Powering a Garmin 60CSx GPS from a Wart Hog 750MD E bike batteries?


Western Nevada
Up jumped a power problem, how to connect it,

I have the above GPS with external antenna that I use on my ATV's,
If possible, how can I power this GPS from the dual battery's,
this GPS uses a standard 12V cig plug, and my WH bike has a USB plug in, unknown power amount ? :confused:
This GPS also uses 2 Double AA batteries for hand held use, but they don't last too long,
so I would like to power up from the bike power source etc.

Do they make a small converter for powering from the E bikes Dual battery's?

Your thoughts and suggestions............

I don't think that will work, as it states "Indoor use only".
I found this info for the antenna current draw spec's,
DC Voltage:3V , 5V, 3V to 5V
DC current:5mA ,10mA Max

I use this Garmin USB cable to power several different GPS units from the USB port on my bike's display. It's compatible with the 60 csx:

There are cheaper aftermarket USB cables out there that will work but the trick is finding one with the proper pinout configuration.
The above cable works but it's length is a bit cumbersome for my e-bike. For a cleaner more efficient look, I use these two shorter cables plugged together:

They also have angled connectors which make it easier to route the cables on my handlebars. I'm not sure you would need them on an ATV though.
Thanks for that info,
I'll contact the bike maker and see what the spec's are.
If I can use those type of cable/connectors, that will solve the problem.
Well Guys
I just received an email from the Wart Hog company, they said,
The Bafang display has an integrated USB Charging Port.
The USB port supplies 5V of electricity with a maximum current of 0.5A.

Well Guys
I just received an email from the Wart Hog company, they said,
The Bafang display has an integrated USB Charging Port.
The USB port supplies 5V of electricity with a maximum current of 0.5A.

I can't speak directly for the 60csx but .5A isn't enough to fully power most Garmin GPS units. With the display on full brightness and with the unit trying to acquire a signal, the battery drain is considerably higher.

The USB port on my bike is also rated at .5A. What I do is this: I use rechargeable batteries in my GPS with the Garmin cable I mentioned above. I use the screen backlight only when necessary to minimize battery drain. The cable will provide enough current to power the unit when the display is off and the unit has acquired a signal. The battery will kick in during peak power loads but they last a long time. I do top them off with an AC charger every so often though.

You need to experiment with your 60csx and figure out the best method. This Garmin FAQ link may help:

Hey Guys
I thought I would update this post.
I got the correct USB cable with a mini plug, it fits the Wart Hogs controller USB,
this cable will power up and run my Garmin 60SCx GPS, works good,
with or without the batteries in the GPS, now I can use my GPS when riding around etc.
