For those who wish to be up to speed regarding an initial Rider Care request placed on 6/19 via phone call as well as an online submittal.
The key point here is nobody knows the answer, nobody cares, nobody has a clue and that is all I am attempting to do here.....make the public aware that although the Specialized brand is a great brand, the associated support sucks.
Regardless, this is the unanswered request placed almost 2 weeks ago: (I'll make a video and post it next time it occurs)
Support reps open a "chat window" and do not get any solutions from others who are supposed to be knowledgeable.
Does anyone have familiarity with why Smart Control won't "lock-in" with a pre-planned distance and slider control keeps springing back to 10%?
(bike on a full charge, 100%, prior to departure, seatbelt fastened )
(IF I were to open a request via Specialized Rider Care, you continue to have no clue, as I've asked similar questions in the past regarding Mission Control, then you say to contact the local bike shop, and then the local bike shop has no clue and do their own research and if they have an answer that works, great, but normally, nobody has any clues, we are on this journey together with only our firsthand experiences that others can share and contribute. Sad situation. Therefore, Rider Care wishes to "dismiss" me as a customer, because I’m told I ask too many questions and when faced with the inability to get a proper answer, I'm not supposed to complain. Now we all know that this is the reality of the way it is.) (sucky support)
HISTORY of past experiences proves that your support responses do not work. Nobody cares to follow up, not assist in resolving the issues.
I’m continuing to be a good customer and point out the issues./deficiencies that are evident, looking for solutions, not BS crap that does not resolve problems.
I’ve invested well over $25,000 in many models of the Specialized bikes……because I’m happy with the performance and in comparison, to the competition, it is by far the best.
However, my continued need to interface with the “in place” support system seems to be not acceptable by your ‘team’ because Nathan informs me that I ask too many questions.
Life dear sirs, life. You sell a product, you support it, and you don’t ignore the customer.
In conclusion, the question remains, why does Mission Control Smart Control not “lock in” when a distance is an input, it springs back to 10 miles.