Nyon display functionality


New Member
Hi, I have a question probably for Alaskan but anyone who has an answer please help.
I'm planning on upgrading the Intuvia on my Cube Touring Pro 500 with either an original Nyon or the 2020 version.
So my questions are 2, firstly is it worth the extra money to go for the latest Nyon and the probable dealer labour charge to retrofit or go for the the original which I understand will just fit on the original Intuvia mount and just plug and play.

Secondly, when recording a ride, how long can I stop say for coffee or snack without the Nyon closing down the rude and starting a new ride. I want the entire ride recorded on Connect app just as my rides using my Garmin Explore do in the Garmin app. Garmin just pauses the ride and starts again when movement is detected
Hope this makes sense and I look forward to some help.
I'll try to answer the first question. The older Nyon is the best cycling computer I've ever used. I use a Garmin 1030 on my non-eBiikes - it's a good device but not in the same league as the Nyon. I've not been able to get a good read on the new Nyon, but so far I'm not that impressed. Sure, it has a touch screen, but the display is smaller. And, you can't just remove your Intuvia and drop the new Nyon on the display head. You can get an older Nyon for a reasonable price online (Germany) at bike24.com. If you have an Intuvia on your bike the only additional cost will be to have someone (maybe yourself) install the Nyon controller. Still not sure why I'd really need a touch screen display that will allow me to move between screens by swiping. Honestly, when I'm riding I don't want to swipe the display to find information on another screen. On the old Nyon you can set up a custom screen with all the info you need. Bottom line - I'd recommend the older Nyon. Might even want to buy a backup in case the original dies. I did.... Oh - there are two in-app purchases for the Nyon - not very expensive.

Don't know the answer to the second question.


Hi Bob
Very many thanks for taking time out to let me know your thoughts. Very useful as you have experience of both Garmin and original Nyon.
I'm thinking I will take your advice particularly as I can swop displays from Intuvia to Nyon.
One more thought do you know if the Intuvia controller will work the Nyon display unit or does it need a new Nyon controller wired in?
Cheers Bob, thanks again.
I concur with @Dr. Science about the usefulness and functionality of the original Nyon. I am perfectly happy with it and have no interest in upgrading to the new one with its smaller screen. I have all the data points custom organized on my ride and fitness screens, There is enough room on the display to have them with large enough fonts to read as a quick glance while riding. The idea of taking a hand off the grip to swipe between screens seems unsafe to me. Perhaps with the left side controller you can navigate between screens without having to ride one handed.

Nyon faithfully records every ride, without you having to remember anything other than turning on the bike. If you stop for a coffee or brew, it will turn itself off after a period. It immediately starts recording when you turn the bike back on. It consolidates all your rides into a record of the day's compounded rides. On the ebike connect, each leg can be selected with all the states for that leg available. If you select the date you get the consolidated results.

Here is a link to a thread with step by step installation instructions for upgrading from Intuvia to Nyon 1

I concur with @Dr. Science about the usefulness and functionality of the original Nyon. I am perfectly happy with it and have no interest in upgrading to the new one with its smaller screen. I have all the data points custom organized on my ride and fitness screens, There is enough room on the display to have them with large enough fonts to read as a quick glance while riding. The idea of taking a hand off the grip to swipe between screens seems unsafe to me. Perhaps with the left side controller you can navigate between screens without having to ride one handed.

Nyon faithfully records every ride, without you having to remember anything other than turning on the bike. If you stop for a coffee or brew, it will turn itself off after a period. It immediately starts recording when you turn the bike back on. It consolidates all your rides into a record of the day's compounded rides. On the ebike connect, each leg can be selected with all the states for that leg available. If you select the date you get the consolidated results.

Here is a link to a thread with step by step installation instructions for upgrading from Intuvia to Nyon 1

Hi Alaskan
Thanks so much to you too for this really positive and useful info. I've decided now to just get the original Nyon retrofit kit , which will include the controller. I just have to find one at a good price here in UK. Thanks also for the attached link.
Take a look at bike discount.de. Had my backup shipped to my son in London. Retrofit kit makes sense. The ease of reading the navigation screen is impressive.
I'd like Nyon to support more heart rate monitors. Presently only Polar 7 is supported. How about Wahoo?
It is a bit weird. I have some other HRMs that work fine with my Garmin device, but will not work with the Nyon. Ended up buying a Polar - works with the Garmin also. I'll bet that it's an interface problem. There are a few posts in here by a Bosch employee - why not ask I'm?
My garmin chest strap monitor works with Nyon SOMETIMES. It is not a rock solid, always reliable connection.

My Polar 10 chest strap connects and transmits accurately every time. It just works. Battery is good for two months max. I just carry a few spares in my tool kit.
My garmin chest strap monitor works with Nyon SOMETIMES. It is not a rock solid, always reliable connection.

My Polar 10 chest strap connects and transmits accurately every time. It just works. Battery is good for two months max. I just carry a few spares in my tool kit.
try turning on the nyon firt. even with my wahoo I ahve to do that with the kiox. I had the same issue with the garrmin hrm. but I did not know about turning on the kiox first.
Cobi recognises Wahoo. Smartphone hub has more functionality than Nyon. Maybe the Cobi geeks should walk next door and teach the Nyon guys.
Cobi recognises Wahoo. Smartphone hub has more functionality than Nyon. Maybe the Cobi geeks should walk next door and teach the Nyon guys.
Smartphone hub does very little without a smart phone. Nyon does it all without a smart phone.

I have made this point before but I will do so one more time. As a lifetime professional mariner, I have dealt with marine navigation systems and instrumentation the are in some cases, integrated and dedicated marine instruments. I have also dealt with systems that use software to piggy back on computers to perform similar functions. I have learned to prefer integrated, purpose built units dedicated to their purpose without any confusion or compatibility issues generated by using a general purpose device (computer of smart phone) with software to provide added functionality.

With the numerous reports of screws coming loose and phones flying to the curb, my phone has more critical things to do than substitute for a proper bike display/navigation unit. Please give me a unit dedicated to that purpose, whose functionality will not be compromised by having to do many other, unrelated tasks.
I concur with @Dr. Science about the usefulness and functionality of the original Nyon. I am perfectly happy with it and have no interest in upgrading to the new one with its smaller screen. I have all the data points custom organized on my ride and fitness screens, There is enough room on the display to have them with large enough fonts to read as a quick glance while riding. The idea of taking a hand off the grip to swipe between screens seems unsafe to me. Perhaps with the left side controller you can navigate between screens without having to ride one handed.
@Alaskan ... Now that you have first hand experience with both the old and new Nyon, do you feel the same way about the "usefulness and functionality". What things on the new Nyon do you like better than the original? Are there things you prefer about the original version over the new model?
Nyon faithfully records every ride, without you having to remember anything other than turning on the bike. If you stop for a coffee or brew, it will turn itself off after a period. It immediately starts recording when you turn the bike back on. It consolidates all your rides into a record of the day's compounded rides. On the ebike connect, each leg can be selected with all the states for that leg available. If you select the date you get the consolidated results.
My experience with the original Nyon doesn't match this. It annoys me that the Nyon shuts down and starts a new activity when I take a break longer than 5 minutes or so. Maybe I am not finding the right options in the Ebike Connect portal or app, but I haven't figured out a way to merge the separated activities back together as a single ride. And additionally, sometimes my ride activities from multiple days and completely different locations seem to get clustered together on Ebike connect. I must be missing something in how to manage the activities.

That said, I love my Nyon (original version) and don't have any plans to upgrade to the new version.