
Saratoga Dave

Well-Known Member
Over at the Reddit Gravelcycling discussion they’ve been having a pretty good time posting pics of bikes with logs, for some reason. Why not drop a few here? I’m sure some of you PNW folks know what a tree looks like, fallen or otherwise.

I refuse to take pictures of my bike next to the logs I find on the trail. First of all, it means there is a bear somewhere around. Or an inconsiderate dog owner that doesn't want it in their face.
These pics were taken on one ride up on the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath from Bordentown, NJ to Trenton NJ in March of 2018. A heavy duty straight line wind event came in that small area and really knocked down a good number of trees. Working north on the towpath at Bordentown and I quickly come upon my first downfall, a big one. I normally don't carry my battery lock key and found quickly how heavy this Haibike is when lifting it up a few feet in the air to get over that first tree!

There was no easy way around this as deep growth is to the left and the muddy D&R canal is on the right.


Not far from the first big downfall was this one, which the wind ripped the tree right out of the ground and into the old, abandoned canal (at Bordentown, NJ)


You can see where the wind was oh-so-close to tearing the roots out of the soil


This particular towpath, from Bordentown to Trenton, is only a few ticks short of 4 miles. After this ride, it opened my eyes to avoid riding this towpath if the wind is blowing hard.


About halfway between Bordentown and Trenton, near the I-295 overpass.


Up at Trenton and the end of this portion of the towpath/state park and an interesting large tree branch almost peeled off the tree.


And not far from the last pic, was this large branch, peeled off it's tree by what had to have been some hellacious winds.


And here is the tree from which the last branch was torn away from. At the D&R Canal State Park (NJ), Trenton end of this stretch of short towpath trail.
The temperature has dropped to a bone chilling +13°C here now, and even colder at night !!
I think that I might be done riding for the season. 😂

(that was sarcasm. I'll still be riding if it's sunny and dry out, but I'm done at about 5°C)
I like to think that for most Canadians cold tolerance should be in our DNA. But when it turns really nasty many prefer to transform into snowbirds. ;)

The last image was shot in Banff National Park in March over a year ago along the Tunnel Mtn Trail. I don’t recall what the temperature was at the time but it wasn’t too bad. Snow is forecast to start flying later this month here but may arrive sooner in the mountain resorts.

I think between us Canuckle heads, you and @JGcycle out east, @DaveMatthews on the west coast and me on the prairies, we should have proper reads on what regional winters will have in store for us.

As for me, I plan on riding right through to spring.

Yule Logs

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I like to think that for most Canadians cold tolerance should be in our DNA. But when it turns really nasty many prefer to transform into snowbirds. ;)

The last image was shot in Banff National Park in March over a year ago along the Tunnel Mtn Trail. I don’t recall what the temperature was at the time but it wasn’t too bad. Snow is forecast to start flying later this month here but may arrive sooner in the mountain resorts.

I think between the three of us Canuckle heads, you out east, @DaveMatthews on the west coast and me on the prairies, we should have proper reads on what regional winters will have in store for us.

As for me, I plan on riding right through to spring.

Yule Logs

View attachment 164871
Are you sure they aren't Yule Brynner logs?