Dmitri, I strongly disagree.
Being a professional mariner I have almost always found activity-dedicated, electronic hardware to be more robust, reliable and trouble free than just software that resides on a multipurpose device (computer, laptop, tablet). They typically have drivers for a multitude of other devices that often come into conflict with one another, rendering the device useless until you can get on-line and trouble shoot the issue.
I have read too many complaints about connectivity issue using the Cobi system that has rendered the bike's electric system useless until bugs get worked out. I have never heard of that happening with an Intuvia or Nyon.
Being somewhat of a data geek, I really like they Nyon. It gives me heart rate, cadence, wattage output, percentage of effort from me versus the system, altitude, etc. It all gets saved, displayed and graphed out on the ebike connect portal at Bosch. I can almost instantly convert a ride to a route that automatically gets uploaded to my Nyon. I can create a route on Google Maps, easily convert it to a GPX file, upload that to my Bosch portal and find it on both of my Nyons within moments of them booting up.
The screen is bright and plainly visible, even in direct sunlight, the custom ride and fitness screens are so informative. My only complaint is that the USB charging port does not put out enough power to actually keep my Samsung 9+ charged.
For me the Nyon is the best cycling computer/control/information device I know of.