Meet your new overlords.

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Went out for a ride around town visiting a few parks this morning in sunshine, something we haven't seen in the last 4 days.

No mask for me, not even a baclava. Tennis courts, basketball courts, Volleyball, other riders. No masks. Gotta love it. The tighter Gov. Newsom turns the screws, the stronger the resistance grows. An act of Civil Disobedience by many.
I‘m not out much since it’s cold as hell but when I am outside or in my car, I generally dont wear a mask. Whenever I’m around others, I always mask up.
This idea that you’re a big man for resisting or practicing civil disobedience would be a laugh if it was just about your health, but of course, it isnt. My hope is all the idiots with this attitude are the ones who kick off soon.
I‘m not out much since it’s cold as hell but when I am outside or in my car, I generally dont wear a mask. Whenever I’m around others, I always mask up.
This idea that you’re a big man for resisting or practicing civil disobedience would be a laugh if it was just about your health, but of course, it isnt. My hope is all the idiots with this attitude are the ones who kick off soon.

Where is the enforcement?
Not really. I live in the SF Bay Area. It is as Progressive as you can get anywhere in the US. In spite of that, people are "fatigued" after what has seemed like an endless "SIP" order, which by the way was never enforced. Why not?

If you won't do that, but then "command" that you must wear a mask at all times outside your home, but again, after almost 12 months, no enforcement.

What has been done for the tens of thousands of homeless? What about their deaths not necessarily due to Covid?

For all the progressives in this state, even they can get pushed just a little to far before all the orders coming from Sacramento fall on deaf ears and people will no longer tolerate government control over their lives, just because you say so. The Government has a poor track record so far about getting the vaccine rollout going.

No. Instead, people will be free and take safety into their own hands. By now, we are all well aware of the dangers.
Ok so it hasn't been handled perfectly so what's your point? Obviously not enough people are aware of the threat or they don't care or it wouldn't be spreading so much. Nobody is "pushing" you or others because they want to
Man that is creepy. The idea that people have actual relationships with these things is really weird. I mean any kind of relationship is strange but that seems like the kind of thing somebody should do something with and then throw it into a closet and feel shame afterwards. But like to take it out to dinner or something? That's really weird
Neil Young could rewrite a song: I wanna be with a synonym girl!
I was being sarcastic. I am not anti-mask in the least, don't get me wrong I don't enjoy wearing it but I see the purpose. I normally don't wear it on my bike or while walking the dog though. I think those who think they're living some fantasy like they're the resistance in a movie or some s*it are sad
NO worry, sarcasm´s allowed.
No. Instead, people will be free and take safety into their own hands. By now, we are all well aware of the dangers.

The fact that people aren't reliably masking up shows that they are not "well aware of the dangers."

And the fact that by not masking up they not only endanger themselves, they endanger all of the people they come in contact with, makes it worse. When you "choose" not to wear a mask you might infect me. So where is my free choice in all of this? You are in effect demanding that I take onerous measures in order to avoid your minor inconvenience of wearing a mask when close to others. As the Supreme Court said in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905):

real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own liberty, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.


There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution. But it is equally true that in every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.2(p29)
'nuff said. This "Freedumb" argument is just plain dumb.
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The fact that people aren't reliably masking up shows that they are not "well aware of the dangers."

And the fact that by not masking up they not only endanger themselves, they endanger all of the people they come in contact with, makes it worse. When you "choose" not to wear a mask you might infect me. So where is my free choice in all of this? You in effect demanding that I take onerous measures in order to avoid your minor inconvenience of wearing a mask when close to others. As the Supreme Court said in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905):


'nuff said. This "Freedumb" argument is just plain dumb.
Felt that way today. I was working outside on a water main break and more than half the guys were only occasionally 'masked' usually with a largely useless gator
The real issue in California is not masking, it's the terribly inefficient vaccine distribution system.
It has been reported that over 2/3rds of the vaccine supply has still not been distributed.
The real issue in California is not masking, it's the terribly inefficient vaccine distribution system.
It has been reported that over 2/3rds of the vaccine supply has still not been distributed.
Even if the vaccine distribution system was perfect (and it certainly isn't, for a lot of reasons) we'd still need to wear masks through June or July. As it is at the current rate we're wearing face diapers until sometime next year. I'm fervently hoping we can pick up the pace...
Can you get a STD from a flagpole? I´ĺl grant that masks that don´t seal around the bridge of the
nose & with no eye protection are well nigh useless. I don´t see many when I ride on folks working
outside, walking their dogs or spouses. I sometimes wear one when riding, but mostly as protection
against the cold,(does a bandanna count?). I do wear one at the post office so as not to distress the
other geezers, & in the grocery as well.
Only from ten-foot poles.
The real issue in California is not masking, it's the terribly inefficient vaccine distribution system.
It has been reported that over 2/3rds of the vaccine supply has still not been distributed.
Reported by who? The biggest issue I’m hearing by major local and network news outlets in the Midwest is purely lack of supply. My opinion is that before Trump left office the Reps hoarded a significant percentage of the supply for their major donors and their families.
Reported by who? The biggest issue I’m hearing by major local and network news outlets in the Midwest is purely lack of supply.
My opinion is that before Trump left office the Reps hoarded a significant percentage of the supply for their major donors and their families.
The truth will set you free... ;)
Newsom Admits Only 1/3 Of CA’s 1.3M Vaccine Doses Have Been Administered – Deadline

Newsom revealed on Monday that the state has received nearly 1.3 million doses of the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and another 611,500 doses have been shipped to the state.
As of Sunday, however, only 454,306 doses had actually been administered. The state had projected that it would administer 2-2.5 million doses of the vaccine to Californians by this week.
The truth will set you free... ;)
Newsom Admits Only 1/3 Of CA’s 1.3M Vaccine Doses Have Been Administered – Deadline

Newsom revealed on Monday that the state has received nearly 1.3 million doses of the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and another 611,500 doses have been shipped to the state.
As of Sunday, however, only 454,306 doses had actually been administered. The state had projected that it would administer 2-2.5 million doses of the vaccine to Californians by this week.
You’re lucky to be getting them. Iowa’s republican governor has been griping for months about the lack of vaccine.
Reported by who? The biggest issue I’m hearing by major local and network news outlets in the Midwest is purely lack of supply. My opinion is that before Trump left office the Reps hoarded a significant percentage of the supply for their major donors and their families.
Conspiracy ideation is not a good sign. Try reading stuff that isn't coming from your usual "go to" nonsense.
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You’re lucky to be getting them. Iowa’s republican governor has been griping for months about the lack of vaccine.
She or someone else must be tripping. Griping for "months"? This was super rushed vaccine given the OK to go ahead without proper testing. How could it have been provided earlier?
She or someone else must be tripping. Griping for "months"? This was super rushed vaccine given the OK to go ahead without proper testing. How could it have been provided earlier?
She was fed a line from her buddy Trump and she swallowed the hook. It never materialized anywhere close to what was promised. It could have been provided sooner and in larger quantities if the fool in the WH had taken it seriously. But then the “hoax” was a much sexier propaganda tool.
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