One week with my Radrover, Eagle Nest,NM


New Member
A fellow NM Radrover owner in NM! Green, red, or Christmas?

I've only seen one Radrover in NM since I purchased my two back in 2016 a few weeks ago (not me; but, the wife running errands on the weekend in ABQ).

Looks like an fantastic place to ride and the rover is the perfect tool for the job. E bikes are perfect for the altitudes we usually live and play at in New Mexico (5000-9000 feet).
A fellow NM Radrover owner in NM! Green, red, or Christmas?

I've only seen one Radrover in NM since I purchased my two back in 2016 a few weeks ago (not me; but, the wife running errands on the weekend in ABQ).

Looks like an fantastic place to ride and the rover is the perfect tool for the job. E bikes are perfect for the altitudes we usually live and play at in New Mexico (5000-9000 feet).

Without checking I think I have about 30 miles on RAD Rover. Most of that are on a couple of trails around Eagle Nest Lake. It is a beautiful area to ride and with prairie dogs, hawks along the trail it just makes for great rides. The assist from the ebike adds such enjoyment to riding trails and yes the air there is thin at 8,000 ft so an added bonus with assist. Unfortunately we had to pack up for the winter. We are moving south to Elephant Butte for the winter. I’m told there are good trails and other good opportunities for riding there too. Really looking forward to many more happy miles and smiles on the Rover.
Not sure if you will have the issue with goathead thorns in Eagle Nest or Elephant Butte area? Next to impossible to ride in ABQ without getting a few on every ride around here. Mr. Tuffy 3XL liners and two 2-oz bottles of Stans tire sealant per tire has worked to cut my flats down from weekly to only a few times a year. Zero fun pushing the rover several miles with a flat tire falling off the rim. :(
Not sure if you will have the issue with goathead thorns in Eagle Nest or Elephant Butte area? Next to impossible to ride in ABQ without getting a few on every ride around here. Mr. Tuffy 3XL liners and two 2-oz bottles of Stans tire sealant per tire has worked to cut my flats down from weekly to only a few times a year. Zero fun pushing the rover several miles with a flat tire falling off the rim. :(

Goatheads were not a problem in Eagle Nest but I’m sure that isn’t the case at the Butte. I have been thinking about that so I appreciate your advice and will put in the Tuffys and Stans.

In answer to your earlier question- green. ?
...We are moving south to Elephant Butte for the winter. I’m told there are good trails and other good opportunities for riding there too...

Elephant Butte. Now that brings back memories! I grew up in El Paso and also lived in Las Cruces for a bit. I spent many many weekends camping, fishing and hiking at Elephant Butte, Caballo Lake, Silver City/Gila, Organ Mountains, White Sands, Cloudcroft ... fun fun fun. Love it around there. Desert to high elevation with short drives. The Butte area is going to be very sandy close the lake and rocky with cactus on trails (if memory serves). I bet you'd find some great riding in the Silver City area but its been 30 years since I've been there.
Goatheads were not a problem in Eagle Nest but I’m sure that isn’t the case at the Butte. I have been thinking about that so I appreciate your advice and will put in the Tuffys and Stans.

In answer to your earlier question- green. ?

I love green!