I am adding a TSDZ2 motor to my wife's Cannondale treadwell bike. This bike will be used on moderately hilly terrain (100ft/mile elevation gain) for around 50 miles/ride, at 17-18mph average speed. I have looked around for batteries mostly on aliexpress, but there are some batteries advertised that I am suspicious about (52v30aH for $250 surely sounds too cheap?) Firstly, I'd like to get an idea of the capacity I would truely need, and secondly, I need some advice on where to mount it. She likes the low standover height of the frame, and I'm not sure she'd be comfortable with mounting a battery on the bottle bosses. I don't like the idea of a rear carrier mounted battery for fear of making the bike top heavy, which leaves the underside of the down tube. Have people done this? Am I missing any options?