Looking to build on a budget ......

Surly Ogre is compatible with belt drives. Might not be your thing. But you can get a full bike or a frame set and go from there. Won't be under 2k though.
I can share one thing. 29'ers are BIG bikes. I would not recommend one for anyone under 6' or so. 27.5" make a little more sense to me for that reason (I'm 6'1"), and still gives you a huge selection of tires to pick from.
The other downside to 29 for ebike is more likely to break spokes. As rule smaller diameter stronger is will be. Of cause you can custom built super strong 36spoke wheel but that will cost. I wouldn't recommend 26" as tire choices and spares are starting to become limited. 27.5" has best tire range of all wheel sizes.
The other downside to 29 for ebike is more likely to break spokes. As rule smaller diameter stronger is will be. Of cause you can custom built super strong 36spoke wheel but that will cost. I wouldn't recommend 26" as tire choices and spares are starting to become limited. 27.5" has best tire range of all wheel sizes.
29 = 700c. There are far more mtb, gravel and road tires available for 29'er than any other bike tire.
As for your build, the Motobecane TAZ2.5 looks like a solid option for a base bike, and the BaFang mid-drive and Gates belt are great choices for your conversion. I've also heard good things about Enviolo CVT systems, so that could be a good addition as well. One thing to consider is the size and weight of the battery, as it can affect the handling of the bike. You might want to look into getting a smaller or lighter battery if possible.
By the way, I recently discovered a manage bills app that helps me keep track of my expenses. So, it might help you save up money for something better.
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Gates belt
You need a frame that has a break in the right seatstay to install a Gates Belt. The KMC e1 is better for most conversions. I have an Nuvinci CTV hub. It is heavy as sin. You don't want something that heavy out at one end of a bike. I used a BMX extra wide half-link chain on a build this week. The half-link allows for finer tuning of length.

Pretty much exactly what happened to me. Couldn't stop coming back and looking at it - for MONTHS! I have several other nice bikes, but nothing like this. I called and had a few questions quite a while ago (early this year). Mostly to do with the reputation the early original M600's had for being pretty noisey. They were honest about it and told me their original prototypes were actually pretty noisey, but then told me about some proof of concept/demo bikes they had received that were MUCH quieter. Then they notified me that the bikes had landed and the back orders were being filled. That did me in. My next call was an expensive one..... BTW, the new M600 motor is quiet. There is nothing there to complain about....

Lifetime of motorcycles here as well. My last were naked Honda Goldwings (old wings) and Standard Valkyries that I used to refurb. Concerned for my reflexes, I decided to quit before it was too late. These e-bikes eventually filled that big hole nicely..... -Al

Now that you have lived with the Atlas and the honeymoon is over. Speaking strictly motor now, who do you love more.... the M600 or your first love, the Ultra with her available custom tuning?
THis is the Mototobecane that was mentioned by the OP. Add a mid drive, Wrap a belt around an IGH and slide in the rear wheel? Probably need a tensioner.

THis is the Mototobecane that was mentioned by the OP. Add a mid drive, Wrap a belt around an IGH and slide in the rear wheel? Probably need a tensioner.

View attachment 153039
Yes that sort of frame is just what the Dr. ordered for a belt, where there is no need to have a break in the frame. Don't know how you would tension it with vertical dropouts though. I am sure there is a way as my own belt drive bike had verts and it was do-able. But a real PITA to tension. Its been a few years so I don't remember exactly how it got done.
Now that you have lived with the Atlas and the honeymoon is over. Speaking strictly motor now, who do you love more.... the M600 or your first love, the Ultra with her available custom tuning?
Had to think about that for a second..... but I have to give it to the Ultra based on the 2 bikes I have. A BIG reason is the fact the Ultra has ALL available power on tap from a standing start (MY choice, done in the controller parameters). This means you had better be hanging on with both hands accelerating from a stop using the throttle. This vs. the M600 that's set up with a "soft start" (granny throttle) where it takes a couple seconds to come up to full power - and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.... not with the OEM controller anyway.
Had to think about that for a second..... but I have to give it to the Ultra based on the 2 bikes I have. A BIG reason is the fact the Ultra has ALL available power on tap from a standing start (MY choice, done in the controller parameters). This means you had better be hanging on with both hands accelerating from a stop using the throttle. This vs. the M600 that's set up with a "soft start" (granny throttle) where it takes a couple seconds to come up to full power - and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.... not with the OEM controller anyway.
First loves are hard to beat.... especially when they are so accommodating.