Long term impact of Coronavirus on ebike market....

We're seeing no change in kits and parts sales. eBikes are away to reduce contact and avoid public transportation.
But the financial sting isn't being felt yet.
Speaking of papers, that's another thing I stocked up on since Illinois passed the recreational bill. Best relaxer I've ever had for sleeping. Been very helpful during all this!

And if you find yourself locked down and out of relaxer you can, with practice, use those papers if the other papers runs out. Assuming you bought the "bomber" size lol
We're seeing no change in kits and parts sales. eBikes are away to reduce contact and avoid public transportation.
But the financial sting isn't being felt yet.

It may surprise us. eBikes could sees a significant boost. It's now utilitarian not just recreational. I also agree with you Thomas, once the financial sting hits hard enough all sales could dry up. What a fine mess we got into this time, Ollie.
And if you find yourself locked down and out of relaxer you can, with practice, use those papers if the other papers runs out. Assuming you bought the "bomber" size lol
I have the other paper covered. I operate a part time woodworking business and have an account with Grainger's. I found out our adult daughter was caught off guard with the TP panic. I ordered a case of big roll paper from Grainger's. 1 case equals 8,000 feet. The whole family is golden now!
I'd expect a glut for non-essential / luxury purchases in harder economic times. ebikes will likely fall into that category as economic reality sets in. Long term? Who knows. It depends on how the overall economy survives.
Well, I bought Grin's voltage boost controller and I'm shopping for solar panels at the moment, to charge the battery I'm about to buy. I'd buy another several bikes if I was richer including the fastest one on the market and the most mountain climbing ebike and one with a ski in front and the pontoons invention and a trailer etc.
Actually, the virus can be transferred from someone's hands to your bike handlebars, seat, or frame. If I were purchasing a new bike or taking my bike in for service, I'd be wiping it down with sanitizer before touching it ;).
I doubt the sales of ebikes will change.

I get OP's point, there's no doubt that the risk of death by COVID-19 will be decreased dramatically by individual health.
Healthy and fit people will have better immune system, and scientists have proven that exercise is one of the best ways to keep us healthy.

However, think again, do you see anyone registering for fitness classes since the COVID-19 outbreak?
Did you see the sales of junk food / fast food going down, and did people all the sudden rush to health food stores and bought organic health foods and omega 3 & vitamin supplements to boost their immune system?

Are people getting outside more, cycling, running, jogging, going for walk, lifting weights and joining recreational sport teams?

I doubt it.

It will boost the sales of toilet paper, disinfectant chemicals, wipes, masks, etc.. but not bicycles or sports/fitness goods.
The fitness gyms are closed in Toronto, no sports events, but I DID see children's bikes being bought...the exercise adults are getting is going to stores to buy ... PT...paper towels cuz TP is gone. We're down to new off-brands of PT by the big roll now. Everything down to tinned herring is gone, sardines still available...so is Spam. Canned veggies still for sale.
Fresh stuff is still in stock, eggs are still there in some places but mostly limited to 2 packs per sale, everything preserved/canned meat is selling out fast. People getting ready to hunker down.
Off topic, but this is an interesting look at (hybrid) ceramic vs. steel bearings.
Thanks Nova!

Great video thanks for sharing. It was interesting to note his discussion on preloading.
My device has a carbon arrow shaft resting on it and has virtually no load.
I've tried every bearing from here to China--literally-- and the hybrid ceramic bearings are night and day difference with spin times in a no pre-load condition.