"Potentially Delayed" bike "Potentially Lost" by FedEx.


Has anybody had a bike "lost" by FedEx? FedEx allows 8 days from the original delivery date to be delivered before you can put in a lost claim. Tomorrow is day 8. If my bike isn't delivered by tomorrow, FedEx says I can wait longer (yeah right) or call Lectric and put in a lost (stolen I bet) claim. It made it all the way to the FedEx destination location in my area. How do you lose a box that is about 3'× 4'×18in and weighs 77lbs? It will be interesting to see if Lectric makes it their problem or mine. Hopefully it will be delivered and it won't be any body's problem. But I doubt it. I'll let you guys know what happens.
I have seen this and similar things happen before. MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you take screen shots of the tracking progress, from location to location. Those are your only proof of the step by step progress - or lack of it - of your package and I have seen them get sanitized.
Sorry about the situation. I know this isn't much, but it's fedex's claims information. The good news is, most likely your bike was insured through fedex by the company you purchased it from. That's one of the reasons companies will pay more for shipping, is to insure it. I hope if worse comes to worse, you wont have any hoops and bounds to walk through. Hopefully as a last resort, they would send you a new one and work out their claim with FedEx.

Called Lectric about the issue. They immediately called FedEx to verify the bike is "lost". Within 10 minutes I received an e-mail from Lectric showing a new order for a replacement bike and a call to let me know the bike should ship within a few days. Now I just hope FedEx can follow through and not lose the next one.
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Great outcome! Hope for you that it comes soon. Fedex should have given you 2 day for the aggravation they've caused.
Called Lectric about the issue. They immediately called FedEx to verify the bike is "lost". Within 10 minutes I received an e-mail from Lectric showing a new order for a replacement bike and a call to let me know the bike should ship within a few days. :p Wow! I thought Lectric would come through but I never imagined it be so fast and stress free. What Great Service! Now I just hope FedEx can follow through and not lose the next one.

Update: It's been a week. No shipping label printed yet. Last week they said I was on their "shipping priority list" and it will ship A.S.A.P. Called Lectric today. They said it would ship in the next 24 hours? I don't believe them. They seem to tell you what you want to hear to get you off the phone. I would rather be told the truth , and it would ship in 2 weeks than be told it will ship tomorrow and find out it's a lie. Since this is to replace a bike that was "lost" (stolen) in shipping , I would go the extra mile and make sure the bike would ship A.S.A.P. Guess they really don't care what they tell customers. Just had to vent about this frustrating situation. If I knew in hindsight this would be the what I'd be dealing with I would have paid more and bought from a different company.
Considering the entire ebike industry is getting boned on shipping themselves, I don't know if I would be so quick to judge. There's an excellent chance a vendor can be told one thing and then surprise the ship didn't dock as expected etc. etc. etc.
Considering the entire ebike industry is getting boned on shipping themselves, I don't know if I would be so quick to judge. There's an excellent chance a vendor can be told one thing and then surprise the ship didn't dock as expected etc. etc. etc.
According to their website the bikes are "IN STOCK" and ship within a week.
my advice is to call and ask politely to be escalated to the support manager, director of who never is in charge. the regular phone answered are limited in what they can really do by the scripts they follow. it’s difficult to appeal to their emotions when their hands are tied.
Update: It's been a week. No shipping label printed yet. Last week they said I was on their "shipping priority list" and it will ship A.S.A.P. Called Lectric today. They said it would ship in the next 24 hours? I don't believe them. They seem to tell you what you want to hear to get you off the phone. I would rather be told the truth , and it would ship in 2 weeks than be told it will ship tomorrow and find out it's a lie. Since this is to replace a bike that was "lost" (stolen) in shipping , I would go the extra mile and make sure the bike would ship A.S.A.P. Guess they really don't care what they tell customers. Just had to vent about this frustrating situation. If I knew in hindsight this would be the what I'd be dealing with I would have paid more and bought from a different company.
That's a bummer... sorry to hear about this. Fingers crossed it ships soon
3 ship tomorrows and it usually happens, you're getting close. I'll bet fedex doesn't have the manpower to hunt it down, easier to pay for the loss.
Update: Replacement bike arrived on Tuesday. While unpacking there were keys strapped to the frame. 🤔 Thought that was strange... to my surprise, there was a battery in the frame. I guess Lectric gave me a free battery for my inconvenience...cool.
Update: Replacement bike arrived on Tuesday. While unpacking there were keys strapped to the frame. 🤔 Thought that was strange... to my surprise, there was a battery in the frame. I guess Lectric gave me a free battery for my inconvenience...cool.
Sweet, that is a nice surprise.