"on topic- but unfocused" This forum sounds like me. hub vs.mid


Active Member
After owning new bulls 45 thru a dozen charging cycles and reading thousands of words concerning mid-drive vs. hub.
I just can't help but wonder why mid-drives don't have st2 power?
I am guessing the drive train will not handle it now.
But couldn't someone( a ebike mfg. )beef it up enough to accommodate more power? The only downside would be the hub power vs. mid-drive weight distribution, etc…. conversations.
I bought the bulls(and happy I did) to get a first hand idea of all the arguments for one or the other drive style and understand better the pros and cons for both.
I may, as usual, be missing something thats obvious to everyone else- but combining best of the two drives would be sweet. I'll buy one for sure.
@fxr, it might just be something as simple as manufacturers wanting to produce one version of each model (mostly) that would be saleable everywhere in the US along with most of Europe. The smaller watts of the mid drive help to meet the more rigid European standards while still being reasonably torquey. Just a thought...
You are likely right(you usually are. A compliment of course), but if I was a mfg., knowing many buyers are interested in mid-drives, my bike would be known as the strongest.
I enjoy my new bulls fs45 quite a bit, but if I really want to get somewhere at 45kph, the st2 will do it. It just seems natural to combine the st2 power with the mid drive design.
i don't think I would have ever become so enamored with ebikes had I first one not been a hub drive st1. Of course coming off a human powered mt. Bike, a mid drive would feel like a rocket ship. One way or the other what luck we all have being at the beginning of ebikes.
I try my best, @fxr3! Some of the Bulls bikes do have incredible torque (90Nm) which is a winner on the acceleration and climbing side. So much of the potential of any motor is dependent upon how the manufacturer designs their motor controller and not just the motor itself. It's a nice slice of humble pie to dig into the actual electronics to understand how a particular ebike performs. We may not see giant changes in the external design of an ebike or individual components for a couple of years; however, even slight improvements can make a substantial impact on the quality & durability or performance.

There are higher powered mid drive motors; however, those are more in the realm of the DIY/conversion kits and don't necessarily fit a convenient legal definition for mainstream manufacturers.