Rad City Step Through availability

Third attempt worked - Hooray. The June 7th batch sold out in 3 minutes after the opening bell. I got my 10 year old grandson to do the "keystroking" as he is faster (lot faster) than I am...and between us we got it done. "Step-thru's " arriving here on the 14th.

Thanks Mr. Gold for the 1859 Northwest thumb throttle. Liked picture so much I ordered a red one too.

Throttle word of caution for a new owner. In March when I rented a "step=thru" I did not hear the instruction to turn off the throttle when stopped. I was standing off the bike with my gloved right hand on the brown handle-bar...My hand slipped on to the throttle..it engaged and the bike jumped forward almost dislocating my arm - OUCH!...ouch...ouch... Joint was sore for a week. Lesson learned.

Next step is modifying our platform bike rack to lower it 6-7" . I have a herniated disc and am not supposed to lift more than 35 pounds. Bottom of the tire is 22 inches above the ground. I will post a photo after the modification.
The wife and I went on a 18 mile bike ride last weekend. I made it back with 2 bars and she still had 4 bars left. The regen braking slowed her down on declines compared to my downhill coasting speed; but, it really worked adding power back into the battery for extra range.