Meet your new overlords.

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The fact that people aren't reliably masking up shows that they are not "well aware of the dangers."

And the fact that by not masking up they not only endanger themselves, they endanger all of the people they come in contact with, makes it worse. When you "choose" not to wear a mask you might infect me. So where is my free choice in all of this? You are in effect demanding that I take onerous measures in order to avoid your minor inconvenience of wearing a mask when close to others. As the Supreme Court said in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905):


'nuff said. This "Freedumb" argument is just plain dumb.
My Body My Choice.
Always a one-way street, isn't it? Only when it goes the way you want. It's not an onerous measure. You simply wear 2 masks. One for you, one for your enemy who is a freedoms supporter. Get you some googles too. Stay sane!
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My Body My Choice.
Always a one-way street, isn't it? Only when it goes the way you want.
Not quite chief. I'm not getting into abortion as I have mixed feelings but it is your body your choice IF it doesn't affect sorta how Jefferson said it, Thomas not George, you should be free to do what you want if it doesn't pick my pocket or break my kneecap- to paraphrase. You breathing on me maskless during a contagious pandemic breaks my kneecap. Like sit around and drink a fifth of whiskey and I don't care, get behind the wheel after and I do.
My Body My Choice.
Always a one-way street, isn't it? Only when it goes the way you want. It's not an ononerous measure. You simply wear 2 masks. One for you, one for your enemy who is a freedoms supporter. Get you some googles too. Stay sane!
Freedom supporter... bahaha....😂
Not quite chief. I'm not getting into abortion as I have mixed feelings but it is your body your choice IF it doesn't affect me...
Not quite. Anything can affect others, and does. The orders affect me. but that doesn't matter to you because you fear covid more than you fear removal of all of what you thought were your rights.
My Body My Choice is very very quiet now. It's not the narrative they play for you. The narrative now is that if you exercise choice you are trying to kill grandma.
Sick people.
Oh grow up with your "rights" ....there's all kinds of things your not allowed to do.

Certainly there are. That you scoff at "rights" shows you lack respect for rights.

These are just some things added to the list temporarily. Christ another keyboard tough guy....once again, simpleton, it's less about ME fearing it then me not wanting to kill others. How small does it have to be to think like that as an adult! Three inches?
I was wearing a mask for covid before you were. I started in January 2020. That makes you, according to yourself ...
Certainly there are. That you scoff at "rights" shows you lack respect for rights.

I was wearing a mask for covid before you were. I started in January 2020. That makes you, according to yourself ...
I'm all for freedom and rights but if I own a chemical company with riverfront property can I just dump toxic chemicals in the river? Why not? Can I just pour them down the street where kids ride their bikes and play? Why not? What about my freedom? Most adults realize freedom always has restrictions you cannot do whatever you want.
Not wearing a mask hurts others physically? That's simply not true.
Ya alternative facts. said I fear covid. It's more I want to stop the spread to save other people's lives and help get life back to normal. Restrictions are lifted as cases go down so it's not some conspiracy so put down the soldier of fortune and grow up
you fear covid more than you fear removal of all of what you thought were your rights , sound familiar?
Yes, and that is not calling you anything. Saying you fear something that you indicate that you fear, isn't name-calling.
Ya alternative facts. said I fear covid. It's more I want to stop the spread to save other people's lives and help get life back to normal. Restrictions are lifted as cases go down so it's not some conspiracy so put down the soldier of fortune and grow up
So you do not fear covid? Is that your claim now?
So you do not fear covid? Is that your claim now?
No I'm tough , a real man like you.... regardless you said you didn't declare me afraid. Clearly you did. I'm saying of course I don't want it but I'm more worried about people like my Mom. I know those old people they don't matter right?
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