Lectric XP

I've called around several bike shops asking if they'd service my ebike. I've gotten turned down by most. One even asked me if my ebike has a throttle, which I responded yes it does. They're response, "yeah we won't touch those, too much of a liability." One of the shops was an EBR advertised shop you see at the bottom of this thread. I was sort of shocked but not surprised.
Samething in my area. 3 shops since I started looking for an ebike. One has already closed, the one closest to my house, hates ebikes and won't work on them, can you believe that!? same Shimano gears etc. He told me "to take it back to Walmart"! The other one will only work on what they sell. I have purchased over $200. worth of parts and accessories ( I have 2 XP's) and not one dime went to any of those shops. Had I purchased from their stores it would be close to $600. I have become a big fan of AliExpress, Youtube University and spent $7.50 for a set of T handle metric allen wrenches. I am now equipped to do anything a bike shop can in less time than it would take to get the bike to one of their shops.

My squeaking brakes were driving me nuts, where I was ready to take it to shop. After being turned down, I found a 2 1/2 minute video on you tube, went to the bike and in 30 seconds fixed the cause of the brakes squeaking. Loosen 2 screws, squeeze the brake handle, then tighten the screws back down, done caliper aligned! Those bike shops don't know it, but they did me a big favor, I don't need them, they need me and they will never get it. That would have probably been a $30. shop repair, I did it in 30 seconds.
I think it's because it has been trouble for them in the past. You are looking for value. That's why you bought the XP in the first place. Then you take a 900.00 bike that works fine in for a " simple " adjustment or tune up and they are going to charge you a big chunk of money that is disproportionate to the cost of the bike. That is a formula that is just itching for confrontation. With simple hand tools and a little bit of YouTube coaching, get out there and do the adjustments yourself. Get to know the bike better in the process. Who knows, with a little success you might get the encouragement to try changing that light bulb in the hallway next?
It's like discovering a secret society. Just outside the Henderson, NV entrance to Lake Mead Nat Park, I noticed a little road alongside the state highway. So today I checked it out. It's a bike path. Bike paths have yellow lines down the middle just like roads?!?! As I pull in there's a "Bike Repair Work Station" with an air pump and a bike rack with tools hanging there for doing repairs. What on earth? So I do a little riding down the path and there are these adorable little round tunnels that cross under the highway. And one involved a sharp turn and they'd hung a convex mirror there so you could see if anyone is coming.
I was in Henderson doing a photo shoot with the local fire department years ago, such a beautiful area, especially the Lake Mead Nat. Park, but actually you have a lot of awesome parks around there. Very envious of you, I'm in Wisconsin waiting for the winter blast, but as long as it's not raining or snowing I'm out every day taking advantage of any decent weather I can, and we do have really great bike paths here also, just too short of a season. And I do have to agree about the secret society remark, I have not been out biking in many years, so this is opening up a whole new world.
Try this video. It is specific to our derailers. Mine was way out of adjustment too and the guard was bent. All is good now though.

Thanks for sending me this video. I been looking all over the internet trying find our exact derailleur. I'm a novice at adjusting and I just didn't care to mess something up.
I think it's because it has been trouble for them in the past. You are looking for value. That's why you bought the XP in the first place. Then you take a 900.00 bike that works fine in for a " simple " adjustment or tune up and they are going to charge you a big chunk of money that is disproportionate to the cost of the bike. That is a formula that is just itching for confrontation. With simple hand tools and a little bit of YouTube coaching, get out there and do the adjustments yourself. Get to know the bike better in the process. Who knows, with a little success you might get the encouragement to try changing that light bulb in the hallway next?

Not the light bulb in the hallway! No, man, no. That's a bridge too far. lol
For anyone else in the Lawrence/Kansas City area: the Sunflower Bike Shop on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence is e-bike friendly and one of the mechanics actually has an e-bike himself.
For anyone else in the Lawrence/Kansas City area: the Sunflower Bike Shop on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence is e-bike friendly and one of the mechanics actually has an e-bike himself.
In NYC this is my bike shop. They are great, even knew about the Lectric.

Samething in my area. 3 shops since I started looking for an ebike. One has already closed, the one closest to my house, hates ebikes and won't work on them, can you believe that!? same Shimano gears etc. He told me "to take it back to Walmart"! The other one will only work on what they sell. I have purchased over $200. worth of parts and accessories ( I have 2 XP's) and not one dime went to any of those shops. Had I purchased from their stores it would be close to $600. I have become a big fan of AliExpress, Youtube University and spent $7.50 for a set of T handle metric allen wrenches. I am now equipped to do anything a bike shop can in less time than it would take to get the bike to one of their shops.

My squeaking brakes were driving me nuts, where I was ready to take it to shop. After being turned down, I found a 2 1/2 minute video on you tube, went to the bike and in 30 seconds fixed the cause of the brakes squeaking. Loosen 2 screws, squeeze the brake handle, then tighten the screws back down, done caliper aligned! Those bike shops don't know it, but they did me a big favor, I don't need them, they need me and they will never get it. That would have probably been a $30. shop repair, I did it in 30 seconds.

The closest bicycle shop to me, less than 5 miles. $77 per hour labor rates. My mechanic for my car isn't even that expensive. I don't see how some of these shops are in business. A basic tune-up from them is $95.
The closest bicycle shop to me, less than 5 miles. $77 per hour labor rates. My mechanic for my car isn't even that expensive. I don't see how some of these shops are in business. A basic tune-up from them is $95.
That's crazy! Received a "Bicycle" magazine in the mail the other day, Lectric may have sold the mailing list. Some of the bikes advertised in there were in the $12,000 range. No wonder the Spandex crowd is a little strange, $12,000 for a bike? No wonder they don't want anthing to do with a $899. bike and told me to "take it back to Walmart. It's a Snobbish thing with them. I am going to enjoy it even more when I blow one of them off with my $899. bike. 😂 Kind of like a KIA blowing off a new 2020 Corvette. 😁
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You tube and $20 in tools should get you through most repairs. After a bit of practice it's not too hard.
Right on! Add Daceman's AliExpress for any parts needed and we now have a complete bike repair shop. I was embarrassed after I found the right video how easy my repair was. Some of the videos made it harder than it really was. However I did find Amazon was the best price for a 20 x 4 fat tire tube.
Right on! Add Daceman's AliExpress for any parts needed and we now have a complete bike repair shop. I was embarrassed after I found the right video how easy my repair was. Some of the videos made it harder than it really was. However I did find Amazon was the best price for a 20 x 4 fat tire tube.
Which tire did you buy? I've been thinking about purchasing a set in the future. And about the inner tube for our XP's, where is the best place to buy for the best price? Thanks for your help!
Which tire did you buy? I've been thinking about purchasing a set in the future. And about the inner tube for our XP's, where is the best place to buy for the best price? Thanks for your help!
I just replaced a tube that I popped from not watching the bead on the tire when I aired up after installing Slime. $8. on Amazon, $13 on AliExpress. Also bought a spare just to have one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CGDVXL8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

What year Vette did you have? I had a 62 for 25 years I sold a few years ago.
That's crazy! Received a "Bicycle" magazine in the mail the other day, Lectric may have sold the mailing list. Some of the bikes advertised in there were in the $12,000 range. No wonder the Spandex crowd is a little strange, $12,000 for a bike? No wonder they don't want anthing to do with a $899. bike and told me to "take it back to Walmart. It's a Snobbish thing with them. I am going to enjoy it even more when I blow one of them off with my $899. bike. 😂 Kind of like a KIA blowing off a new 2020 Corvette. 😁
I have a really modest $450 KHS Flite 150 that I use for commuting to class. Occasionally I come across a Spandex type, and those tight clothes must be quite suffocating, because they seem to get mad very easily. One time, I accidentally cut in front of a Spandex type and he made sure to let me know that I should be ashamed of my "shitty one-speed" (it has 7 speeds) and told me to "get back in the kitchen." I just said "whatever, dude."
I have a really modest $450 KHS Flite 150 that I use for commuting to class. Occasionally I come across a Spandex type, and those tight clothes must be quite suffocating, because they seem to get mad very easily. One time, I accidentally cut in front of a Spandex type and he made sure to let me know that I should be ashamed of my "shitty one-speed" (it has 7 speeds) and told me to "get back in the kitchen." I just said "whatever, dude."
I been going out every night sense I received the bike (4 weeks) and every night I get a least one or more the Spandexer's giving me dirty looks, doesn't mean a thing to me, still having a great time.
I'm really enjoying my XP. Honestly even though it's got locked down settings, has some basic components and isn't "top-of-the-line" or the best at anything in particular, it's still really fun to ride. It has put a smile on my face and for the $900 it was worth the wait. I don't regret it as my first ebike.

Taking it up to 28 MPH was thrilling but with the stock gearing I won't be using that sort of speed much. Way too much pedaling effort. So I'm going to upgrade the freewheel and the chainring possibly next Spring. Winter is coming so I'm just going to ride as much as I can the way it is.

I guess I'll upgrade the seatpost as well seeing as most that have already done so gave such positive feedback. I may as well try a comfier springed seat too.

Another thing I'd like to add is an additional seat to be able to take my 2 year old son for a ride. I'm just not sure if I should go for a rear mounted seat (some attach to the rear rack) or a pull trailer he can sit in. The trailer would probably be heavier but more spacious and comfortable. The seat he would be looking at my back all the time. Any opinions on this?
Try this video. It is specific to our derailers. Mine was way out of adjustment too and the guard was bent. All is good now though.

Yesterday my bike started refusing to downshift lower than 5th. Good video. Apparently this stuff isn't that hard. I managed to fix the problem and now it shifts like it's supposed to.

First derailleur adjustment so take this with about 100 grains of salt, and please correct me if I'm wrong. The 1st gear and 7th gear adjustment screws tend to be 'set it and forget it'. The cable collar adjuster that doesn't require any tools is something that needs a tweak now and then?
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