Replacing CR2032 in C961


New Member
In order for the clock function to stay correct the display internal battery has to be replaced. I have removed the 4 back plate screws but the 2 halves do not wish to separate. They appear stuck or glued in addition. I am reluctant to force them incase of damage. Does anyone know how to separate these in order to put a new battery in?

Many thanks JB144
I don't know, but are you sure there's an internal battery? Clocks, especially when the display isn't on, use so little power, I think they are often run off of a capacitor, which wouldn't be replaceable.

I don't know, but are you sure there's an internal battery? Clocks, especially when the display isn't on, use so little power, I think they are often run off of a capacitor, which wouldn't be replaceable.


Thanks TT, That is what the dealer told me! I have a watch that runs off a capacitor/ battery and after a while that has to be replaced. I might just bite the bullet and prise the joint apart!
If I were going to guess, I'd wait until there was an issue. That case is supposed to be reasonably water tight. That goal could easily involve sealant that doesn't release very easily.

There is NOTHING in the user manual that indicates there is a battery in that case.
Thanks for the interest A Hicks, I know mobile phones if you have to take the battery out they have to be heated up with a hair dryer to soften the adhesive sealant. With the C961 I just do not think it is worth the risk incase of damage....hey I have a watch!!!
Yup, that's a river that doesn't need to be crossed just yet.....
I think I may have sussed the wrong clock time issue with the Bafang BBS01. I keep my cycle in the garage, and winter wise it can get quite cold in there.
I made a BOXED/JACKET from 1" polysterene foam. And after riding I put the battery in it. It appears that the padding so far has kept the clock at the correct time! Despite the cold weather...Bafang China have ignored any E mails asking for advice. My English supplier (Woosh) have been excellent with advice and suggestions


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