Rearview Bike Cams- A non technical review


Well-Known Member
Last year I added a rearview bike cam for more safety. Here is my short review: Good: On overcast days or at night they work great. They have night vision. Bad: on sunny days forget it. The glare is bad. I use my side mirror on sunny days. If you get one, get the non-fisheye type lense and be sure the cable runs the length of the bike. Gives you more camera placement options. Buy a side cover for the screen. They have them for tablets. It blocks some sunlight making seeing the screen much easier.
Last year I added a rearview bike cam for more safety. Here is my short review: Good: On overcast days or at night they work great. They have night vision. Bad: on sunny days forget it. The glare is bad. I use my side mirror on sunny days. If you get one, get the non-fisheye type lense and be sure the cable runs the length of the bike. Gives you more camera placement options. Buy a side cover for the screen. They have them for tablets. It blocks some sunlight making seeing the screen much easier.
they would also not work in fog and not be great in the rain. thats where the gram radar is far better it works in all seasons and actually tells you what's going on.
This member has a good post about bike cams, that I am following now,
as that is the next Item for the Wart Hog, and maybe it'll show some the trail rides also,
Waiting for part 2. Thanks Matt.
This member has a good post about bike cams, that I am following now,
as that is the next Item for the Wart Hog, and maybe it'll show some the trail rides also,
Waiting for part 2. Thanks Matt.
This member has a good post about bike cams, that I am following now,
as that is the next Item for the Wart Hog, and maybe it'll show some the trail rides also,
Waiting for part 2. Thanks Matt.
Wow, that's a major setup. He's taking bike cams to a whole new level. Never seen so much video gear on a non commercial bike. I'm just looking for a small lense hood to block the sun glare. All I find are too big.