Saddle pressure, numbness, and maintaining sexual health at 59

Brief update here: I bought the SQ-Labs M602 saddle which I have been using for one month. The feeling is not bad, but you can slightly feel a pressure in the perineum zone, plus the nose is very long and hard, since it is lowered below the bumps where the sit-bones lie; should you slide towards, you would hit your jewels (happened on day 1 on a sudden break, to avoid a car collision.)
Not really satisfied.
I therefore had a long phone chat with the Sellotto inventor, who suggested for my case the Sellotto Mini model, which has 0% pressure on your jewels! Bravissimo! The saddle was mounted yesterday, and I was positively surprised, although it will requires some time to get a full perspective.
Will update ASAP.
After about one month on daily usage (8+8 km), I can say that the Sellotto Mini works perfectly for me! Zero pressure! I have to say that your sit-bones must be used to hard saddles, but since my Selle Italia superflow was quite hard, I had no issues to get acquainted. Obviously you want to perform micro-adjustments when riding as for the feeling your sit-bones are leaning on two coins, but this gets quickly an automated manoeuvre.
The semi-saddles are adjustable in any direction, I choose to set them wide open which was causing rubbing in the inner thighs. I therefore set the semi-saddles leaning forward. This applies slightly more pressure on your hands, but I feel comfortable.
Happy riding again!!!

After about one month on daily usage (8+8 km), I can say that the Sellotto Mini works perfectly for me! Zero pressure! I have to say that your sit-bones must be used to hard saddles, but since my Selle Italia superflow was quite hard, I had no issues to get acquainted. Obviously you want to perform micro-adjustments when riding as for the feeling your sit-bones are leaning on two coins, but this gets quickly an automated manoeuvre.
The semi-saddles are adjustable in any direction, I choose to set them wide open which was causing rubbing in the inner thighs. I therefore set the semi-saddles leaning forward. This applies slightly more pressure on your hands, but I feel comfortable.
Happy riding again!!!

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Looks like you could get them jammed in the middle
I recently went to a C9 comfort airflow saddle, its the size I like at 10.5" x 7.25" but its thicker than my last two saddles. So far so good after 104 miles. I tried pitching down the nose and it just doesn't work for me, flat feels best with flat bars. The Kinetk XR is the most effective addition though, it made a world of difference. With the XR I can use the supplied springs and dial it in just right so I have minimal preload. I think I like it better than the Suntour suspension post with the single spring. That one is going on the spare bike! After my last 34 mile ride my butt and lower back felt fine, I was ready for more.
Since I am trying the Hobson II seat, I'll also try this one,
and hopefully I find a seat the better half can ride,
so we can ride together, now that I have 2 SUV bikes. ymmv