After about one month on daily usage (8+8 km), I can say that the Sellotto Mini works perfectly for me! Zero pressure! I have to say that your sit-bones must be used to hard saddles, but since my Selle Italia superflow was quite hard, I had no issues to get acquainted. Obviously you want to perform micro-adjustments when riding as for the feeling your sit-bones are leaning on two coins, but this gets quickly an automated manoeuvre.Brief update here: I bought the SQ-Labs M602 saddle which I have been using for one month. The feeling is not bad, but you can slightly feel a pressure in the perineum zone, plus the nose is very long and hard, since it is lowered below the bumps where the sit-bones lie; should you slide towards, you would hit your jewels (happened on day 1 on a sudden break, to avoid a car collision.)
Not really satisfied.
I therefore had a long phone chat with the Sellotto inventor, who suggested for my case the Sellotto Mini model, which has 0% pressure on your jewels! Bravissimo! The saddle was mounted yesterday, and I was positively surprised, although it will requires some time to get a full perspective.
Will update ASAP.
The semi-saddles are adjustable in any direction, I choose to set them wide open which was causing rubbing in the inner thighs. I therefore set the semi-saddles leaning forward. This applies slightly more pressure on your hands, but I feel comfortable.
Happy riding again!!!