Received my Fold XS bike yesterday! Question about the chain


Active Member
I finally received shipment on my Fold XS bike yesterday. I have not assembled it yet, I just mostly unwrapped everything. the bike looked like it was in good condition generally but I did notice the chain was off the gears, both front and back. I am hoping there wasn't anything wrong with the derailleur to cause the chain to come off. Has anyone else had this situation of the chain just hanging loose on the gears from shipment? Thank you!
That's probably not an issue at all. I don't remember if my Step chain was on the gears or off, but I just put it onto the gears and never had a problem. If you don't know how to do that, learn NOW!! There are lots of videos online to show you how.It's something that can happen to any bike, especially a new bike while you're getting the derailleur(s) fine tuned, and if you're out on the road and don't know how to fix it, you're screwed. Hint-- carry some disposable gloves in your bike pack or pocket for this purpose. It's an easy, but dirty job. Another hint-- get some real chain lubricant, not just WS-40 or 3-In-One oil. The dust free dry lubes are best,IMO.
Thanks for the response and resources. I am well versed at chain repair etc. My concern was just receiving the bike in that condition.
Gotcha. Anything can happen en route from China to wherever you are. The bikes are packed well, but they probably get a lot of josteling. As long as the chain and gears work OK with the chain back on, nothing to worry about.
As an aside, I find it interesting how many purchasers of these bikes, as seen on Facebook forums, don't seem to know a lot about bikes at all. They basically seem to want electric motorbikes. Many seem to want to use throttle only and then wonder why they get crappy battery mileage. Others don't seem to be willing to learn how to use their gears efficiently and, God forbid, have to pedal. To each his own, I guess :rolleyes: