Let's see your best pic of your electric bicycle

Went to the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers today:

Man! That is a nice picture. Looks like a nice place to go to .
Thank you for sharing. Keep looking up! Ken.
Oh Boy!!! It has been about 20 years since I have been able to do that . Go man Go!! Keep looking up ! Ken.
Edit-as I have been thinking about it. It is more like 40 years since I have been able to do a good wheelie . ( Can't spell it either.)
Man am I getting old! Keep looking up ! Ken.
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Some recent shots to bump the thread.

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Not looking forward to going back to this kind of weather. The first shot was taken under duress. I had been actively, but anomalously involved for months in a search of forests and woodlands for a missing dog. One day I got caught out and my photo was taken for publicity purposes. I really didn't want the publicity, preferring just to do my own thing.

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One of the other bikes that I also have. I bought this ladies step through to sell on again, but enjoy riding it too much to want to sell it. It might only have an Active Line motor, but it certainly rolls very fast above the UK 15.5mph legal cut off point. I find that I just can't fault it. :)

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Some recent shots to bump the thread.

Not looking forward to going back to this kind of weather. The first shot was taken under duress. I had been actively, but anomalously involved for months in a search of forests and woodlands for a missing dog. One day I got caught out and my photo was taken for publicity purposes. I really didn't want the publicity, preferring just to do my own thing.

One of the other bikes that I also have. I bought this ladies step through to sell on again, but enjoy riding it too much to want to sell it. It might only have an Active Line motor, but it certainly rolls very fast above the UK 15.5mph legal cut off point. I find that I just can't fault it. :)
Glad you brought your enthusiasm and experience back:cool: Tried to send you a PM, but your profile and message is closed to all.

Keep the pics coming! Should have some of my new 29'er posted soon:)
Thanks for the kind words J.R. Hopefully the setting are changed now. :) My passion and enthusiasm for e-mtb's and a whole has never dwindled, and through encouraging others to ride and try my bikes, there are several new pedelec riders out there. :) If you happen to use Instagram, a few more photos can be found here. https://www.instagram.com/eddiejefferies/

Looking forward to seeing some photos of the 29'er when it arrives. My Panasonic powered KTM e-Race P hardtail arrives in seven days time, and my one regret was that I didn't give enough thought about whether to get a 27.5 or 29. For me and where I ride it is quite a tough call, but in a side by side free wheel test with two KTM pedal mtb riders, the 29 definitely begins to pull away once the momentum is going. I still don't know if I have done the right thing, but as the existing bike is 27.5 I guess that from a tyre replacement point of view, that it makes sense. The new bike has been on order for ten months, and I'm really looking forward to getting it.

A few more photos for you. :)

Both of the current toys. This was pre Swiss trip in July. Sadly due to an accident one week before departure, I had an accident and ended up leaving the peddle bike behind. Shame though, as I get such a buzz from riding it. I'm still recovering from a fall that happened in March, and the July tumble compounded the injury, which has prevented me from riding unassisted as much as I would like.

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And a few more.

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I must admit that riding back here in the UK after riding in Switzerland, seemed very dull and uninteresting.

Oddly the switch between terrain also takes some getting used to.
Over here, it is predominantly wet, muddy and at times very slippery. In Switzerland it was mostly hard packed or loose stone, and initially I really struggled with my speed and confidence over it, and drifted very wide on corners. The pace quickened over the two weeks, and when I got back to the UK and went out with my regular pedal mtb riding partner, I really struggled with the mud, and was very very slow and un steady. Normally we would be pretty evenly matched. It certainly brought home to me, the skill level that a professional cyclist must have, in being able to just switch and change.

I did return trying to think of ways that I could exploit my love and knowledge of the Swiss Alps, and combine it with e-bike tours for wealthy Americans. :) What a way to live a life. It never hurts to dream. :)
I actually seriously planned doing the same over here on the South Downs, but the logistics of it and the very limited riding season, sadly put pay to that idea.
My bike looks too pedestrian compared to these off road beasts.
I know how you feel! I was expecting to see some more on my caliber and these all look like some high end pieces of work! Either way I like mine for what it is and works like a charm! I'm sure yours does too :D
Johnny and Joe, it doesn't matter what bike that you ride or where you ride it. If you are getting out and enjoying yourself, and the bike does what you want from it, I can't see that either aspect matters a stuff. You would have to be a very shallow person to judge otherwise. The more people that are out and about riding the better.

Ref the thread, my take is that it is good just to see photos of parts of the world that might not otherwise be shown or seen. You could just post a photo of a bike outside of shopping mall, and it would have exactly the same meaning and interest as a photo taken of a bike, in some remote wilderness. :)
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Very nice Ron. :)

Certainly a well specced and immaculate looking bike.
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