LOCKS - All about Ebike locks !!

Thanks, I am familiar with a kickstarter, but I didn't know about the organization, and hadn't seen KS in reference to it. I searched it, and read about some of the projects. $50,000 for a Burning Man temple, and the infrastructure will burn. Getting pretty far from the original, simple man statue. Must be lucrative be a contracting artist.

In this context, it's referring to KickStarter. I think they were referring to the KickStarter for this bike lock: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fuzdesigns/noke-u-lock-worlds-smartest-u-lock/description
In this context, it's referring to KickStarter. I think they were referring to the KickStarter for this bike lock: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fuzdesigns/noke-u-lock-worlds-smartest-u-lock/description
I backed the Noke Ulock KS campaign. Their expected delivery was supposed to be September 2015. Then it slipped to November 2015. NOW they announce they won't deliver until April 2016. My personal inner clock for tolerable slipped deadlines on crowdfunding is 3 months. After that I'm out.

I just requested a full refund on this campaign. I figure I can invest that money and make enough in the next 7 months to pay retail for the lock if it ever shows up.

(See, Sonders backers? Storm delivered only about 6 to 8 weeks late... imagine if he had been 7 months or more late!)
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I hope the Noke Lock makes it. It seems like a very elegant design, and I like that is has an audible alarm to alert bystanders that the thief is up to no good.
If they can make it work it should be a good & elegant solution. They sold themselves based on having done 4 prior successful campaigns on Kickstarter, assuring backers their previous experiences would enable them to quickly bring this product to production within the timeline or possibly earlier than that (Sept 2015). Ironically this Noke project might turn out to be their 'worst' campaign in terms of meeting their own schedule and requiring redesign of several components of this product.

I just want my $$ back at this point and I'll be glad to root for them from afar.
That makes sense. As you said, you can just buy the lock at full price when it hits the market.
I have a son who is constantly losing his keys. For Christmas, I gave him a "Tile" as a stocking stuffer. Cheap enough, around $25 - less if you buy a larger quantity of these tiles.


Looking for a way to track my bike if stolen, I search on this site for ideas and remembered about the Tile gift. While I feel that a lock, audible alarm, and a tracking device are all important with expensive bikes, this maybe a way to allow GPS tracking that many are looking for in an inexpensive manner.

I have not used one so I don't know how well it would work or any problems associated with it's use. Not a perfect result as you or others with a tile system need to be close for the signal to work, but for $25 - it's something...

I sure hope that something of this type becomes universal for our bikes.
Hey - I found a real cool thief deterrent system where a guy hooked up a stun gun to the bike seat! I won't post the link here, but I'm sure you can find it if you search.
Just lightening up the atmosphere here :) sorry for the useless post.
Not going to stop a determined drug addict/thief.. All you can do is slow them down with two good quality locks, and some kind of theft insurance, if you think theft is a high probability.

Where I live I lock my bike up for grins... one time I dropped the keychain on the ground and came back an hour later.. someone found it and placed it on my seat.. Most places are not that generous.
I backed the Noke Ulock KS campaign. Their expected delivery was supposed to be September 2015. Then it slipped to November 2015. NOW they announce they won't deliver until April 2016. My personal inner clock for tolerable slipped deadlines on crowdfunding is 3 months. After that I'm out.

I just requested a full refund on this campaign. I figure I can invest that money and make enough in the next 7 months to pay retail for the lock if it ever shows up.

(See, Sonders backers? Storm delivered only about 6 to 8 weeks late... imagine if he had been 7 months or more late!)

Sometime the boats from China are held up in customs for months and months. I have a friend in the fireworks biz here and he orders shipping containers full. Sometimes they take 10 weeks. Sometimes 30 weeks. nothing to do with Sonders being good or others being bad.
Hey - I found a real cool thief deterrent system where a guy hooked up a stun gun to the bike seat! I won't post the link here, but I'm sure you can find it if you search.
Just lightening up the atmosphere here :) sorry for the useless post.

Interesting until he forgets he armed it. And he will.
Anyone with a brake lock that HASN"T forgotten it was on ONCE?
Not going to stop a determined drug addict/thief.. All you can do is slow them down with two good quality locks, and some kind of theft insurance, if you think theft is a high probability.

Where I live I lock my bike up for grins... one time I dropped the keychain on the ground and came back an hour later.. someone found it and placed it on my seat.. Most places are not that generous.
Interesting until he forgets he armed it. And he will.
Anyone with a brake lock that HASN"T forgotten it was on ONCE?

This is more of a practical joke than an actual remedy. If you watch the video, I'm sure you will get the pun!!! All bike thieves need to be punished!!!