Lectric XP

The highest gearing seems too low peddling near 20mph, I can't imagine peddling to assist in getting to 28mph.
After setting PO8 to 45, in PAS 5, 7th gear with my normal cadence, not a hamster on a wheel, my speed was 26.5. I am comfortable with that. If I wanted to look like a hamster going down the road, I could probably hit 28, but why, I don't ride that way. 😊
I did my first test run for my commute to work and back. It’s 9.3 miles round trip. On the way there 4.65 miles took 15 min. Mostly pas 5 and a little throttle. Ride back was pas 3 no throttle and took 17min.

I don’t understand the energy bar. On my last mile I only had 1 bar left but when I stopped it filled back up to half.

A little disappointed as 25 miles was considered the low end range.
My battery took about 3-4 charges before it built up enough to go past 30 miles, now with no problem. I ride in mostly PAS 3, 7th gear. My first charge was probably less the 20 miles, but I was trying out everything all levels of PAS to gears, throttle and everything in between.
That battery bar will fluctuate as the draw settles down. The most accurate reading is to go to volts using the mode button. It will tell you just how many volts are remaining. 44v is my turning around point.
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My battry took about 3-4 charges before it built up enough to go past 30 miles, now with no problem. I ride in mostly PAS 3, 7th gear. My first charge was problably less the 20 miles, but I was trying out everything all levels of PAS to gears, throttle and everything in between.
That battery bar will fluctuate as the draw settles down. The most accurate reading is to go to volts using the mode button. It will tell you just how many volts are remaining. 44v is my turning around point.
Same here on the battery, after several charges it just keeps getting a little better at holding a charge longer. I ride mostly in PAS 2 or 1 and 3 when I want to either get home or get out of the way of traffic. You were talking about the hamster on wheel, did it for a few seconds in PAS 5 just to see what kind of speed I could get out of it, 29mph.
Anyone willing to share the kind of range they get and what pas they are using?
I am averaging 30 miles, all flat ground, PAS 3, 7th gear and I have 3 or 4 bars left. But it took a few charges to get to that point. My first couple of charges, I wondered too, but that battery does build up.
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Appreciate the updates on range and charges. I’ve only put 21 miles on it so far. LOVED my commute this morning to work!
It only gets better with time. Unless it's raining I'm on the bike after work every day, winter is coming here, need to get in as much ride time as I can. How many miles is your commute to work?
Problem with throttle not engaging from a stop. Purchased 3 bikes and 2 have this issue. Once underway, the throttle will work, but I need to peddle until pas kicks in. Anyone having this issue?
Problem with throttle not engaging from a stop. Purchased 3 bikes and 2 have this issue. Once underway, the throttle will work, but I need to peddle until pas kicks in. Anyone having this issue?
That's a new one, between my cousin and me we have three bikes and they all will throttle right away without needing to peddle. May want to contact Lectric on this one.
It only gets better with time. Unless it's raining I'm on the bike after work every day, winter is coming here, need to get in as much ride time as I can. How many miles is your commute to work?

I’m in Michigan so winter is coming here as well. The commute is 4.65 miles to work. 90% of it is on a rails to trails bike trail.

A nice bonus is my work has bike racks inside the building and a plug to charge it. So it’s very safe between Keyed entry and multiple cameras.
Problem with throttle not engaging from a stop. Purchased 3 bikes and 2 have this issue. Once underway, the throttle will work, but I need to peddle until pas kicks in. Anyone having this issue?
check setting P09, should be 0 (zero start). this is an unlocked setting

edited: I originally thought it was locked setting.
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Why is it more confusing? Does one list contradict the other?

(Someone did post something about one of the settings (P5 I think it was) that was different but I think that was an error).

I posted default settings from the other thread called "Known Issues..." on page 3. If I read correctly martinctv got these from Lectric directly. There's minor differences. Here's mine:


*P01: 1-3 LCD brightness
*P02: 1 MPH/0 KPH

P03: 48V Voltage
*P04: 10
P05: 1 Throttle on/off
P06: 20 inch tire height
P07: 1
*P08: 32 - 45 max speed (KPH)
*P09: 0

P10: 2
*P11: 3 Pedal Assist Sensitivity
*P12: 3

P13: 12
P14: 18
P15: 40V
*P16: 0 mile odometer
P17: 0
P18: 100%
P19: 0
P20: 0

And then you posted these by Hdgoldie:

"Think this has been posted before but JIC -

What the settings control -

P01: 1-3 Backlight Brightness Adjustment, 1 Lowest, 3 Brightest.
P02: 1 Mileage Unit Setting. 0: km, 1:mile
P03: 48V Voltage Selection Setting. 24V 36V 48V
P04: 10 Sleep Time. 0: No Sleep, Other Numbers Are Sleep Time, 1-60 Minutes
P05: 1 Power Gear Adjustment,
P06: 20 Rim Diameter. Mine needed to be set to 25.5 to correct my odometer
P07: 1 Number of Speed Magnets. Range: 1-100
P08: 32 or 45 Speed Limit: 0-100km/h
P09: 0 Throttle toggle. 0 = active, 1 = inactive
P10: 2 Drive mode.0: Pedal Assist only, 1: Throttle only, 2: Both pedal assist and throttle.
P11: 3 1-24 PAS sensitivity. Higher numbers take more rotation to turn on
P12: 3 0-5 PAS strength. Higher numbers cause motor to come on stronger
P13: 12 Magnet type 5, 8, 12
P14: 18 Current limiting. 1-20 amps
P15: 39 I think this is the voltage where the motor cuts off.
P16: 0 Odometer zero. Long press the upper key
P17: 0
P18: 100%

Here's the factory defaults:

P01: 1-3 Screen brightness
P02: 1
P03: 48V Voltage
P04: 10
P05: 1
P06: 20 inch tire height
P07: 1
P08: 32 - 45 max speed
P09: 0
P10: 2
P11: 3 Pedal assist sensitivity
P12: 3
P13: 12
P14: 18
P15: 41.5V
P16: 0 mile odometer
P17: 0
P18: 100%
P19: 0
P20: 0"

Maybe this topic needs a thread of its own with unlocked and locked default settings pinned at the top? This would be helpful for newcomers and those looking to replace their controllers and displays.
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Not sure if the recent question about Throttle was involving only PAS, or a comment about using the Throttle as well. The way it was framed, it sounded like this person is expecting the PAS to kick in immediately once you start turning the pedals, that is dependent on the P11 setting. Unless you are talking about the twist throttle not working from a standstill, which it should. The PAS always will take at least one turn of the pedals to get the motor to kick in, depending on your P11 setting.
Is the XP capable of being placed in the 7th speed? I'm having a problem having it shift to 7th speed. I know the adjustments must be off or the derailleur is bent. If it needs adjusting, what screw should be adjusted first, the H or L screw. Alignment of the chain takes on a strange angle when the chain is manually placed on the 7th speed teeth of the cassette. The angle is fairly extreme is why I ask. I would've thought that this would have at least been adjusted before the bike was shipped. The box the bicycle was shipped in didn't appear to have any damage to the area where the derailleur was located, but you know how shipping company employees handle boxes sometimes. I am new to adjusting derailleurs and this is why I ask. I have bent the derailleur guard out at least 1" or a little more. Thanks for any and all help.
Bike Trails:
Looking for bike trails in my area all I was finding were state and county parks, I went on my city's website and found bike trails ALL over the city. I road 8 miles of them yesterday and they are everywhere, some I didn't know even existed and I have been here 30 years. Worth checking your local City to see what they have. The majority of the connecting paths and trails I can access 3 block from my house. Nice printable map too. Many of the paths were new in 2019. Example attached.


Its also worth noting, most trails and parks and greenways say over 20mph bikes are illegal. So if you changed your speed setting and raised its class, you will want to lower it back down. I have no idea how hard they enforce that but just something to keep in mind.
Is the XP capable of being placed in the 7th speed? I'm having a problem having it shift to 7th speed. I know the adjustments must be off or the derailleur is bent. If it needs adjusting, what screw should be adjusted first, the H or L screw. Alignment of the chain takes on a strange angle when the chain is manually placed on the 7th speed teeth of the cassette. The angle is fairly extreme is why I ask. I would've thought that this would have at least been adjusted before the bike was shipped. The box the bicycle was shipped in didn't appear to have any damage to the area where the derailleur was located, but you know how shipping company employees handle boxes sometimes. I am new to adjusting derailleurs and this is why I ask. I have bent the derailleur guard out at least 1" or a little more. Thanks for any and all help.

Yes, it easily goes into 7th. It is possible that your derailer is actually bent and needs to be bent back out some as well, but watch that park tools video on adjusting derailers that were posted earlier before trying to do any bending of the actual derailer.
Mine throttles from stop
Mine doesn’t throttle from a stop but I don’t mind it. Stops me from accidentally twisting the throttle and crashing the bike when I don’t want it to actually move. Kicks in immediately if I do the slightest movement forward.
[URL="https://electricbikereview.com/forums/goto/post?id=223741" said:
joeo said:[/URL]
Problem with throttle not engaging from a stop. Purchased 3 bikes and 2 have this issue. Once underway, the throttle will work, but I need to peddle until pas kicks in. Anyone having this issue?

Mine throttles from stop

Mine did that the very first time I tried to ride it. Once I pedaled one time and activated pas, It started working every time after that. I thought it a bit weird but again, It only did that for me on the very first ride then it worked normally after that.
check setting P09, should be 0 (zero start). this is an unlocked setting

edited: I originally thought it was locked setting.
That may be the issue. I looked at settings shared here, but that list may have been wrong. I’ll try to change after work.

I did call Letric service, and he hadn’t heard of this issue before. He is checking into it. I’ll post what I find out.
That may be the issue. I looked at settings shared here, but that list may have been wrong. I’ll try to change after work.

I did call Letric service, and he hadn’t heard of this issue before. He is checking into it. I’ll post what I find out.
I'm not really sure of the function. Lectric manual calls it "throttle active/inactive" but someone posted this picture: 39726 that shows P09 describing something more like what you are experiencing.