As noted above, a hex wrench in your chainring bolt does the same job for $0 added cost, since you surely have one in that size already. As a bike stand, I use two hockey pucks under the kickstand and that lets me pedal forward, but I have the luxury of a 2-legged kickstand.
If rolling the bike backwards hurts the motor thats on the motor, not the rider. I can't imagine that actually being a thing though.
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I like to do my chain lubrication out at a city park as its such a simple job and I'd rather do it outdoors than penned up in a hot garage. I am not the guy who uses 'lasers' to zap the chain clean ,and then sends it to the Vatican to get blessed by the Pope. I use an old towel and squirt Rock and Roll onto the chain links with that towel under the squirtees. Then I wipe. Then I move to the next segment of chain. 10 relaxed minutes later I am done. The chain is lubed and silent for a couple more weeks of daily riding.
Despite this shockingly care-free methodology, my chains last for roughly 3000 miles. So I could wash the thing in holy water and sing it a lullaby... and get ... 3200 miles? Screw that. Its just a chain.