Motor noise comparison video


Active Member
I’ve seen several threads, observations and opinions here about the Creo motor noise. I’m not sure if this video has been posted before but it compares popular ebike motors, including the specialized 1.1 (Creo and Vado sl).

My personal experience is with a Vado SL that I had for 7 months, and now the carbon comp Creo I traded for. My VSL had a motor whine sound but I didn’t notice the gearbox sound that accompanies that on my Creo. The creo seems to have a slightly quieter motor whine, but an added sound like I imagine nylon gears make when meshing. Overall, both bikes seem pretty close in volume, with the difference being the combination of sounds in the creo vs one sound in the VSL. I wonder if the carbon tubes transmit the motor mechanical sounds more than aluminum, or maybe each motor is unique.
I thought my Bosch gen 4 motor was on the loud side (Cannondale Topstone Neo Lefty 3) but it is really quiet compared to my Bafang Ultra motor with the X1 controller (2300 W). 😁
Interesting! In terms of sound frequency, I think my MXUS falls closest to the Panny in video 1 (didn't watch #2). Not sure I can make any comparison of volume, though.

Some of those motors in video 1 sounded very irritating in pitch, like wind-up toys, to me. But that could be the way his camera mic handled the sound, I suppose.
This is just bullshit.
New hybrid and electric cars use loudspeakers to emit some sound, so pedestrians can hear them.
My Vado 5.0 is totally silent. A silent death running at high speed. I appreciate my Vado SL making some sound (that I cannot actually hear anymore but other people can hear it).

On my latest ride, the Vado SL was emitting some strange squeak that could have originated from anywhere. Other group ride members could hear it. After a stop and restart, the squeak ceased. How odd :)