possible list of owners location and their bikes?

Hi all,

I did a search for, "Wisconsin ", and the results were for posts that included the word Wisconsin.

I try to read the "introduce yourself ", and I bet I don't come close to .25% of the new posts.

Considering the suggested forum would be voluntary, I don't see how it could be an issue for those who don't want to use it.

Those of us who are able to buy our bikes locally, have the opportunity to meet other ebike owners. Many people don't have ebike stores within a hundred + miles, and don't have the opportunity to meet others who would also like to meet, or form groups.

Count me in

I forgot, the other reason I am in favor of being able to voluntarily share location...
If one is going to be vacationing in a particular area, the forum would afford the opportunity to ask about good places, trails, roads, etc.. I have looked for info about potential vacation locations, but I either found too much info to sift, or the opposite. Not all states are very progressive re building trails, and/or including/promoting the info in tourism.
I for one, am not interested in using EBR as an platform to form personal friendships. And in the year that I have been a member, I have never seen any posts that were too personal, and the majority of those who I have encountered, have been helpful, respectful people. Court has established a great "culture" in EBR, probably why we all stay.

Excuse my lengthy posts!
How about an interactive map? :)

You could choose to add yourself and your specific / general local (so it would be good for people not wanting to get over specific about were exactly they live).. It could be a button that says "add me to the map and of what types of invites" then you put a circle on the map of a certain radius you feel comfortable with. A person that plans to visit a geographic area or wants to meet other local ebikers for say a bike ride or wants to try some other ebikes could then submit a request. That then it auto goes out as private pm's with the prospective persons contact so they could choose to reach out or not.
How about an interactive map? :)

You could choose to add yourself and your specific / general local (so it would be good for people not wanting to get over specific about were exactly they live).. It could be a button that says "add me to the map and of what types of invites" then you put a circle on the map of a certain radius you feel comfortable with. A person that plans to visit a geographic area or wants to meet other local ebikers for say a bike ride or wants to try some other ebikes could then submit a request. That then it auto goes out as private pm's with the prospective persons contact so they could choose to reach out or not.

Might be alot of work for Court
if we have 5000 members and everyone put in an introduction then you would have to read 5000 of those to find who is in your area

if we could put our city and state in the avatar area then that woudl help, and anyone who does not want to put it in there doesnt have to

jjstar i am 5'6" and it is big for me, i put on swept back handlebars and that helped
standover at my height is barely
when i ask rad power if they could ask an az owner to contact me about the mini they said try the facebook page
so try that maybe

i did have a friend ride it the other weekend, she is 5'5" and she did ok but it is a lot of bike to handle being shorter

if your budget allowed i would look at one of the other fat bikes that come in sizes like izip etc
think most of those are 1000-1500 more

and you might consider the mini, it does not ride as smooth as the rover but is not bad with a suspension seat post and much shorter- although still a pretty big bike
i have tried hard to find a 20 inch fat bike front suspension fork but havent yet, that would probably help and maybe as they get more popular will be available
Unfortunately I bought an IZIP and the bike is obsolete as they don’t make the motor or battery anymore. It died after 4 years of light use. And they don’t stand behind their products. They simply say go to a dealer but NO dealer will work on izips in the whole metro area.
Hopefully, he's out and about - where WE should be!
Unfortunately I bought an IZIP and the bike is obsolete as they don’t make the motor or battery anymore. It died after 4 years of light use. And they don’t stand behind their products. They simply say go to a dealer but NO dealer will work on izips in the whole metro area.
Please watch the dates of the posts you reply to, this one was from Sep 2016
85F yesterday, and 4 inches of snow today.
We're a day behind you, but we're not supposed to get the 4". Just a low of 35. Hoping to avoid a frost. Fruit trees are ready to pop. A hard frost would destroy any chance of that happening....

Been riding every day for the last week or so. I'm good with the idea of a couple of days off....
Unfortunately I bought an IZIP and the bike is obsolete as they don’t make the motor or battery anymore. It died after 4 years of light use. And they don’t stand behind their products. They simply say go to a dealer but NO dealer will work on izips in the whole metro area.
...do you still have that IZIP - if so what model and year is it and do you have the LCD Display - if so, I may be interested in purchasing the Display from you...