Lectric XP

Hello! I'm new here, and this has probably been asked before but I couldn't successfully find it in a search, but how exactly do you guys lock up your Lectric XPs to standard bike racks?

I ordered mine on Aug. 31, and I'm order #511x, which is allegedly going to be shipped in October, but I'm trying not to count on that too hard. Either way, I want to be able to be prepared for when I get it and be able to go out and use it and properly lock it up to bike racks. My college campus is extremely hilly and bicycle hell even for me, and I've cycled almost every day since I was 10.

Like I said, I live on a college campus, so bike theft is obviously an issue. Last year, there were 40 bike thefts during the school year and already there's been one bike theft from right outside my residence hall, which is scary. It wasn't my bike that was stolen, but it wasn't my first run-in with bike theft: I've had two bikes stolen in my lifetime, and another time I caught a bike theft attempt in progress. In other words, this isn't my first rodeo.

From looking at the XP's frame, it's not obvious to me how one would properly lock it with a standard U-bar lock, much less the spare mini "Fahgettaboudit" U-lock I have now. I already have a spare short chain lock that I suspect I will use to either lock the front wheel to the frame and/or the rack. As it stands now, I suspect using chain locks to secure it will be the best approach.

I already plan on just folding the thing up and keeping it in my dorm room with me overnight so that I don't have to worry about it getting jacked from outside of my residence hall, but when I'm in classes/labs for 1-3 hours, I'd rather not be constantly thinking about my bicycle and hoping it's still where I left it.

So... how do you guys lock it up? Pictures would be awesome, but don't feel obligated.

P.S.: There's a guy on campus who owns a Rad Mini and he locks it... with a single cable lock. Yep. He uses a cable lock to secure his $1500 e-bike... at that point, you're almost asking for it. He's lucky I'm not a bike thief.
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P.S.: There's a guy on campus who owns a Rad Mini and he locks it... with a single cable lock. Yep. He uses a cable lock to secure his $1500 e-bike... at that point, you're almost asking for it. He's lucky I'm not a bike thief.

He's a funny guy. He should do stand up.

Sorry, I can't help with a locking strategy - I don't have my bike yet.

This might help for your front wheel and seat.

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Here's a fantastic purchase if you can find it. I think Aliexpress got in trouble for selling this as it's sold elsewhere for a lot more money. I have received mine and it sounds really nice..much better than the one that came with the bike....and louder. I highly recommend. I just managed to find another one for my girlfriends bike on aliexpress as she really likes the look and sound, but if you notice they won't show a picture of the item. I ordered it...Aliexprress only shows you the package but it's their way of selling something there not supposed to sell. Until they get caught...
Here is a picture off mine, the first add and the second add. I highly recommend...
Got it, I will be on the hunt tomorrow. Took me a minute to figure it out. 👍
Hello! I'm new here, and this has probably been asked before but I couldn't successfully find it in a search, but how exactly do you guys lock up your Lectric XPs to standard bike racks?

I ordered mine on Aug. 31, and I'm order #5113, which is allegedly going to be shipped in October, but I'm trying not to count on that too hard. Either way, I want to be able to be prepared for when I get it and be able to go out and use it and properly lock it up to bike racks. My college campus is extremely hilly and bicycle hell even for me, and I've cycled almost every day since I was 10.

Like I said, I live on a college campus, so bike theft is obviously an issue. Last year, there were 40 bike thefts during the school year and already there's been one bike theft from right outside my residence hall, which is scary. It wasn't my bike that was stolen, but it wasn't my first run-in with bike theft: I've had two bikes stolen in my lifetime, and another time I caught a bike theft attempt in progress. In other words, this isn't my first rodeo.

From looking at the XP's frame, it's not obvious to me how one would properly lock it with a standard U-bar lock, much less the spare mini "Fahgettaboudit" U-lock I have now. I already have a spare short chain lock that I suspect I will use to either lock the front wheel to the frame and/or the rack. As it stands now, I suspect using chain locks to secure it will be the best approach.

I already plan on just folding the thing up and keeping it in my dorm room with me overnight so that I don't have to worry about it getting jacked from outside of my residence hall, but when I'm in classes/labs for 1-3 hours, I'd rather not be constantly thinking about my bicycle and hoping it's still where I left it.

So... how do you guys lock it up? Pictures would be awesome, but don't feel obligated.

P.S.: There's a guy on campus who owns a Rad Mini and he locks it... with a single cable lock. Yep. He uses a cable lock to secure his $1500 e-bike... at that point, you're almost asking for it. He's lucky I'm not a bike thief.
Fold it up, take it inside
I have a Kia Optima and am hoping I can fit one in backseat and one in trunk, haven't tried it yet as its been pouring rain here in Hope, BC
My cousin has the same car and he was here this weekend, tried to get the bike in the trunk and it was a no go, had to use the back seat.
Can't wait to see the results!
Did 5 miles after installed the Giddyup seat. It did work nice and is a keeper. It is not an oversize seat, just 1/2 inch wider than the factory seat, but fits nicer with better padding. The safety light on the back is a nice plus. I weigh 210 lbs and noticed my Zoom seat post was bottoming out. I took 2 tightening turns on the seat post adjustment on the bottom of the post, that also helped. It's been 39 miles since tightening the peddles, checked this morning, still nice and tight. Watch for Amazon coupon on the seat, I had a 10% discount coupon.

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Giddy Up! Bike Seat - Most Comfortable Memory Foam Waterproof Bike Saddle, Universal Fit, Shock Absorbing…

Here's a fantastic purchase if you can find it. I think Aliexpress got in trouble for selling this as it's sold elsewhere for a lot more money. I have received mine and it sounds really nice..much better than the one that came with the bike....and louder. I highly recommend. I just managed to find another one for my girlfriends bike on aliexpress as she really likes the look and sound, but if you notice they won't show a picture of the item. I ordered it...Aliexprress only shows you the package but it's their way of selling something there not supposed to sell. Until they get caught...
Here is a picture off mine, the first add and the second add. I highly recommend...
Found the bell, did you get the larger or smaller size?
Now imagine if these were solar panels. Do I even need to finish my thought? :cool:


  • Airplane bike.png
    Airplane bike.png
    156.5 KB · Views: 396
Finally! #2553 ordered July 9th was delivered today! Thanks the the XP forums and the experience of those before me... , I unboxed it, straightened out the derailleur, put on a new set of bigger peddles with blue locktite, a mirror, adjusted the slightly crooked handlebar, put a strip of velcro (the soft fuzzy side) on the battery to prevent rattling, checked the brakes, filled the tires, adjusted the program settings... and now its on the charger. To answer the usual questions...

It has steel fenders, 52t gear, Blaze-Lite head and tail lights, and I too believe the rear rack mounts should be inside the frame vs outside, so I moved them. Now the sit flush.

This thing is a BLAST to ride! Far exceeding my cool factor, fun factor and quality expectations!
Hello everyone, I would just like everyone to know that Lectric ebikes (Brent, Robby & Levi) have excellent customer service, I finally got my 2 bikes and one of them didn't turn on and this was Friday 13th so just my luck I guess. But Brent actually got back to me on Saturday morning to try and troubleshoot the problem and referred it to his technician. Then Robby got back to me later on Saturday and we tried another thing but it still wouldnt turn on. So this morning Robby called me back to have me take off the display screen & Mode button (couple of screws each no prob), it has a quick disconnect and because I have 2 bikes we tried to plug it into the black bike and it still didn't work, so then I took both bikes and plugged the white bike into the black bike and used the black bikes display and everything worked fine on the white one, sounds confusing but not really, I just wanted to make double sure that it was the display screen that was malfunctioning and not something else. So needless to say, the display was the problem and Robby said they would ship me out a new display asap. Well not even 1/2 hr later I had my shipping email and tracking number. Thanks guys, I am very happy with this outcome, it would have been a pain in the butt to send the whole bike back seeings how I live in Canada and had it shipped to the border. Can't say enough about this customer service...so great, well done!!
Hello everyone, I would just like everyone to know that Lectric ebikes (Brent, Robby & Levi) have excellent customer service, I finally got my 2 bikes and one of them didn't turn on and this was Friday 13th so just my luck I guess. But Brent actually got back to me on Saturday morning to try and troubleshoot the problem and referred it to his technician. Then Robby got back to me later on Saturday and we tried another thing but it still wouldnt turn on. So this morning Robby called me back to have me take off the display screen & Mode button (couple of screws each no prob), it has a quick disconnect and because I have 2 bikes we tried to plug it into the black bike and it still didn't work, so then I took both bikes and plugged the white bike into the black bike and used the black bikes display and everything worked fine on the white one, sounds confusing but not really, I just wanted to make double sure that it was the display screen that was malfunctioning and not something else. So needless to say, the display was the problem and Robby said they would ship me out a new display asap. Well not even 1/2 hr later I had my shipping email and tracking number. Thanks guys, I am very happy with this outcome, it would have been a pain in the butt to send the whole bike back seeings how I live in Canada and had it shipped to the border. Can't say enough about this customer service...so great, well done!!

It sure looks like we picked the right company to buy an ebike from. Kudos Lectric!