My UC Pro has arrived

Deacon Blues

Well-Known Member
It's been a long, long wait but my WW bike has finally been delivered.
The box arrived in pretty good shape, with damage to the packing carton limited to one, small spot. Nothing damaged on the inside.



I've got the bike partially assembled and will probably get everything on tomorrow morning.
This bike is much bigger/beefier than I thought it would be.
I plan on taking off the battery holder on the top tube, but I'm not sure what all has to come off. I'll have to email Pushkar in the morning.

I'm going take the battery holder on the top tube off today. I don't like how it looks, don't know if I could touch the ground with the battery in place, and I probably won't need two batteries for most of my rides. If I do need an extra battery on a longer ride I can always carry it in one of my panniers.
I'm trying to get in touch with Pushkar to figure out what I can take off. I hope that box on the seat tube can go too.
If I had been asked before the build started I would have told WW to leave it off.
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The box is probably the battery combiner module.
If you will only connect one battery, you will be able to remove it, but may have to redo the connector from the bottom battery holder to the battery, depending if the bottom battery holder is hardwired to the box or connected to it with the same output connector as the one on the box.
The extra battery holder and wiring is off. There's a bit of extra wiring on top of the motor case, which looks a bit messy. The wires can be tucked inside the motor case, but the motor has to be dropped/taken out to do that. Right now that's a job I don't want to do.

I took the bike for a short test ride and my UC Pro has the same problem that some of the Hydra owners have, in that the chain skips when using the smaller cassette cogs.
That is a good question, Tom
I went with the 11 speed cassette, over the Kinderney hub mainly because there was a problem with some of the hubs leaking and some of the belts coming off, so I thought I'd play it safe and go with a tried and true derailleur, which could be fixed/repaired by any competent bike shop.
I didn't want to have the hub fail and have to send it off to WW or Europe to have it fixed.
Talk about irony. I now have a bike that can't be ridden in the first 3 smallest cogs, and these are the cogs I use the most.

I've been in discussion with Pushkar and his mechanic and I hope we can come to some solution to this problem.

On a positive note, the bike is a beautiful beast. This is a big, comfortable bike! I love the titanium frame, but I don't like all the cables running on the outside of the frame. That's why I originally went with the Helios, over the UC Pro.
Stay tuned........
DB when you get a chance could you include a full picture of your bike. I like the looks of that style a lot - makes me wish we had a lot of pavement to ride - minus the cars.
Looks great! .... In the last photo it looks like your derailleur clutch is off.. If you flip the grey switch up (on) it will tighten up the chain a little which helps with the skipping in smaller cogs.

Sometimes removing a couple of links from the chain can help too...
It's been a long, long wait but my WW bike has finally been delivered.
The box arrived in pretty good shape, with damage to the packing carton limited to one, small spot. Nothing damaged on the inside.



I've got the bike partially assembled and will probably get everything on tomorrow morning.
This bike is much bigger/beefier than I thought it would be.
I plan on taking off the battery holder on the top tube, but I'm not sure what all has to come off. I'll have to email Pushkar in the morning.

Dang, if I lived where I could ride on pavement and good gravel THAT would be the bike for me. Sooooo nice.
I would. Don't trust IGHs any further than I could throw YOU. :eek:
I would as well. IGHs also add considerable cost and in the case of the Rohloff require you to use twist shifter which also limits your grip selection.

The only reason I dont own a UC pro now is because when I asked pushkar about a year ago if I could get a frameset for derailler, I was told they didnt have them anymore and my impression was they were not going to restock the UC pro anymore.
Looks great! .... In the last photo it looks like your derailleur clutch is off.. If you flip the grey switch up (on) it will tighten up the chain a little which helps with the skipping in smaller cogs.

Sometimes removing a couple of links from the chain can help too...

Pushkar is working on the problem with my chain skipping.
The chain crossing when on the smaller cassette cogs is huge.
Adjusting the derailleur or taking out a couple of links won't solve this problem.
Here's some more photos. The only thing that bothers me about the bike (looks-wise) is the external wiring. The black electrican tape on the top of the motor case is my doing. To hide those wires I'd have to drop the motor. which I don't want to do, for now anyways.



