what you suggest would be going up Mt. Diablo. Which I've never done, motorized or not. My adult son has ridden it sans motors, but he's 33. Jeff likes to geek out over technical stuff so I'd write Grace, give her the scenario you are suggesting, and have her ask Jeff for his best answer. I trust him to not b.s. you about the capabilities of the device. If it's not designed for that I believe he will tell you that up front. My "guess" is that such a climb would only be possible with a dedicated mid-drive machine. I think you'd kill a hub motor doing that as well; I had a 250w hub motor on a previous bike and if I didn't have a running start on even moderate hills, it wouldn't make it all the way up.
Let me know what the answer is - I'm curious now =).
Just a quick update. Still going strong. New batteries in the PAS and controller have been great. I still haven't swapped out the belt, waiting until it is absolutely necessary. Battery range is down a bit from original, I'm getting maybe 4 or 5 miles less than when brand new. Still good enough that I'm not ready to replace it as of yet, especially since I'm using the motor now for errand rides and not as much on exercise rides which I'm doing unmotored since I'm not riding as far (damn Covid, when will public restrooms reopen???).
Just a quick update. Still going strong. New batteries in the PAS and controller have been great. I still haven't swapped out the belt, waiting until it is absolutely necessary. Battery range is down a bit from original, I'm getting maybe 4 or 5 miles less than when brand new. Still good enough that I'm not ready to replace it as of yet, especially since I'm using the motor now for errand rides and not as much on exercise rides which I'm doing unmotored since I'm not riding as far (damn Covid, when will public restrooms reopen???).
What is your source for replacement batteries for your PAS and Controller? Do you always get replacements from OM?

I'm getting ready to replace the PAS battery for the second time. Not because its life has run out through constant use, but because it refuses to recharge after periods of not being used. I don't completely understand why this happens, but my riding varies between winter and summer. I winter in Florida, flat riding country and I almost never even attach the motor to my bike. Come summer, I'm living in Vermont (the Green Mountain state), where leaving home on a ride is easy. It's downhill. Getting back home is uphill. Riding around town is a mix of flat, down, and up and having the OM is a blessing. (At 78 the hills are a challenge.) So, although having a spare battery would be an expense, I'd be happy to spend the money to keep spares on hand so that I can get out for a ride whenever I want.
What is your source for replacement batteries for your PAS and Controller? Do you always get replacements from OM?

I'm getting ready to replace the PAS battery for the second time. Not because its life has run out through constant use, but because it refuses to recharge after periods of not being used. I don't completely understand why this happens, but my riding varies between winter and summer. I winter in Florida, flat riding country and I almost never even attach the motor to my bike. Come summer, I'm living in Vermont (the Green Mountain state), where leaving home on a ride is easy. It's downhill. Getting back home is uphill. Riding around town is a mix of flat, down, and up and having the OM is a blessing. (At 78 the hills are a challenge.) So, although having a spare battery would be an expense, I'd be happy to spend the money to keep spares on hand so that I can get out for a ride whenever I want.
Yeah Grace and Jeff will send you replacement little batteries for the PAS and controller; they just charge shipping, no charge for the batteries. The thing about those tiny little batteries is they have limited capacity and I also don't know how long they would last just sitting around as they will still degrade like all batteries do. They're easily to install, though =). Just need a Torx driver.
Yeah Grace and Jeff will send you replacement little batteries for the PAS and controller; they just charge shipping, no charge for the batteries. The thing about those tiny little batteries is they have limited capacity and I also don't know how long they would last just sitting around as they will still degrade like all batteries do. They're easily to install, though =). Just need a Torx driver.
Thanks Lin.
I got my last replacement from Grace.
Yeah Grace and Jeff will send you replacement little batteries for the PAS and controller; they just charge shipping, no charge for the batteries. The thing about those tiny little batteries is they have limited capacity and I also don't know how long they would last just sitting around as they will still degrade like all batteries do. They're easily to install, though =). Just need a Torx driver.
I've been doing a bit of research on lithium (lipo) batteries and it looks like they will discharge over time when stored, and when they've discharged to a point where they are considered fully discharged, then, by design, they cannot be recharged as a safety concern since attempting to charge a fully discharged lipo can result in fire or explosion. Therefore they're produced with protection against this problem. So, I believe the best practice (and one that I'll use in the future) is to recharge after each use and avoid long periods without restoring the charge.

I'm still waiting to hear from Grace for a replacement. If I don't hear from Grace, I plan to open up the PAS, pull the number off the old battery and find another source on the internet.
If you do find a source, please post. All I could find was bulk versions from Asia and shipping costs were prohibitive. These also didn't have the little clip connect on them so that would have to be applied/soldered in place as well. Beyond my skills.
If you do find a source, please post. All I could find was bulk versions from Asia and shipping costs were prohibitive. These also didn't have the little clip connect on them so that would have to be applied/soldered in place as well. Beyond my skills.
Hi Lin, I've found several sources on ebay (, most offering multiple batteries, but not what I'd consider a bulk order (4 or 5 batteries). My existing battery is rated at 200 mAh. The ebay versions have a slightly higher rating, but they should still work, only providing a bit longer discharge capacity. All of the batteries that I found have with bare wires (no connector). While I'm skilled with soldering, it means that I now need to locate a source for the proper connector. I'm still hoping to hear from OM. I prefer to have connectors already installed. I've emailed Grace three times requesting a new battery, but as yet no response. Very frustrating.
Hi Lin, I've found several sources on ebay (, most offering multiple batteries, but not what I'd consider a bulk order (4 or 5 batteries). My existing battery is rated at 200 mAh. The ebay versions have a slightly higher rating, but they should still work, only providing a bit longer discharge capacity. All of the batteries that I found have with bare wires (no connector). While I'm skilled with soldering, it means that I now need to locate a source for the proper connector. I'm still hoping to hear from OM. I prefer to have connectors already installed. I've emailed Grace three times requesting a new battery, but as yet no response. Very frustrating.
I got a response from Grace and Jeff has a new battery on the way. I'm resolved to keep a charge on all my batteries from now on.
I got a response from Grace and Jeff has a new battery on the way. I'm resolved to keep a charge on all my batteries from now on.
Yay! And now that you mention it, my PAS battery died after I hadn't charged for a week. I'm now charging every 2-3 days. Of course, my PAS battery was more than a year old so could have been either reason.
Yay! And now that you mention it, my PAS battery died after I hadn't charged for a week. I'm now charging every 2-3 days. Of course, my PAS battery was more than a year old so could have been either reason.
Certainly, the age of the battery plays a role in its capacity. Grace mentioned that they hope to have future batteries equipped with a feature to prevent the dead battery problem. Actually, Jeff is sending two batteries this time. So, I'll have a spare.
So I purchased a new iPhone and when that happened I lost access to the OneMotor app because Simblee is no longer available thru the IOS App store. Recently I also managed to lose my handlebar controller (found it after a car had run it over, sigh) and I'm waiting on a replacement from Jeff & Grace (probably a couple weeks). Grace suggested I get an Android phone (gasp!) running OS 5-8. I bought a refurb LG rebel 4 off Ebay from Tracfone, turned off cellular and just went with Wifi. ($20 ttl). It came and today I installed Simblee and downloaded the OM app from their web page. I haven't gone riding yet, but I fired up the motor and the app and it appears to be working just fine. That'll will allow me to change PAS levels until the handlebar controller arrives. I prefer not to ride with a phone in my cockpit so the phone will be stored once I get the replacement controller but it's nice to have a backup option. The controller can be positioned so I never have to take my hands off the grip to adjust levels; the phone, otoh, has to mount on my stem and requires moving my hand from the bike. When you're riding in a city full of potholes and lunatics in cars, I prefer to keep my hands on the bike at all times! But having options is always good....
So I purchased a new iPhone and when that happened I lost access to the OneMotor app because Simblee is no longer available thru the IOS App store. Recently I also managed to lose my handlebar controller (found it after a car had run it over, sigh) and I'm waiting on a replacement from Jeff & Grace (probably a couple weeks). Grace suggested I get an Android phone (gasp!) running OS 5-8. I bought a refurb LG rebel 4 off Ebay from Tracfone, turned off cellular and just went with Wifi. ($20 ttl). It came and today I installed Simblee and downloaded the OM app from their web page. I haven't gone riding yet, but I fired up the motor and the app and it appears to be working just fine. That'll will allow me to change PAS levels until the handlebar controller arrives. I prefer not to ride with a phone in my cockpit so the phone will be stored once I get the replacement controller but it's nice to have a backup option. The controller can be positioned so I never have to take my hands off the grip to adjust levels; the phone, otoh, has to mount on my stem and requires moving my hand from the bike. When you're riding in a city full of potholes and lunatics in cars, I prefer to keep my hands on the bike at all times! But having options is always good....
My mobile phone is an iPhone and wouldn't support Simblee. When I first started to ride with the OM, I had a hard time reading the tiny display on the controller (still do), so I picked up a used Android phone on ebay. I still use that phone, but only as a display. I don't use it to make changes to the assist level, etc. The joy stick controller is close at hand and easier to use for those adjustments.

Hopefully, my replacement batteries will arrive today and I can get out for a ride. They've been touring the New England postal facilities for a week now. Jeff sent them out over a week ago and since then the tracking list from the USPS has grown to 11 entries. They spent 2 days in Nashua, NH, a lovely small city with several good brew pubs, which probably explains the 2-day stay.
My mobile phone is an iPhone and wouldn't support Simblee. When I first started to ride with the OM, I had a hard time reading the tiny display on the controller (still do), so I picked up a used Android phone on ebay. I still use that phone, but only as a display. I don't use it to make changes to the assist level, etc. The joy stick controller is close at hand and easier to use for those adjustments.

Hopefully, my replacement batteries will arrive today and I can get out for a ride. They've been touring the New England postal facilities for a week now. Jeff sent them out over a week ago and since then the tracking list from the USPS has grown to 11 entries. They spent 2 days in Nashua, NH, a lovely small city with several good brew pubs, which probably explains the 2-day stay.
Roflmao! I had the same experience with UPS and my refurb Android phone. Apparently it was too cold here when it arrived in the Bay Area so it decided to go inland for a few days to warm up before it came back here for delivery. I, too, use an iPhone and Simblee worked when I first got my OM. But once I replaced the phone I wasn't able to reload it from the App store. So I've been using the controller exclusively and although it's tiny, I don't really use it much for data while riding so it was fine. I just use the joystick for PAS changes and that can be done with the controller without even looking at it. I prefer not to ride with a phone mounted on my bike at all - it's just a "target" for a-holes and clutters my bars. I keep my iPhone in my bag and use voice control and my smart watch for texting/emails/music with my bluetooth earbuds (not fully in-ear, lots of ambient sound). So the Android phone will be a backup once i get a new controller, and I'll just have to remember to charge it every so often so it doesn't die, I guess.
Thought I would update on my battery's life. It's 2 years this coming week that I've had my OM. I did a 18.5 mile ride yesterday and my battery ran out at 17.7 miles. This was almost all at Level
1 PAS, although there were 3 short hills where I bumped to level 3 briefly. Given that the range is supposedly 20 miles new, I think that's pretty good. The nice thing about OM is that when the battery craps out,
which is not something I try to do regularly, you can retract it and just ride like normal with zero drag. And since my bike with the OM system only weighs 23.5lbs, it's no issue. Now normally I don't run the battery all the way out as it's probably not good for it, but sometimes you wanna know exactly what's in the tank, lol. Looks like next summer I will buy a new battery, this will be good enough for this year.
Just want to report that today I changed the belt on my OM. It's been 2 years and it was pretty sad looking. Grace's instructions were just excellent and it's a good thing, as I can easily mess up
stuff like this without clear directions. It took me about 20 minutes, at least half of which was trying to get the old belt off the roller. It was stuck on pretty good and the hair dryer didn't seem to help. I ended up
using a hard plastic spudger to careful lift up the rubber around the wheel and get it loose from the wheel. Then I was able to push it off. Putting the new one on was super easy, just like up the ridges and push
a little bit. There were 8 bolts to remove and replace, all taking the same size hex key. I cleaned the inside while I had that section apart with a non-bleach disinfecting wipe. Lotsa black dust removed. Anyway, went for a test ride after and I guess I got it on correctly because she rode well. I might not wait 2 years this time =).
Received my replacement handlebar controller. It's much better than my original one, the display is larger so my old eyes can see it better. It also has a little hole on the back to string a zip tie and I attached it to a coiled keychain I clip to my bag - not losing this one! Pairing was easy as Grace's directions were very clear. Really enjoyed riding yesterday not having a giant honking phone on my bars.
Now I have had a couple decent rides and the belt replacement I received is much better than the original one that came with my early backer order. Hardly any tire dust, where the earlier belt definitely created lots of dust. It also feels "smoother" when I ride but that's subjective and maybe all in my head, who knows. Or maybe just because it's not worn. I also feel like it's more powerful than it was - again, perhaps in my head, but I've had to increase one gear up to avoid spinning out on flats. Or maybe it's just from cleaning it out when I replaced the belt. Who knows, but it is all good. And my state fully reopens tomorrow so looking forward to long rides - with open bathrooms along the way and places to stop for lunch!