Rad Mission lemon or are they all garbage?

He’s not wrong though. I mean, not really enough info in the OP to make much of a definitive statement (not blaming OP, who seems new to this and can’t be expected to really know). But:

-shop can’t put a bike together “without a part breaking (what part? Even cheap parts don’t break during assembly unless already broken or the wrench screws up).
-tensioner broke (ok, sucks, but chain tensioners are 10-20 dollar parts that take 3 minutes to install assuming it actually broke and wasn’t just misadjusted or something)
-chain thunking during initial test ride (this could be one of a hundred different things, from something catastrophic failing to a misadjusted derailleur)
-brakes losing efficiency (are the discs bedded in? Disc brakes take a bit to bed in properly. Or could be cable housing settling into their ferrules which will loosen up the cable a bit and make the lever feel less effective).

Not to dogpile on the OP or anything, but honestly some of this sounds like a shop that half assed the assembly and is blaming the cheap bike for it.
I totally agree.
He doesn't sound new to this at all to me. He sounds like he knows exactly what he is doing. He is here to flame Rad in my opinion.
I wonder if you have thought that the Local Shop you had assemble the bike might have screwed it up? I'm also wondering why you paid someone to do the little assembly necessary with any of these bikes. Generally its mount front wheel and attach the handle bars. Just saying seems like you didn't get you monies worth from that shop.
You very well may be right. I had them assemble it at the request of the company to keep the warrant intact and also because when I opened the box I just saw bags of wiring and parts. The frame was together but not much else. Not having any experience with ebikes I figured it best to leave it to professionals. I’m sure I got taken by the bike shops. Heck, they probably make most of their money off people new to these products without the knowledge to call BS. The best thing I can do is deal with the current situation in the most reasonable way. Either upgrade the parts I need to or not waste anymore time and money on a bad product. So far the plan is upgrade and learn to do everything myself. If I need to go in a different direction later, I will.
Bags of wiring and parts? Did you look at this?
This sweet heart is a pro. Look at how closely he follows this thread. It started in the general forum and the moderator moved it here and he followed it immediately. He's no rookie like he portrays himself to be. He's not looking for help. He's a flamer and a troll. Bet on it. What motivates him I don't know. A competitor, maybe. Troublemaker, maybe. I can tell you with certainty this Darli'n ain't what she portrays herself to be.
You very well may be right. I had them assemble it at the request of the company to keep the warrant intact and also because when I opened the box I just saw bags of wiring and parts. The frame was together but not much else. Not having any experience with ebikes I figured it best to leave it to professionals. I’m sure I got taken by the bike shops. Heck, they probably make most of their money off people new to these products without the knowledge to call BS. The best thing I can do is deal with the current situation in the most reasonable way. Either upgrade the parts I need to or not waste anymore time and money on a bad product. So far the plan is upgrade and learn to do everything myself. If I need to go in a different direction later, I will.
Sounds like a solid plan. There are lots of Youtube videos that should help you learn about basic things like brake adjustments, shifting adjustments etc. Have you contacted RAD customer service and requested they send someone to sort your problems under warranty? I would push them hard to fix or replace the bike.
I think you nailed it, besides do not expect "Filet Mignon" at "T-Bone" prices, both are good food the quality and costs can be totally different.
Judging by other recent posts on the Mission tensioner, it does seem to be a problem. Not sure if it's the quality of the component or the application . Ratio is fixed at 50-16, lower power bike + if you are really pushing those pedals from standstill or up a hill it's quite a lot of stress on that tensioner.

Interestingly, Mission is not back-ordered even reduced to the original launch price $999 :confused: .

They should put put a derailleur on this bike. I never had major issues with my Rad.
I have a Rad City StepThru and come here to get other people's experiences, tips, ideas, etc. That lemon and piece of garbage has been giving me about 6000 clicks a year without any issues whatsoever, and I beat the living snot out of it. I put it together and all I've had to do is change a flat.
That can happen with any bike. Most mail order bikes have machine tensioned wheels, sometimes with a too low tension, some screws might be loose, that's fine. It depends on the LBS - do they put in the time to check the screws and spokes? You would think they do since they get paid for it, but according to my experience the chance is 50/50. Another visit to the LBS is due after 30-50 miles: the spokes, cables, brakes have settled in and need another adjustment. Not many do that, neither owners nor LBS. That explains a lot of broken spokes and troubles with brakes/gears. You have to learn it yourself or you have to get lucky and find a good LBS: these are worth every penny.
Just wanted to share my experience with a new Mission, it was ordered for my wife but I stole it to ride for a while since mine is in a shipping container right now from AZ to IL, put a few miles on it and rides real nice. It's the closest thing to a regular bike, I've always felt my Aventon Pace 500 feels closer to a moped than a bike. The Mission is nice and light, easy to carry up steps if needed. She got the front basket which has been a nice add and the local bike shop that built it put a kickstand on too. Love the single speed and not shifting a lot! Also have found the 500W to be plenty of juice to get up decent sized hills, in Illinois now so not a ton of big hills but when I've gone up the biggest I can find in PAS 4 (top assist) it gets the job done. The throttle is really nice and smooth and a spin throttle on the right. The auto lights are great and love the extra brake light, I'll even tap the brake quick if I hear a car coming up behind me for some extra lights for safety. Battery is tough as heck to get out for sure. You have to pull up and slide it at the same time and it wants to stick and then jumps out which is annoying. Been happy with the range and power for sure, would like a speedometer and odometer but understand that's part of the value pricing and have learned to live without it. I would even say I've enjoyed the rides and scenery more because on mine I find myself looking at the display all the time for no real reason other than it's there. Paid $100 to have it assembled at local bike shop, disc brakes are really smooth, overall great bike for the value and would buy it again and may even buy myself one I like it so much but well see. Front basket doesn't turn when you turn handlebars which is a bit odd but not a big deal. Cheers!