Lights Save Lives

I need to get a new passport to replace my expired one and get back there.
Last time I was in Banff/Jasper 5 years ago this is what it looked like.

The "premium" headlight from RadPower is awful, the standard one is far worse. I was looking for something that I had hoped I could wire directly into the headlight circuit of the 35A controller, but I couldn't determine how much current that circuit could supply.

I ended up with these running off their own battery pack:

I have them mounted to one of these:


I kept the "premium" light on the bike and use it as my DRL, the two other lights are just for limited light riding. There are times I might be out at 3 or 4 in the morning going into work or heading home. The problem with these lights is there's no on/off switch and when they're connected to the battery the buttons glow. Thus draining the battery within a couple of days if not charged.

I 3D printed a plate to mount to the points on the bike, and mounted the battery underneath the frame and above the controller. I added in that switch that can be unplugged from the lights. I can then plug the charger into the switch turn it on and it'll charge the battery. The wiring for the headlights I fished down through the frame with the rest of the wires. That was a chore, and I can tell you, that when the holes are cut into the frame for the wiring, the burr is not cleared off. I'd bet that most bikes made suffer the same condition so be careful fishing wires it's very easy to rip the insulation off.

I'm running these as turn signals . They also have red flashers that I use at night and the yellow can be activated as "4-ways" like a car. I've found that cars give me more "respect" when I'm using the turn signals. It's helped greatly with those that hover behind you, if I put on a signal, they'll hang back and let me get into the lane and turn. Most do anyway.


These charge quickly and hold a charge for a very long time. Any time I use the headlights as soon as I get home I plug them in to charge because I found the battery doesn't last nearly as long as the manufacturer says. The turn signals beep when activated, each side is a slightly different tone. Problem is, with the road noise the beep is difficult to hear.
I don't use amber lights. Self driving cars cannot determine if you are on a bicycle or a stationary road hazard lights.
I only use the ambers for turn signals same as any other vehicle. The controls allow just the reds to flash, or both the reds and ambers. Shouldn't the logic of a self driving car try to avoid it whether it's a bike or a stationary hazard?
I see plenty of people that have dark or black clothing and no lights and often no reflectors at nigh. sometimes regular cyclists who should know better.
I almost teeboned another chappie on a bike turning into my street a few months ago.

I was riding home from work in winter, so night time. I had my lights on (800 lumen + integrated light up front, cygolite hotshot + integrated light down back) but didn't see the other rider until I was a car length away: black bike, dark clothing, no lights, no visible reflectors picking up my lights.

Very close to a bad crash. Had zero indication he was in my path until the very last minute. Terrifying! He looked like a regular commuter - goodness knows how he survived this long.
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...ALSO....I am constantly surprised at how many cyclists I see without a mirror. To me , mirrors are as important as lights ( since I almost never ride after dark . )...

I bought e-bikes for my wife and I this past spring.

The accessories I added very quickly were:

Rear view mirror



Ours have integrated head an taillights, but the ones I added are so much better.

I also added another accessory that some here may think is quirky. I already had a Garmin Zumo XT motorcycle GPS that I use on my ATV. So, I bought a bracket to use it on my e-bike. No, it certainly is not a bicycle GPS. It doesn't keep track of my cadence or anything like that. However, it does show me where I am and navigate me home.

One of the features I use the most is determining how many miles to home or whatever starting point I came from. That way, on longer rides, it helps me determine what power assist settings I can use.
After reading Court's review I switched to Cygolites on my Emtb and they are excellent! ALSO....I am constantly surprised at how many cyclists I see without a mirror. To me , mirrors are as important as lights ( since I almost never ride after dark . ) The vast majority of drop bar roadies that I see do not use mirrors ....why not? Are they 5 grams too heavy?
They hate the weight of a 6oz. mirror or light. Makes no sense at all. Maybe in an official road race it would make sense, but on busy city streets is just dumb. It's the same with tires. They refuse to use lined, puncture resistant tires because of the extra ounces it adds. So, they have to stop and repair them along side a busy street. I've offered some of them my Slime before and they refuse. Too much extra weight. Lol-I use a side mirror as well as a rear camera mirror. The cam works great at night and in shady areas. Not so hot in bright sunlight. Too much glare. So, I use both. Me and my gf like riding the bike trails at night sometimes. Lots of lights on and a rear cam w/night vision. Spooky fun!
I bought e-bikes for my wife and I this past spring.

The accessories I added very quickly were:

Rear view mirror



Ours have integrated head an taillights, but the ones I added are so much better.

I also added another accessory that some here may think is quirky. I already had a Garmin Zumo XT motorcycle GPS that I use on my ATV. So, I bought a bracket to use it on my e-bike. No, it certainly is not a bicycle GPS. It doesn't keep track of my cadence or anything like that. However, it does show me where I am and navigate me home.

One of the features I use the most is determining how many miles to home or whatever starting point I came from. That way, on longer rides, it helps me determine what power assist settings I can use.
My bike controller shows me the speed and miles ridden. Pretty accurate so far.
I was looking for something that I had hoped I could wire directly into the headlight circuit of the 35A controller
There a quite a few lighting system that run from battery leads and work in the range of 24-60 volts.
a simple tap with a resetting fuse makes wiring simple and clean.

i bought a few of the fuses and can make them with any connectors.

Here's a pair that needed lights:

Yes, I know I'm riding down the wrong side, but this path is rather off the beaten path and it's rare to see anyone on it. Plus the side I was on has far fewer roots pushing up the asphalt than the other side so I try to take that side to keep from chipping my teeth. :)

I didn't see him until I was right on top of him, this was around 5pm. Kid was fine, I think the kid saw me, but he didn't know what he was seeing and swerved in front of me, then out. Some lights would have had them stand out some. I had my headlights and red flashers on this path is heavily shaded.
Yea, flashing headlights would have been seen for sure. I usually go slower when sun's in my eyes like that, expecting the unexpected. Joggers, moms with strollers, other bikes etc. Bike trails can be as dangerous to navigate as a Walmart parking lot on the weekend. Question: Why is you're bike motor so loud? I can't even hear Ecotric motor.
Depends on the state. Here in Wa. state you run any type bike headlight you want. Most people use solid at night and flashing during daytime.
Illegal on public roads. Modulating are better a legal.
Your post prompted me to review the Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169, since I live in Minnesota.

It looks to me as if M.S. 169.222 OPERATION OF BICYCLE specifically does permit a white flashing signal.

MS 199.222 Subd. Subd. 6 (c) A bicycle may be equipped with a front lamp that emits a white flashing signal, or a rear lamp that emits a red flashing signal, or both.

I am curious why you posted that it is "illegal on public roads"?

I don't doubt that it may be in other places, but not in Minnesota, however.

At night, the flashing headlights are hard on drivers eyes and a distraction. But, in the daytime they work perfect and are the safest mode for bikes. I doubt they are illegal anywhere. Now, strobe mode on headlights should be outlawed. Very dangerous.
"illegal on public roads"
It is, or was in my MC riding years. only a modulating light was legal. Sorry fella. But I have to say I find it odd that flashing lights on a MC are illegal and legal on a bike. Interesting...
strobe mode on headlights should be outlawed.
Stobe mod was ten years ago, only modulating was legal FOR HEADLIGHTS. Again regarding motorcycles. Having ridden there...
WOW!! interesting exceptions in Minnesnowta!

Subd. 3.Flashing lights; glaring lights.​

(a) Flashing lights are prohibited, except:

(1) on an authorized emergency vehicle, school bus, bicycle as provided in section 169.222, subdivision 6, road maintenance equipment, tow truck or towing vehicle as provided in section 168B.16, service vehicle, farm tractor, self-propelled farm equipment, rural mail carrier vehicle, or funeral home vehicle;

Equally weird a motorized bicycle, which can be significantly less powerful than many available eBikes is classified as a motor vehicle. WTF?
I was hit by a car in a T-bone while having three bright, steady, forward headlights (two niterider Luminas and a single that matches what @JedidiahStolzfus uses just not two of them). In a bike lane and only going about 15 mph too. Vehicle driver looked thru me and not at me and drove out into traffic after stopping. Afterwards I asked myself WTF else I could do and the answer was add a forward blinkie.

I literally don't care what the law says, and I no longer concern myself with whether a light might annoy a driver. Been riding daily with that blinker since early 2018 (took me a few months of rehab to be able to get back on the bike) and no complaints yet. Bring em on if someone wants to, though. Won't stop me.
There is nothing dangerous or distracting to the adverage, totally aware, driver of seeing a small, flashing front bike light in daylight hours. If it is then that person should not be behind the wheel. Now, to use flash mode at night, in the front is super dangerous, as it blinds the drivers. I use two headlights at night, both on solid beam, and two flashing tail lights day and night.
There is nothing dangerous or distracting to the adverage, totally aware, driver of seeing a small, flashing front bike light in daylight hours. If it is then that person should not be behind the wheel. Now, to use flash mode at night, in the front is super dangerous, as it blinds the drivers. I use two headlights at night, both on solid beam, and two flashing tail lights day and night.
I do the same, I use my red flashers at night, but I don't set my bike's built in tail light to flash as I want it to stand out when I hit the brakes.