Non-commuters: Daily routine?


Well-Known Member
For those who do not use their ebikes for commuting purposes, I was curious what your daily/weekly routine is regarding riding?

For example, I work from home; I cannot get up early; so I usually ride after work (after 5PM). Virtually every day, I do a 12-15mi route around our suburban hell. On weekends, I tend to go explore and do longer rides.

Not looking to start a contest, just genuinely curious how often you ride, and for how long without having to commute?
I commute about 18 miles a day then the wife and I hop on the tandem and ride 0 to 15 miles a day everyday if possible and then 30 to 40 miles on weekends days. last Saturday with did 40 miles with 2500 feet of climbing and a easier ride of 30 miles Sunday.
Retired, thank heaven… I usually go out around 10 or 11am for between 20 and maybe 35 miles, a little more than half the time from the house, else to routes or trails within a half hour or so to where I park the car. No set routine, whatever I feel like that morning. Four to six days a week, sometimes on my Toughroad gravel ebike, sometimes on my new Creo. Heat doesn’t bother me in the summer, but the winter slows me way down to almost nothing now. Always end up at or above 3000 miles a year since 2016. (Albany capital region of NY)
I do micro runs to the grocery store everyday in the morning. One grocery store is 2 miles one way and the other is 7 miles one way. I've been going to the closer one and taking my regular beach cruiser bicycle instead of the ebike. Never ride the ebike for commuting to work as that would take forever at 14 miles one way. And I hardly ever ride the ebike on the weekend. The beach cruiser (Swing King Elite) is just more fun to ride on shorter trips. I should do a SWYTCH conversion to my beach cruiser!
While in Texas, I ride at about 8:00 pm for an hour ( too hot during the day). When we're in Colorado we ride during the day. Sometimes long rides and/or just around town. Lots of store and coffee rides.
I go shopping as I run out of supplies. One small grocery & dollar store & bank is 3 blocks. I visit 2 or 3 times a week. A bigger store with pharmacy and bank are 4 miles one way; visit at least weekly. Home Depot or Lowes are 5 miles one way, visit as needed for home repair. Sometimes I visit Salvation Army resale 4 miles away to check for used books, LPs, tools, repairable appliances or cables, shirts or jackets. Flea markets are 5 miles where I can pick up used tools for me or gifts. Physician & dentist are 2 miles away. I go to concerts 3 to 6 miles away about twenty times a year. In summer I make one round trip a week to my summer camp to mow, pick up trees, repair buildings or mowers, or just escape the city ozone & heat. Summer camp is 21 miles by car but 30 miles by safer bike route. Out at the summer camp I make one or two trips a week 3.5 miles to the gas station for fuel or dollar store for food or beverages. I average 20 miles a week winter & 70 summer, just shopping and visiting. I drive only when I rent a U-Haul truck to carry something big, like a mower deck or lumber. U-haul depot is 3 miles away.
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Retired, thank heaven… I usually go out around 10 or 11am for between 20 and maybe 35 miles, a little more than half the time from the house, else to routes or trails within a half hour or so to where I park the car. No set routine, whatever I feel like that morning. Four to six days a week, sometimes on my Toughroad gravel ebike, sometimes on my new Creo. Heat doesn’t bother me in the summer, but the winter slows me way down to almost nothing now. Always end up at or above 3000 miles a year since 2016. (Albany capital region of NY)
I've started visualizing this as my retirement routine as well: morning coffee, catch up on news etc., go for a ride. Now if I could just actually retire - 2 to a few more years, if plans work out! If we stay here in NC, I'll be able to do it year-round.
I don’t ride every day but around 4 to 5 times a week if the weather allows. I retired about 2 years ago so I ride just about any time of the day. I probably average around 15 miles a ride.
Have been retired for a few years now, so commuting is something no longer considered. Given the locations and existing infrastructure, it would have been impossible to commute anyway. Commute is only 10 miles each way, but things being the way they are (very little new biking infrastructure in this area) I don't see that changing any time soon.

Anyway, the wife and I get out nearly every day. Exceptions will be due to heavy rain, and I'm not a fan of riding in temps over 90 degrees. Rides stop being fun in temps like that. Our rides nearly always start right from the house and are not long. Maybe 1/2 hour to an hour. As snowbirds we are able to ride year round (one of the reasons we ARE snowbirds). Time of day is generally evening (preferred), but with Daylight Savings in play, that's not always possible. Neither of us crazy about riding in the dark (for safety reasons) so we switch to late afternoon rides to avoid that (mid winter). -Al
I'm retired and also dealing with some health challenges. I use my ebikes as primary transportation, running errands, going to medical appointments, picking up mail at the PO, riding down to our boat to check the bilges and do maintenance, stopping by a local bike shop or hardware store for parts, meeting up with friends at a brew pub. I also ride 2 or 3 time per week with a group of roady friends, usually riding between 30 and 40 miles in a loosely structured pace line with the ride ending in lunch and great conversation. My wife and I generally do at least one ride each week together. All this gets me about 600 miles or riding per month.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, rainy weather can be a challenge but it does not snow here often and with good hourly forecasts, I often find weather windows that keep me on the bike and not resorting to the one car that Nancy and I share now.

Riding like this helps keep me fit and strong and more able to handle the health issues that have been coming at me all to regularly. It ahs also allowed Nancy and me to pare down to having one hybrid car.

Ebikes have changed my life, much for the better.
Retired , every other day shoot for 100+, avg 80+, 11- get home , 6 or so big variety. I live 3 miles from Silver Comet Trail
Up to this point, I haven't had a routine. I use my bike for errands around town several days per week, and try to ride 10+ miles about 3-4 times per week.