No throttle and no way home today... :(

After many Years as tech at Motorcycle shops - this clever cable lube tool has been the standard since
early 70's. I'd be surprised if bike shops didn't have version to fit the smaller cable housings.
A good Teflon lube with spray tube attached enters rubber grommet and then gets clamped down
on cable & housing where lube is forced all the way to other end. Some Teflon grades for chain
I've used on my ProMotocross, and cables never needed lube after twenty years.
Aren't motorcycle cables in housing throughout?
I think the issue with bicycles is the exposed portions near ground and sometimes at a down angle
I think one's disability is a non issue. The ones abusing speed by throttle or not be the youngińs

around here it’s a mix of young’ns and bros and working people (delivery) and wannabe bikers and lost MTB riders and almost every male demographic other than the truly old 😂

the really young urban people on bikes are riding those big rollers without brakes!
Throttles are great idea for some riders with health issues the problem is idiots with no health issues that like to use them as motorbikes on cycleways. Unfortunately there are too many of these idiots which is why we have regulations.
Lets say your ebike goes 20mph pedaling.
And goes 20mph with the throttle.
And you have NO health issues.

Is it okay to ride the the cycleways with both pedaling and throttle
if you are not an idiot?
well, to be fair … anyone using them inappropriately on a path or bike lane is an idiot, whether they have health issues or not 😂😂

this is a common refrain in some circles - “i’m not able to ride a bike like a “normal” person so i need/deserve a motor which propels me far faster than the vast majority of said “normal” riders can go.”

and i say this as someone with an implanted defibrillator, a closet full of heart meds, and multiple open heart surgery scars.
On another thread we discussed regulating assistance with two factors. 1) Heart rate. It helps you when you need some help and start asking. 2) Cadence, when you downshift and spin the bike will help you because you are asking for more by doing more. This would be a great physical therapy bike. It is not just bypassing the physical aspect like putting a penny in a fuse.
Lets say your ebike goes 20mph pedaling.
And goes 20mph with the throttle.
And you have NO health issues.

Is it okay to ride the the cycleways with both pedaling and throttle
if you are not an idiot?
If the laws and regulations say it’s ok, then it’s ok. If they say that it’s not legal then it’s not ok. Laws are not suggestions or guidelines.
I was in a private conversation talking about how someone threatened me with their rolling dollar store lasagna pan today and acquired a $1200 ding with one gentle punch to a seam. I was walking a bike in a flashing crosswalk and the guy just smiled at me and kept on rolling. That bike did not have a throttle to catch him stuck at the next light. These monster trucks are built worse than a beer can. Everyone should try it. It is fun.
Viva Las Agna!
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Do you think that you are above the law????
I speed when I can do so safely.
I roll through stop signs and right on red when no other traffic is present.
And I roll with a throttle equipped eBike 24/7 often stopping to talk with County police on trail patrol.
I'm Al Capone, Billy the Kid and Gionni Dillinger all rolled into one
I speed when I can do so safely.
I roll through stop signs and right on red when no other traffic is present.
And I roll with a throttle equipped eBike 24/7 often stopping to talk with County police on trail patrol.
I'm Al Capone, Billy the Kid and Gionni Dillinger all rolled into one
Aren’t you special.
Is it because of Big John's Dillinger's anatomy that you are special? His would put a donkey to shame. And make a horse jealous. If that is the case than you are special. Go for it. Why was Jelly Roll Morton called Jelly Roll?
Is it because of Big John's Dillinger's anatomy that you are special? His would put a donkey to shame. And make a horse jealous. If that is the case than you are special. Go for it. Why was Jelly Roll Morton called Jelly Roll?
Well they do call me Gionni the mule.... and I ain'ts stubborn 🤣
And I sure do like me some jelly roll!!! 😛
this is oft-stated, but actually isn’t exactly true. there is no mechanical advantage in most gears on a bike - the rear cog is much SMALLER than the front cog except on extreme cases. it’s actually mechanical disadvantage. all mid-drive motors have internal gearing which takes this into account, with the reduction ratio (as much as 20:1, i believe!) taking into account the torque of the motor and the expected range of gearing of the bike.
There may be the occasional motor like that, but 5:1 is a little more common, in geared hub and mid drive motors. My experience, FWIW.
I had an ebike with a throttle that was so big, it was spotted on a no throttle trail by satellite.

The Trail Police apparently upgraded their gear.