Rear rack too weak: fender hits wheel

Good feedback @opimax , got to try the direct solution, too. @streumer thanks for the detailed pics; hope this is a good long term solution for your bike setup. I know we have modified the attachment points (note, in one of the pics above, there is another set of screw holes located slightly higher than the current ones that might be an option for the rear fender or rack setup.

On other brands of bikes we've seen this issue occur because the rear rack is a bit in the way of the rear fender, particularly when it is heavily weighted. If you have the clearance, consider using something to strap the fender closer to the bottom of the rear rack to reduce the floppy tendency of the fender.
A new idea came on today to des!gn a dual function infill spacer.
function 1: was to keep the rear rack in place ( for me so far so good)
function 2: combine the possibility to add a point to mount a bungee/rubber band (fixed or hook)
as the ST2 has not this possibility.
The only drawback is the spacer could not be rotated to add more or less space, it must printed custom made.