Searching for the perfect ebike

Glad you liked my post.
I hought you were ignoring me thanks for not. Are your ebikes perfect?
I do not ignore you. I just do not comment your posts if they make a little sense :)
Yes, my e-bikes are perfect for me.
Mine needs continuous maintenance such as buying new brake pads tires once yearly. Refresh sealant and wheel tape. Chains
and whatever Ruby Red juice.
Some installation I do myself.
I do maintain my e-bikes, too.
Well I gotta say that right now I'm leaning towards Specialized Turbo Creo. Either last years model at a steep discount or this years model Creo 2 Comp. We've had them fit to us and they will be just fine, also the motor controller is exactly what we're looking for. Buying last years model we give up the 1.2 motor for the original 1.1, but for us that's an easy compromise to make considering the price difference. We'll probably buy 2 of whichever bike we settle on.
Not interested in Rubee system. Pedaluma appears to only convert existing bikes to ebike, they are local to California. I'm across the continent in Montreal. Hilltopper ebikes are really cheap, but I think that their motor controller will leave a lot to be desired. Their controller is the basic 4 position one; I want one where I can fine tune assist in each level. I've contacted Pedaluma for more info, maybe that will help your attitude?
( perhaps the "moneyed" non thinker?) there was no offense intended everybody does not have your resources to draw on, give the prolateriat a break.
( perhaps the "moneyed" non thinker?) there was no offense intended everybody does not have your resources to draw on, give the prolateriat a break.
Do you mean that I shouldn't post on this forum because I now want a Specialized Creo 2 Comp? "Moneyed" non thinker, what does that even mean? Whichever bike I purchase has to be capable of epic rides up the Gaspe peninsula, the hills of the Eastern Townships, the mountains of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, and the Canadian Rockies. (Perhaps the "non moneyed" thinker?)
Do you mean that I shouldn't post on this forum because I now want a Specialized Creo 2 Comp? "Moneyed" non thinker, what does that even mean? Whichever bike I purchase has to be capable of epic rides up the Gaspe peninsula, the hills of the Eastern Townships, the mountains of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, and the Canadian Rockies. (Perhaps the "non moneyed" thinker?)
If you buy Specialized you must live with it. Not a bad choice. Just one of many options. Personally, having been a Specialized owner, I now go all Trek. Very sweet rides — I own 7 Treks now.
If you buy Specialized you must live with it.
"If you but Trek you must live with it".
I have successfully lived with Specialized since Nov 1st, 2019. As I also used to own e-bikes from two other brands, I have a reference point (to say Giant is not bad at all in the e-MTB!)

I own 7 Treks now.
I only own two Specialized but have been able to ride them for 33,453 km (20,791 mi), or at least that's what registered on Strava. (The actual mileage is higher because not only I rode those e-bikes).

I now go all Trek. Very sweet rides
Only with their electronics not being a match to Specialized. Trek has tried with at least 6 motor brands so far, and still seems unsure what to choose for its e-bikes :)