Limitations on Riding Uphill

If I were granted a "do-over" in the OP's case, I'm pretty sure my next choice would not be an e-bike for riding locally in his area.

A grand idea for a lot of reasons, but I don't see it ending well in the end. An open mind on the topic might suggest a light weight trail bike, or possibly a moped, might be a better choice. Either could be purchased on the same budget an e-bike that has any chance in this area has.
Bafang and Shengui hubs are cheap because they are sold in zillions, with and without bikes. Hence bikes with these motors are cheap. Bikes with 500W Dapu hub cost from $2,000 by small companies like EG, while Pedego with the same hub cost at least $3,200, this is 60% more. I doubt that it generates 60% more torque than EG :).

Don't know much about Mini, other than it has (peak?) 750W hub, according to the specs. If Mike's says it is really peak 350W hub... because of...??... weak controller?... Then upgrade the controller. 750W hub, be it nominal or peak, should be able to generate at least 750W peak.

500W geared hub with adequate controller will generate ~80hm torque. If this is not enough for the OP in the terrain where he is - then it's not enough, and no 500W geared hub will work for him then.
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From the comments perhaps I was not clear. I only use the throttle to cross one "busy" road, otherwise I always pedal on hills. I can pedal up all the hills I come across, most in pas 3, some even in pas 2 and some of the harder hills I must use pas 5. My disappointment is that it appears that I should not be using pas 5 to climb up hills that I need it on and I assume that I may be harming the bike when doing it. Besides this the Radmini is a great bike and I don't want a scooter, I just wanted a little assistance. I have attached the stats of a short ride up and back down the worst of hills. The max speed is not me pedaling, just coasting down the steepest part. I do appreciate everyone who has replied. A variety of opinions greatly enhances the chances of making good decisions.


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I agree with easy3putt
Don’t worry too much about burning up that motor running it up a few hills in level five

Checking the motor to see if it’s hot after a few of these steep hills is probably a good idea
but it will probably be fine

If you find it is getting really hot then something with the bafang ultra motor may be one to consider

That flx bike might be a good candidate

I have not babied my 2016 rad rover any and it has 2500 miles on it with zero problems

I also had a RadMini and did not have any issues with it