Pedal the World Documentary

Barry S

Well-Known Member
Just finished watching this recently added documentary on Netflix about Felix Starck, who over the course of a year documents his 18,000 km bicycle journey across 22 countries. The documentary is already 3 years old, so I guess Felix is done with the DVD sales and now it's making the streaming rounds. The narration is done in English, but whenever Felix is speaking directly to the camera it's in his native tongue of German but with subtitles added.

The documentary is worth watching if nothing else pressing is on. "Ride the Divide" was more entertaining, but that was an unofficial race where Pedal the World is about seeing different countries by bike. I have to say, the funniest line in the movie is when Felix gets a flat (the first and only one he talks about) and starts ranting in German, "These Schwalbe Marathon tires cost a ton of money but they aren't worth s**t on gravel." As the owner of Marathon Plus tires and having a sharp cinder go through my tire in the first month, I felt his pain...but kept on laughing. I had to watch the credits at the end to see if Schwalbe was one of his sponsors and they were not.
If I ever move back to the contiguous 48, I would definitely like to bike across the US from coast to coast. Just one of the many things on my bucket list, and it doesn't have to be all in one chunk. Probably go the "Credit Card Touring" route, as I've never been much of a camper. I guess I'm just too domesticated.