Mediocre effort from Stromer ! If it was carbon fiber frame maybe a satisfactory rating.
Add a 24/7 oncall ebike mechanic sent by helicopter anywhere in the continental Us+ a spare St7 (once the current one breaks down) and it may be a very tempting toy.
M1 Spitzing did this project with a better ebike (minus the Gps and Omni) almost 6-7years ago, so this is garbage priced @ 13.000€ or 15.000€ but 1 euro=1$ >that is a better deal for the US customer

Here's the issue:
The era of hamster pedalling is coming close to an end. What i mean is most of u are pedalling below 75rpm > ur HR will be at about 55-60% of max. HR which is almost the same if u were just standing on the saddle and enjoying the ebike using a throttle NOT bothering with the unecessary mental efforts :
-shifting gears
- remembering the gears u were in
- wasting ur energy hamstering on the crankset
Do u realize u guys hv. to pedal almost 135.000 rotations for every 30hours of riding ??????
75rpm base.
Wooow that is a Monumental waste of energy....just to help out the 850watts motor when we could have just begun with a 1kw /1.5kw motor and no PAS.
Sure, w/o PAS, we need a BIG battery(1.5kw at least and at least a 1kw motor but that can finally enable an ebike to take over the roads here in US and elsewhere too.
All those mental efforts take away or diminish the most IMPortant , which is paying attention to the road cond./drivers and enjoying the scenery
The ST7 would be maybe 15-20b "Feuerzeug" once they make it of carbon fiber , add throttle and get rid of :
- chain, casette, RD, FD, shifters, crankset, BB , cables, and of course the heaviest part , the Pinion gearbox
The 1.4kw battery would be a great start , maybe a slightly more powerfull motor -1kw, that would add another 1lb , 80lb-20lb+1-= 61lb really nice and light emoped
But adding a throttle and w/o pedals we go into the "illegal" moped stuff....