Rad Mission lemon or are they all garbage?

Actually, you're going to be a bike fixer. Congrats. You should know how to change a flat tire, replace a pedal, or put on a nicer seat.
Well I can do all those so I’m off to a good start. Replacing disk brakes and a motor….that’s gonna need some Professor YouTube.
Right. Blame the LBS and not some cheap ebike.

Wanna try again?
He’s not wrong though. I mean, not really enough info in the OP to make much of a definitive statement (not blaming OP, who seems new to this and can’t be expected to really know). But:

-shop can’t put a bike together “without a part breaking (what part? Even cheap parts don’t break during assembly unless already broken or the wrench screws up).
-tensioner broke (ok, sucks, but chain tensioners are 10-20 dollar parts that take 3 minutes to install assuming it actually broke and wasn’t just misadjusted or something)
-chain thunking during initial test ride (this could be one of a hundred different things, from something catastrophic failing to a misadjusted derailleur)
-brakes losing efficiency (are the discs bedded in? Disc brakes take a bit to bed in properly. Or could be cable housing settling into their ferrules which will loosen up the cable a bit and make the lever feel less effective).

Not to dogpile on the OP or anything, but honestly some of this sounds like a shop that half assed the assembly and is blaming the cheap bike for it.
He’s not wrong though. I mean, not really enough info in the OP to make much of a definitive statement (not blaming OP, who seems new to this and can’t be expected to really know). But:

-shop can’t put a bike together “without a part breaking (what part? Even cheap parts don’t break during assembly unless already broken or the wrench screws up).
-tensioner broke (ok, sucks, but chain tensioners are 10-20 dollar parts that take 3 minutes to install assuming it actually broke and wasn’t just misadjusted or something)
-chain thunking during initial test ride (this could be one of a hundred different things, from something catastrophic failing to a misadjusted derailleur)
-brakes losing efficiency (are the discs bedded in? Disc brakes take a bit to bed in properly. Or could be cable housing settling into their ferrules which will loosen up the cable a bit and make the lever feel less effective).

Not to dogpile on the OP or anything, but honestly some of this sounds like a shop that half assed the assembly and is blaming the cheap bike for it.
Your opinion is noted by the OP. I’ll just leave it at that.
There was some minor shipping damage that I did not notice at first. The derailleur guard was bent in and also bent the derailleur hanger. This caused some difficulty getting the initial derailleur adjustments, but never left me in an unrideable state. The rear brake disc has a slight taco that I will replace at some point, but the brakes are adjusted to work silent now and I have plenty of stopping power.

The shop that put my RadCity together missed this shipping damage. I had to find it myself, after I educated myself.
I searched the reviews on YouTube and various ebike magazines and it seemed like a good economical option to try out. Bigger motor. Good mileage on the battery. I also liked the look since I’m not into the “granny went to the farmers market to get flowers” look on a bike which most ebike have. I’m used to regular mountain/road bike hybrids but hills were really doing a number on my knee and hip injuries. Figured a little help from a motor wouldn’t hurt but I could still get a workout. I wanted a bike to ride to work a few days a week too. The Rad Mission I received DEFINITELY isn’t reliable enough to do that. I saw these reviews of “1000 miles on my Rad” and so on. I’m seriously wondering if those were paid fake reviews.
Maybe I just got a bad one. Maybe I’m unlucky. Who knows what the situation is. All I know is this bike has been nothing but frustration, dissatisfaction and regret since day one. I should have known when they said “2 weeks or 10 miles” to get your money back. Oh. I saw an advert that now they are selling it for $200 cheaper than what I paid 2 months ago.
I’ve already started looking for used bike shops that might be willing to buy this thing off me so at least I will have some money towards a different one. I’m not hedging my bets that the company will make this right. If they do, great! If they don’t, maybe the best I can do is stop someone else from enduring the same situation.
Whats wrong with the granny look, started to buy a 26" Womans 3 IGH at "wally world" to build upon( low step frame 3 spd) just a little too "pastel', for Me, not as loud as "PeeWee Hermans" bike, could have changed the basket and pimped a little would have been fine, on the fence about Pink, just fine with lighter greens, Lavendar and purple.
Too many "psuedo men" around here who puff out their chest for no reason( I guess they ride with a hair shirt and put an extra thumbtack in their "chicle") by around here I mean the area I live in ,not this forum. The Men I am referring to find an excuse to go Home at around 2PM on the "right of way crew".
He’s not wrong though. I mean, not really enough info in the OP to make much of a definitive statement (not blaming OP, who seems new to this and can’t be expected to really know). But:

-shop can’t put a bike together “without a part breaking (what part? Even cheap parts don’t break during assembly unless already broken or the wrench screws up).
-tensioner broke (ok, sucks, but chain tensioners are 10-20 dollar parts that take 3 minutes to install assuming it actually broke and wasn’t just misadjusted or something)
-chain thunking during initial test ride (this could be one of a hundred different things, from something catastrophic failing to a misadjusted derailleur)
-brakes losing efficiency (are the discs bedded in? Disc brakes take a bit to bed in properly. Or could be cable housing settling into their ferrules which will loosen up the cable a bit and make the lever feel less effective).

Not to dogpile on the OP or anything, but honestly some of this sounds like a shop that half assed the assembly and is blaming the cheap bike for it.
All these "Rad" customers can't be wrong.
My Rad Rover was purchased in Apr. 2020. 2800 trouble free miles later it still runs like new. All I've had to do is adjust the brakes (easy),replaced brake pads at 2000 miles (also easy) and clean&lube the chain a few times.
To start with, I'd never buy a bike with only one gearing speed, but it's hard to believe a bike would ship with a chain connector that didn't fit through the tensioner, so I believe the shop that assembled it, messed up. Maybe they just shortened the chain because it looked too long?

My wife and I both have RadRovers, and have had no problems. Yes, we HAVE adjusted the brakes and derailleurs, as sometimes needed with any bike. Bikers need to learn how to do normal maintenance, themselves.

Expensive bikes aren't necessarily better. My wife started with an Electra Townie 8i, now discontinued by Trex, but last selling for $3000. It allowed her to keep up with me on my normal bike, but when I finally got the RadRover, the Townie just couldn't handle the local hills well enough, so we upgraded her to a RadRover, and gave the Townie to our daughter.
Here's another thought. I'm no mechanic but an Ebike is also not all that complicated when compared to a car. The original assembly is very easy. They have a step by step video for their bikes and even supply tools needed to do it. There's no need for an LBS to assemble a new Rad bike. On top of that there are tons of videos out there on repairing, maintaining,and even upgrading their bikes. There are several people on this forum that maintain and upgrade Rad bikes and I can't believe they are that much more competent than the guys at the LBS's that you went to. I'm getting a feeling that maybe what they told you is on par with what you put on your lawn to make the grass grow better.
The main reason I had a shop put it together is because Rad recommended it to ensure the warranty isn’t voided by the possibility of it not being assembled according to the exact specifications.
Ok so why is Rad the biggest selling brand in America? If they were like this guy describes would they be and continue to be? You decide. Whether it's a Ford F 150 ( the biggest selling PU in America) or Rad Power bikes some joker is always trying to knock the biggest preformer down. This guy sounds like a troll to m
i think maybe some ppl with really expensive bikes have to put down the entry level ones to rationalize their spending and also to separate themselves from “amateurs”…. we are a culture that LOVES to make both broad generalizations and create divisiveness.
Ok so why is Rad the biggest selling brand in America? If they were like this guy describes would they be and continue to be? You decide. Whether it's a Ford F 150 ( the biggest selling PU in America) or Rad Power bikes some joker is always trying to knock the biggest preformer down. This guy sounds like a troll to
Ok so why is Rad the biggest selling brand in America? If they were like this guy describes would they be and continue to be? You decide. Whether it's a Ford F 150 ( the biggest selling PU in America) or Rad Power bikes some joker is always trying to knock the biggest preformer down. This guy sounds like a troll to m
Your village called. They miss you.
I decided to try out Ebikes to be a little kinder on my old injuries. I purchased a RAD Mission after doing some research. Apparently I didn’t research enough. The bike shop couldn’t even get it put together without a part breaking. They warned me then about the low quality of Rad Power bikes but I dismissed it thinking they were just trying to get me into one of their $5k bikes. It took another week and a half to get the part in and bike together which put me past their refund window but the company said they would push it to start when I had a working bike. Another note, the window also closes after 10 miles of use. 10 miles? I saw that red flag immediately. Between 50 and 60 miles the tensioner broke (shocker). I had that replaced then took it out this morning for its first ride. ONE BLOCK into what was supposed to be a 10 mile ride the chain area starts popping and pinging again. Then a thunk every 30 yards or so. It did the same in pedal assist 0-2. Looks like even though the tensioner was broken, something else has crapped out now. I also noticed the brakes are diminishing in efficiency already. 10 miles turned into 1.3.
When I contacted the company last time they just offered to send parts and say to check out forums about problems. There’s only one good Representative there from what I gather. He’s great. The company policies and product quality are not. I figured I would just have to replace everything as it broke with better quality parts but I really don’t think I should have to with a bike with less than 70 miles on it. I sent them an email this morning asking for the mobile service van they claim to have come out or provide me with a replacement bike as this one must be a lemon. It has to be a lemon. ALL the reviews out there can’t be wrong.
Don’t even get me started on the fact it doesn’t come with a kickstand and the kickstand is always out of stock. That is a diatribe for another day. Just imagine the damage to walls, cars, cabinets, or even your face when trying to install a water bottle holder on a bike that doesn’t stand up nor does it lean against anything for any amount of time without being wedged into place. I recommend a 75lb punching bag but that will have damage too.
Has anyone else had these problems? If so, how did you deal with it? I’m not sure if this is a BBB issue or if I should just donate the damn thing to a bike shop to use for parts and chalk it all up to a life lesson.
I apologize for the negativity but I’m really at my wits end.
I wonder if you have thought that the Local Shop you had assemble the bike might have screwed it up? I'm also wondering why you paid someone to do the little assembly necessary with any of these bikes. Generally its mount front wheel and attach the handle bars. Just saying seems like you didn't get you monies worth from that shop.
Well here’s the update. Took it to a shop. 2 links in the chain were bent and nearly broken. (Good thing I didn’t push for a longer ride this morning) The connector link was too big for the tensioner which was causing the thumping and pinging. That likely had a hand in bending and breaking the first tensioner. Not the main cause but more of a contributing factor. They replaced the chain with a higher quality on that also fit the tensioner. Due to the bad reputation of the tensioner they ordered a better one to replace it. The brakes were adjusted.
The tech repeated one thing: this is what you get dealing with a “bottom shelf online dealer.” They said all of their Rad customers have the same complaints: tensioner, brakes, and motor failures. He also said most of those customers come in with bikes less than 200 miles on them. I guess I have my list of components to upgrade. Hopefully finding compatible ones aren’t too difficult. Looks like I get to learn how to be an ebike mechanic at the YouTube School of Stuff.
OMG man these shops are playing you. I don't think these ebikes use Master Links, the chains are riveted most of time. What was wrong with the what you call the tensioner? I get really concerned when someone I have paid to work on something of mine is always bashing my item. Doesn't sound very professional to me.
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