Meet your new overlords.

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No I'm tough , a real man like you.... regardless you said you didn't declare me afraid. Clearly you did. I'm saying of course I don't want it but I'm more worried about people like my Mom. I know those old people they don't matter right?
I note that you are changing your claim, the language you used. I did not call you anything.
Now you are refusing to answer the pertinent question. Do you fear covid, yes or no? You are evading the question because to answer it honestly will show that I didn't call you anything. I was merely stating what was obvious from what you're carrying on about.
Yes or no, do you fear covid?
If you say "No, I do not fear covid ", I would withdraw my statement.
I note that you are changing your claim, the language you used. I did not call you anything.
now you are refusing to answer the pertinent question. Do you fear covid, yes or no? You are evading the question because to answer it honestly will show that I didn't call you anything. I was merely stating what was obvious from what you're carrying on about.
Yes or no, do you fear covid? Something you are reusing to answer for "some" undisclosed reason.
Refusing to answer? Are you interrogating me? Ha it's funny how you do that stupid thing where you try to pin down a specific because you're losing the argument. You didn't answer regarding my right to pollute. MY FREEDOM, I have to pay tons of money and dispose of my chemicals the way the GOVERNMENT tells me to. You didn't answer my question, 3 inches?
Refusing to answer? Are you interrogating me? Ha it's funny how you do that stupid thing where you try to pin down a specific because you're losing the argument. You didn't answer regarding my right to pollute. MY FREEDOM, I have to pay tons of money and dispose of my chemicals the way the GOVERNMENT tells me to. You didn't answer my question, 3 inches?
I will answer about polluting. Noted that you refuse to answer whther or not you fear covid. So you cannot blame me for saying you fear it, because you refuse to say that it is incorrect to say you fear it and you indicate it is to be feared.
Obviously not enough people are aware of the threat
I will answer about polluting. Noted that you refuse to answer whther or not you fear covid. So you cannot blame me for saying you fear it, because you refuse to say that it is incorrect to say you fear it and you indicate it is to be feared.
Well than answer
And the fact that by not masking up they not only endanger themselves, they endanger all of the people they come in contact with, makes it worse. When you "choose" not to wear a mask you might infect me. So where is my free choice in all of this? You in effect demanding that I take onerous measures in order to avoid your minor inconvenience of wearing a mask when close to others. As the Supreme Court said in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905):


'nuff said. This "Freedumb" argument is just plain dumb.

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Felt that way today. I was working outside on a water main break and more than half the guys were only occasionally 'masked' usually with a largely useless gator
Felt that way today. I was working outside on a water main break and more than half the guys were only occasionally 'masked' usually with a largely useless gator

Ah, so you do fear it. You feel endangered by others because they wear masks you do not approve of.
So I did not call you anything.
Thank you. I'm sure there are lots more instances I pull, but that should suffice.
The truth will set you free... ;)
Newsom Admits Only 1/3 Of CA’s 1.3M Vaccine Doses Have Been Administered – Deadline

Newsom revealed on Monday that the state has received nearly 1.3 million doses of the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and another 611,500 doses have been shipped to the state.
As of Sunday, however, only 454,306 doses had actually been administered. The state had projected that it would administer 2-2.5 million doses of the vaccine to Californians by this week.
Why are you claiming the "truth will set you free", citing "as of Sunday..." but then link to an article that is 25 days old? As of Jan 29, the state received 4.8 million doses and has "given out" 3.3 million, 68% of the vaccine. But since we have about 40 million people, getting <10% of the population vaccinated is nothing. I'm not sure if you've ever considered scale and getting millions of little frozen vials out, but it's not a simple matter as sending an email. I bet if we compare those who complain about Newsom and those who think masks are some conspiracy, there would be a massive correlation between the two. But if that's so why are the anti-maskers seemingly trying to push their way to the front of the line to get their vaccines? It's almost funny but it's so tragic.

You'd think people attacking Newsom were at least partially honest and just admit that they just want to attack him (there was a recall started the day after election) and ignore the fact that the rollout from the fed has been a failure and really the criticism should lay at the federal government.
Why are you claiming the "truth will set you free", citing "as of Sunday..." but then link to an article that is 25 days old? As of Jan 29, the state received 4.8 million doses and has "given out" 3.3 million, 68% of the vaccine. But since we have about 40 million people, getting <10% of the population vaccinated is nothing. I'm not sure if you've ever considered scale and getting millions of little frozen vials out, but it's not a simple matter as sending an email. I bet if we compare those who complain about Newsom and those who think masks are some conspiracy, there would be a massive correlation between the two. But if that's so why are the anti-maskers seemingly trying to push their way to the front of the line to get their vaccines? It's almost funny but it's so tragic.

You'd think people attacking Newsom were at least partially honest and just admit that they just want to attack him (there was a recall started the day after election) and ignore the fact that the rollout from the fed has been a failure and really the criticism should lay at the federal government.
The state has failed at the timely distribution of the vaccine... only 2/3 by the end of January is criminal.
I stand by the article that Newsom has botched the distribution... 1/3 at the beginning of January is correct.
He should step aside and let the private sector step in... Amazon has offered to assist with no response so far.

PS. The Federal effort to fast track the vaccine development has been a stunning success... normally 2-3 years. ;)
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I'm all for freedom and rights but if I own a chemical company with riverfront property can I just dump toxic chemicals in the river?
The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained:

  • EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls discharges.
  • Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches.
    • Individual homes that are connected to a municipal system, use a septic system, or do not have a surface discharge do not need a NPDES permit;
    • Industrial, municipal, and other facilities must obtain permits
Loser. You never answered. I fear infecting others, I fear giving it to my family and others because I'm not a piece of human garbage
I work in a hospital and from around March to about September one of my duties was tracing possible employee infection. At some point it just got pointless and stopped. One of the most remarkable cases was a mom in/around May, and her entire family having COVID (including their 9 month old), and the nurse noted that the mom thought they got it when they'd go socializing with the newborn, but the mom was mostly mad about the inconvenience and she was still trying to get some assurance that in two months the family could still go on an RV trip through SoCal... with a 9 month old... during a pandemic. These are the people my coworkers are risking their lives to save.

Luckily I got pulled from that duty. I still audit certain events in patient charts and a 30 year old pregnant mom died from COVID. I didn't need to dig deeper and had no desire to see if the baby survived. She went to the ED with shortness of breath and 2 days later was dead. I can't see Handlebars to see what he is arguing but I can tell you your argument is the only argument I want to hear. People should also fear an overrun ICU/hospital. People should feel a little remorse that they are forcing nurses and health practitioners to go through hell because .... some sad and completely wrong understanding of what freedom is.
But what about my freedom? It's the same principle. Just because one was established a few years ago when one was this year and you're not used to it what's the difference? The government took my freedom to pollute away because other people live in fear of pollution. it's not my fault they're afraid why should my freedom be taken away? Same theory same argument. You think not wearing a mask makes people tough, it makes them weak and callous. Nobody likes it I don't know anyone who is excited about this and is not a freedom grab. I don't know anybody from either side of the political aisle that likes it like this. Every Democrat I know cannot wait until restaurants and things open up again, I have a kid in school I want it to be normal for him.
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I work in a hospital and from around March to about September one of my duties was tracing possible employee infection. At some point it just got pointless and stopped. One of the most remarkable cases was a mom in/around May, and her entire family having COVID (including their 9 month old), and the nurse noted that the mom thought they got it when they'd go socializing with the newborn, but the mom was mostly mad about the inconvenience and she was still trying to get some assurance that in two months the family could still go on an RV trip through SoCal... with a 9 month old... during a pandemic. These are the people my coworkers are risking their lives to save.

Luckily I got pulled from that duty. I still audit certain events in patient charts and a 30 year old pregnant mom died from COVID. I didn't need to dig deeper and had no desire to see if the baby survived. She went to the ED with shortness of breath and 2 days later was dead. I can't see Handlebars to see what he is arguing but I can tell you your argument is the only argument I want to hear. People should also fear an overrun ICU/hospital. People should feel a little remorse that they are forcing nurses and health practitioners to go through hell because .... some sad and completely wrong understanding of what freedom is.
He's saying I live in fear and that this is a freedom grab. Thanks for doing what you do. My wife works at a hospital in New Jersey
But what about my freedom? It's the same principle. Just because one was established a few years ago when one was this year and you're not used to it what's the difference? The government took my freedom to pollute away because other people live in fear of pollution. it's not my fault they're afraid why should my freedom be taken away? Same theory same argument. You think not wearing a mask for people not wanting to wear them makes them tough, that would makes them weak and callous. Nobody likes it I don't know anyone who is excited about this and is not a freedom grab. I don't know anybody from either side of the political aisle that likes it like this. Every Democrat I know cannot wait until restaurants and things open up again, I have a kid in school I want it to be normal for him. You think like a child
Please stop putting words in my mouth or mind reading things that you make up to be as bad as possible. Thank you.
The state has failed at the timely distribution of the vaccine... only 2/3 by the end of January is criminal.
I stand by the article that Newsom has botched the distribution... 1/3 at the beginning of January is correct.
He should step aside and let the private sector step in... Amazon has offered to assist and no response so far.

PS. The Federal effort to fast track the vaccine development has been a stunning success... normally 2-3 years. ;)
Again- we haven't even gotten enough doses so it doesn't really matter. The fast tracking was simply because a few years ago a scientist learned a way to replicate a vaccine using a protein. The feds didn't fast track s*it- and it wasn't even done in the US. But Trump sure took credit for something he had no hand in. The fed's "warp speed" was a failure. It was all empty promises.
He's saying I live in fear and that this is a freedom grab. Thanks for doing what you do. My wife works at a hospital in New Jersey
Yup, I assumed. It's the same macho bullshit. Any person with even a meager understand of what freedom is wouldn't be trying to say this is about freedom.

I adopted a department to send care packages of baked goods. The nurse-coordinators in my department were moved to work the floors. Every 2 weeks I bring baked goods to my coworker- they work 12-18 hour shifts in full PPE outfits and a fear they'll bring it home to their loved ones. It's tragic. This week it was cookies. In 2 weeks I'll make chocolate caramels for Valentines.
But what about my freedom? It's the same principle. Just because one was established a few years ago when one was this year and you're not used to it what's the difference? The government took my freedom to pollute away because other people live in fear of pollution. it's not my fault they're afraid why should my freedom be taken away? Same theory same argument. You think not wearing a mask makes people tough, it makes them weak and callous. Nobody likes it I don't know anyone who is excited about this and is not a freedom grab. I don't know anybody from either side of the political aisle that likes it like this. Every Democrat I know cannot wait until restaurants and things open up again, I have a kid in school I want it to be normal for him. You think like a child
Wait, I answered your first question about polluting. Can they pollute? The answer is "sometimes, yes".
I do understand that you are getting at a principle, but that principle is not applied to everything that is possibly harmful to others, is it?
That is where balance and sense comes into the equation.
PS. The Federal effort to fast track the vaccine development has been a stunning success... normally 2-3 years. ;)
That's pure comedic gold. The US Federal Government had no role in vaccine other than promising 2 billion dollars.

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