M2S Bikes All-Go | Carbon Fiber Electric Bike

Hi all, just wanted to post an update to let you all know that our Kickstarter campaign is now live. A lot of people had problems with the flexible funding option on Indiegogo, so we opted to relaunch on Kickstarter. We're hoping to sell 20 bikes through Kickstarter to complement existing orders and complete our first large order. If anyone is interested we're offering 10 bikes (7 of 10 currently left) at $2000 with $250 shipping. You can check out the details on the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1071920640/all-go-the-carbon-fiber-electric-bike?ref=nav_search

Thanks again for your interest and support.


Eric Crews,
M2S Bikes
I love biking in all kind of trails even if I am less fitted than years back .However to hear from
Eric Quote" Personally, I'm against having electric bikes on singletrack trails because I know it causes conflicts with user groups and as an avid mountain biker I want to try and do as much as I can to protect trail access."
hard to accepted and understand ..(He sells them). If so ;We should have ban /limited Hummer for off road used since it will cause or endanger smaller auto and environment .Look at how many of those car been sold and damaged to environment. I would rather people use e- bike to commute or activities,than tell them they can ride here or there. For all the cyclist I think they love out door and nature .Better way is education and time sharing;,we already had too much law and regulation!
The new bike look good but very poor in detail and put people in doubt how reliable (what test has been done)and what warrantee .3000$ is still big chunk of $$ to put out if work fair or for a short time .Not many people will know to find inform through sites like this. As a manufacture ,need to set principle clear ,rather than give conflict of interest.
As u know Hummer wasn't made for people who care for environment to begin with, contrary ebike original were.
These are very my personal opinion ,food for thought.
Consider this: M2S is essentially a newly formed bike company relabeling a Chinese sourced carbon fiber frame (w/ components to their specs). I have no problems buying from China however if some serious arises e.g. cracks start developing along the frame (which can happen to the best of bikes). M2S could fold overnight and you're left with a non functioning bike. Chinese manufacturers are not known for their post sales support. The woman I was dealing with to buy my electric unicycle last year on Aliexpress has vanished. Look at all the hoverboards from last Christmas. What will you do then?

As much as I would love to jump on this I'm going to let someone else be the guinea pig on this.
Hi all, just wanted to post an update to let you all know that our Kickstarter campaign is now live. A lot of people had problems with the flexible funding option on Indiegogo, so we opted to relaunch on Kickstarter. We're hoping to sell 20 bikes through Kickstarter to complement existing orders and complete our first large order. If anyone is interested we're offering 10 bikes (7 of 10 currently left) at $2000 with $250 shipping. You can check out the details on the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1071920640/all-go-the-carbon-fiber-electric-bike?ref=nav_search

Thanks again for your interest and support.


Eric Crews,
M2S Bikes

Hi Eric-Long time since I checked in on your campaign! How is it going? Have you sold all the bikes needed to keep things afloat? Are they still for sale with options to tweak for comfort and customized sizing? Great luck with ALL future sales! Thanks in advance! ;)
@Eric Crews | M2S Bikes, Do you have any updates on your current version of this bike you want to add to this thread. Do you want to keep this thread going? Since this is a fairly old thread we could delete it and you could start a new one. Just a couple of thoughts :)

Ann MM
I'd lock this thread. OP hasn't been back, and there's been no updates to his kickstarter campaign since January 13th 2017. Not good PR.