I beta tested for Lumos. One of 50 in the world, before they went into production (Kickstarter). The released version had LED's fail in the 1st year, the head padding velcro unglued and the remote got flakey. They sent me a second one, and I bought another one for my wife. After 1 year or so, more failed LED's and no ability to use with my Apple watch. Tried 1 million fixes, no go, dead with the watch. Even bought a new watch, twice. Apple Series 3 and a Series 4. Had a Series 1. None work anymore.
They told me to pound salt, over the 1 year warranty on the second replacement.
So, now I have 2 Lumos helmets with bad LED's and non-communicating Apple watch ability.
They won't tell me the answer to my question about the "new" style helmet as to if they are using the same LED's or an improved version.
So, on 'announcement day' for the new Matrix, you could have ordered one, but have to wait for production and release and shipping, and they want your money (to fund the process?), so again, no answers, no improvement, they have a flawed product and refuse to offer any fix other than to say we'll give you a discount on the new version give us your money and wait for it.
Just so you know, when the original beta test was over and the release version was in production, it took almost 7 months (behind schedule) to get released, and the product has defects.
My wife has an identical helmet works differently (same firmware, etc.) and the point of this blast is to be aware that the cool factor is for sure a great thing, the safety is unmatched, but their support sucks, their communication is horrendous and it takes weeks for them to reply (if at all).
So, sure, when you got 'FU' money to throw away, and want the coolest helmet there is, buy it, but do be aware that it will die a slow death.
I ride 2 times a day, a few hours and use it all the time. So, the occasional user may not experience my woes, but if you are a heavy user, be aware of the flaws.